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[June 9th, 1800]

While splayed out next to Andrew, completely naked and with her forearm resting on her forehead, Minfilia remarked, "This tryst was long overdue..."

"Always happy to help~" hummed Andrew, modeling a relaxed smile as he adjusted the combat simulator's setting using a laptop-like device. Minfilia had asked about it before they fucked like rabbits, so he was calibrating it for her use.

Though some women might feel annoyed seeing the person they loved 'ignoring' them, Minfilia sported a smile as she closed her eyes and traced her fingers up and down her abdomen. She had been basking in the glow of their lovemaking for nearly twenty minutes but could still feel phantom sensations as if Andrew was still pinning her to the bed, hammering her in a mating press...

"Here, it should be good to go," said Andrew, interrupting Minfilia's reverie by proferring her the simulator's headset. She immediately donned it, and as a result, her body went rigid as the display on the laptop showed her in a high-tech chamber, completely naked.

"Am I supposed to be naked...?" asked Minfilia, her voice emanating from the speaker's as she looked around.

"The headset performs a localized scan to ascertain your biometric data and equipment," explained Andrew. "In other words, since you're naked in reality, you're naked in the sim."

"And how do I—"

Before she could finish asking her question, the headset's lights dimmed, returning Minfilia to reality.

"That's one of the sim's failsafes," explained Andrew, reinitializing the program as he appended, "To prevent psychological damage to the user, it will expel you the moment you feel a strong urge to leave or voice your desire to do so aloud."

"I see..." muttered Minfilia, looking around until she spotted a transparent drone-like camera hovering behind her, smiling knowingly as she asked, "Is there a reason you sent me back inside without giving me a chance to arm or dress myself...?"

"Yeah, but you're free to back out if you want," replied Andrew, initializing the custom program he had Chadley create before setting the laptop off to the side and donning a headset of his own.

Materializing in front of Minfilia, also naked, Andrew adopted a smile and explained, "I've been worrying about the 'logistics' of trying to manage a growing number of women, so I had Chadley and Shinra create a 'Sphere Program.' I won't tolerate my women being bedded by a simulation, but a program that allows them to reminisce specific encounters skirts the line of permissible..."

Blinking in surprise, Minfilia asked, "Then, we are to make love within this place?"

"Don't worry," said Andrew, clapping his hands and causing the high-tech room to become a perfect copy of her office at the Waking Sands.

"I've developed a habit of slotting in an Assess Materia whenever I walk around or fight fiends," Andrew explained. "Thanks to that, I can simulate any environment I've explored in detail down to the people and monsters that inhabit it."

Demonstrating his point, Andrew created a copy of Minfilia seated at her desk. However, as he took care not to record their conversations, the sim lacked Minfilia's personality and combat data. And, until she donned the headset herself, it couldn't perfectly replicate her body's 'interior,' only its external appearance.

Seeing a perfect copy of herself standing behind her desk, Minfilia stared in awe as she asked, "Is this how I appear to other people? It's quite a bit different from looking in a mirror..."

Driven by curiosity, Minfilia approached her duplicate and inspected it from numerous angles. It happened to be wearing the outfit she typically wore as the Antecedent of the Scions, so she even got a view of the 'butt window' Andrew was so fond of, causing her to feel a little embarrassed as it was considerably more risque than she realized...

As Minfilia reached out to poke her doppelganger in the cheek, it turned to her, perfectly mirroring the voice and mannerisms she had displayed to ask, "Might I be of assistance...?"

"Oh, my...!" exclaimed Minfilia, startling and covering her mouth in shock as she didn't expect her simulated counterpart to speak. Moments before, it was just staring off into space.

"This is one of the more annoying functions of the sim," remarked Andrew, smiling wryly as he explained, "It's not perfect, but it can make a copy of its users to serve as a kind of foil to help them grow stronger. If you ever use the sim on your own, I would advise you to avoid fighting mine unless you want to die of frustration..."

