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Waiting until Izuku and Mei, who had morning duty, arrived and sat down for breakfast, Nemuri asked, "Have you seen the news?"

"Not since I woke up," replied Izuku, grabbing himself an entire plate of toast, butter, and a jar of strawberry jam.

"A pretty massive outbreak occurred near Edinburgh Castle in Scotland," explained Nemuri. "Toshinori rushed over to lend a hand and managed to clean things up, but the news and social media outlets have been in a tiff since a fairly famous vlogger managed to capture footage of the creature that led the charge, a Level 293 Boss monster called a Tarrasque."

With Nemuri sliding her cell phone across the table, Izuku picked it up and pressed play on the video she had queued. In it, a colossal creature that looked like a mix between a T-Rex and a Xenomorph could be seen rampaging through a formerly scenic country townlet, towering over the buildings at more than twenty meters in height at twice that in length. Its body was covered in crimson scales, fierce, bull-like horns protruded from its head, and twisted spines covered the length of its body and the tip of its long, blade-like tail as it completely disregarded the attacks of several famous Pro Heroes as if they were inconsequential gnats.

"So this is an S-Ranked Boss monster..." muttered Izuku, wondering what its status looked like. In the end, it didn't matter as its head was abruptly sent cratering into his body as the figure of Toshinori appeared, creating a sizeable shockwave as his punch caused the Tarrasque to slide back and roll limply before coming to a stop and dissolving in motes of bluish-white light, defeated in a single blow.

Extending her right hand to indicate she wanted her phone back, Nemuri waited for Izuku to return it before explaining, "Though Toshinori arrived within minutes of the outbreak, the Tarrasque and its spawn managed to kill at least 1600 people. Because of that, the Crown and Parliament have come under scrutiny as the public believes they are more concerned with harvesting the breaches for resources than containing them outright..."

Preempting Izuku saying something similar, Nemuri smiled and mused, "Which is true, of course. However, in this particular instance, the issue was that they 'couldn't' contain the breach. They sent several groups of Heroes and soldiers inside to try and clear it, but even the weakest of the Tarrasque's spawn was Level 170. There is also a restriction that anyone above Level 200 can't enter it, but except for certain 'outliers,' the highest recorded Level is only 138, belonging to the Rank 1 Hero of India, Parvati. Because of that, many have concluded that it was 'impossible' to clear, a sentiment that didn't go over particularly well with the public as it's known that breaches only grow more powerful with time."

"Since Read can only see a person's base Level, I can't blame them for thinking that..." replied Izuku, taking a sip from the coffee that Momo had dutifully poured for him. Afterward, he set the cup aside and remarked, "But Japan doesn't have a monopoly on destructive Quirks like Black Hole and reinforcement Quirks like Gigantification. Level 293 isn't that high, so there must have been another, more selfish reason they couldn't kill the Tarrasque."

"Someone's putting their Intelligence to work~" mused Nemuri, taking a moment to pull up an article before turning her phone around to reveal a group of scientists surrounding a table filled with fiery red crystals. Izuku didn't read the article, but the headline, 'A Cleaner Alternative to Nuclear Energy?', gave him a pretty good idea of what it was about.

"So they were treating the Tarrasque's breach like a mine for Fire Mana Crystals..." muttered Izuku, shaking his head. He couldn't blame others for wanting to capitalize on the breach's resources, as he was doing the same thing, but everything had its limits. The moment you move on from using the breach's resources to grow stronger and start using them for the sole purpose of trying to increase your wealth, you're no longer taking the situation seriously. Now, likely due to the decision of a single asshole, sixteen hundred people had perished for naught.

"That's right," replied Nemuri, licking a small amount of cream from her lips before adding, "But, on a more positive note, we now have access to even more breaches. The public wants them closed at any cost, and with Toshinori being a busy little bee and Britain's No. 1 endorsing us, we have quite a bit of leeway to do as we please."

Piggybacking off Nemuri's words, Historia appended, "Father hopes that Japan will continue to work alongside Europe and the rest of the world to resolve the MWT Phenomenon once and for all. To that end..."

With Historia appearing uncharacteristically nervous as she met his gaze, Izuku's expression softened into a reassuring smile as he asked, "Shall we make things official?"

"If nothing else, it would put my heart at ease..." responded Historia, her voice faint but expression regaining a bit of its usual vigor.

"Then I'll prepare a ring," replied Izuku, causing Historia to breathe a faint sigh of relief. She didn't think Izuku had changed his mind, but since she had witnessed how...passionate he could be with a woman he truly loved, she began worrying their relationship was nothing more than what it was based on: a mutual exchange of benefits.

'Looks like I shouldn't keep delaying things...' thought Izuku, feeling a little guilty. Fortunately, now that their numbers had decreased, he would have much more time to spend with those who remained.

"What does everyone think about entering an A-Rank breach...?" asked Izuku. "They might be filled with Level 100+ monsters, but we shouldn't have too much trouble."

"I have a few good candidates," responded Nemuri. "The only downside is that they're mostly Labyrinth and Quest-type Breaches. They're not nearly as popular as other Breach types due to the associated risks, so there are quite a few."

Puffing her sizeable bosom and smiling proudly, Rebecca remarked, "With my Skills, exploring Labyrinths is child's play. But unless we stumble into a monster nest or trap, there isn't much Experience to be found."

Since Rebecca had the [Cartography], [Auto-Mapping], [Sense Trap], [Sense Treasure], and [Resource Detection] Skills, she had every right to be confident in her ability to investigate Labyrinths. However, her most useful Skill, at least in Izuku's opinion, was [Monster Magnet]. It had the effect of attracting every monster within a 1km radius of her position, so while she was proficient at clearing Labyrinths, her best 'use' was farming Experience in Field-Type breaches.

"I wouldn't mind searching for Artefacts in a Labyrinth, but our priority should be increasing our Levels as much as possible," contended Izuku, turning to Nemuri to ask, "With that in mind, what information do we have on the Quest-type breaches?"

"If acquiring Experience is our priority, we should enter those with the condition of defending an objective, surviving a set amount of days, or fending off several waves of monsters," responded Nemuri, eyes on her phone as she scrolled through a list of available breaches.

Finding what she was searching for, Nemuri handed her phone to Izuku, stating, "Things will be less 'convenient' now that Ryuko is gone, but this should serve our needs nicely."

"Clear nine waves of monsters or survive for 72 hours..." Izuku read aloud, raising his brows as he looked up to meet Nemuri's gaze, asking, "Is there a reason this breach hasn't been cleared?"

Nodding affirmingly, Nemuri explained, "The 72 hours part has nothing to do with completing the Quest. It's the time it takes for the breach to open after a group has entered it."

"Really...?" asked Izuku, smiling as he noted, "If that's the case, then, so long as we don't clear all nine waves, we can continuously reset it to gain additional Experience. That's pretty convenient."

Shaking her head, Nemuri elucidated, "Unfortunately, things work a bit differently in Quest-type Dungeons. Experience and rewards are withheld until after you've completed the Quest objective. That's the main reason this breach hasn't been cleared. The monsters beyond the seventh wave are few, but their Levels exceed 200."

"So it's an A-Rank breach teetering on S-Rank..." muttered Izuku, staring pensively down at Nemuri's phone. Historia was powerful enough to clear A-Rank Field-Type Breaches on her own, and with One-for-All, there were few monsters he couldn't simply one-shot. Still, as there was such a thing as 'Magic' at play, it was important to remain cautious...


Name: [Izuku Midoriya]

Title: Telania's Champion(Luck +500)

Quirk: Digitalization, Transfer, Stockpiling, Singularity, Gearshift(sealed), Fa Jin(sealed), Danger Sense(sealed), Blackwhip, Smokescreen(sealed), Float(sealed)

Current Level: 71 (2,138,469,007 EXP)

Effective Level: 169(883)


Strength: 30(300)

Agility: 30(300)

Vitality: 300(6,000)

Intelligence: 235

Dexterity: 100(1000)

Luck: 1000

Free Attributes: 0

Rerolls Available: 83


[Lesser Regeneration], [Healthy Body], [Sharp Mind], [Nimble Fingers], [Keen Senses], [Lucky], [Intuition], [Tripping], [Golden Opportunity]


[Taunt], [Breakthrough], [Qigong Strike]

[Golden Opportunity]: You have an intuitive sense of when a situation might benefit you.

[Taunt]: Attract the enmity of monsters and people toward you with a profane shout.

[Breakthrough]: A mighty blow that deals more damage against targets with higher durability.

[Qiqong Strike]: Take a steadying breath and launch a blow that damages a target's internal organs and disrupts the flow of Mana.


Though he had strangely not acquired a personalized Artefact, Izuku's base Level had increased by two and his Effective Level by nineteen after he received several Blessings. Rumi had acquired an incredibly scant, fur-lined outfit that made her look like a Berserker, but since he was already much stronger than his Level suggested, Izuku wasn't jealous. Rather, as Rumi's outfit showed even more skin than her Hero Costume, he was quite satisfied with how things turned out...

Making up his mind, Izuku nodded and said, "Let's give it a try. Once everyone's finished eating, Momo, Mei, and I will head to the seventh floor to prepare any supplies we might need. The rest of you, make sure you're ready to camp for at least a week. We can always return between attempts, but it's better to be overprepared than under."

With everyone responding with varying degrees of enthusiasm, breakfast continued and eventually concluded without incident. However, instead of heading to the seventh floor with Momo and Mei, Izuku entrusted the duo to prepare things without him as he accompanied Historia and Rebecca to their room. His [Golden Opportunity] gave him the impression something good would happen if he did so, and it was right. Historia had apparently been exchanging texts with Rumi, seeking advice on how to improve their relationship, so the moment they reached her room, Izuku found himself locked inside and assailed by the two girls. Luckily, he had given everyone until noon to prepare, so while they only used up two, they had more than five hours to make up for lost time...




"We definitely should have waited until we came back..." said Rebecca, wearing a slightly pained expression as she used a hand-held shower nozzle to spray her abdomen and crotch with lukewarm water. Historia didn't appear to have any trouble accepting Izuku's cock, but due to the disparity in their sizes, Rebecca initially felt like she had been split open. Things got easier thanks to him rubbing her belly and Historia lapping up her blood and stimulating her clit, but her post-coital pussy was tender, swollen, and if she tried applying anything hotter than lukewarm water, it stung like no tomorrow.

Exhibiting no shame, Historia, feeling concerned, plainly asked, "Should I try licking it...?"

"I mean, I'm not going to tell you not to..." replied Rebecca, moving aside the showerhead and feeling markedly better as Historia crouched in front of her, grabbed his waist, and began licking her pussy without hesitation. In truth, Historia's ministrations stung, but the pain was soon replaced by a tingling numbness that gradually gave way to pleasure. Fortunately for her, Izuku just grinned at the scene and, after rinsing himself off, climbed into the bath to relax, enjoying a few moments of peace with the sound of Rebecca's suppressed, panting moans and the running of the showerhead functioning like white noise that nearly caused him to doze off...




(A/N: I was a bit ill yesterday but have mostly recovered. If you notice an inordinate amount of mistakes in the chapter, feel free to let me know, and I'll fix them when I get a chance.)



Woo there Rebecca going a lil to Yuri, can't be soloing Izukus women like that. Not cool bro not cool.


Thx for the chapter! Take care of yourself!