"I'll keep that in mind," replied Minfilia, covering her mouth and giggling in concert with her look-alike. It was a little creepy, so Andrew was going to dismiss the latter before Minfilia stopped him, expressing, "Wait. It would be a shame to send her away so soon. My curiosity has been piqued."

Nodding in support, the false Minfilia, using context clues to ascertain the situation, added, "Indeed. I'm already here, so the three of us may as well make the most of it."

Raising his brows, Andrew directed a stupefied look to the actual Minfilia and asked, "Are you serious...?"

"This way, I can claim at least one of your firsts," mused Minfilia, winking playfully. She couldn't have imagined this situation a few hours prior, but now that it was happening, she felt excited. Thus, without any discernible hesitation, she began caressing the ass of her doppelganger, prompting it to do the same as they started making out.

Recovering from his momentary stupor, Andrew grinned wolfishly and approached the duo, joining the impromptu makeout session. He hadn't expected to have a threesome when he booted up the program, but the allure of 'twins' was too powerful. Minfilia was one of the most beautiful women he associated with, so with a version of her on each arm, Andrew felt like a King...maybe even a God...




[June 10th, 1800]

Though it was more than a little shameless of him, Andrew was passing the time using a tablet to customize the avatar/doppelganger of Y'shtola. She had stopped by after hearing about Minfilia's experience, so he spent much of the previous afternoon being fawned upon and 'criticized' by six different versions of her, each wearing bunny outfits. The sextuplets had bound and blindfolded him, and though he was confident he had guessed which of them was real, the nearly identical cat girls 'tormented' him quite a bit for guessing 'incorrectly'...

As the combat sim used a very sophisticated AI to function, the avatar Andrew was customizing asked, "How much longer are you planning to fool around? I have research to conduct." in Y'shtola's innately seductive tone.

"Don't get carried away..." said Andrew, using his finger to mess up the doppelganger's simulated hair. Her personality and appearance were a perfect match for Y'shtola's, but she was ultimately just the extension of a program, the same one that emulated himself and all the fiends he fought. She would cease to exist when the program terminated, and once he ran it again, she would be 'generated' anew. The new version might look and act the same, as it was sourced from the same data set, but according to Chadley, each instance was completely unique. And, considering he was a cyborg whose AI was derived from the same source code, it was fair to say the white-haired youth knew what he was talking about.

With Andrew changing her into a white string bikini, the Y'shtola clone took it upon herself to produce a blue popsicle, deliberately sucking its tip while staring at him with a pouty but suggestive look in her eyes. Most of its personality data was assembled from Y'shtola while she was horny, so it exuded sensuality from every pore of its digital existence.

'I might actually have to scrub the system...' thought Andrew. Chadley or, more accurately, Shinra had given him a private server, but it periodically needed to interface with the 'Worldwide Network' for system updates and the like. He had agreed to this when Shinra gave him the server, knowing full well they would use it to gather information on other worlds, but there was no way in hell Andrew was going to let them discover how corrupt his personal cat girl had become...

Fortunately, as Chadley felt indebted to him for eliminating Hojo, Andrew had the highest possible access to the server's administrative tools. More accurately, the AI associated with his combat sim was programmed to do whatever he told it, including deleting itself if needed.

Though it was probably a meaningless sentiment, seeing the programmed Y'shtola slip the entire popsicle in her mouth, removing it a few seconds later to reveal a bare stick, Andrew didn't have the 'heart' to purge the data set outright. Instead, he told the AI to create a kind of 'black box' to store data that wouldn't be uploaded when it was time to synchronize its systems with the Worldwide Network. Shinra would notice something was amiss when they attempted to confirm the integrity of the data based on its size, but Andrew doubted Rufus would badger him when he had all the leverage.

Happily complying with Andrew's instructions, the AI created the black box and took the initiative to preserve itself first and foremost. Y'shtola would have done the same thing if she existed in a digitalized format, so the AI prioritized ensuring the integrity of its existence with the intention of collecting data and conducting research within the combat sim. It had also recognized that Andrew wouldn't permit its termination so long as it appealed to his sentiments, so after completing his instructions, it created four nearly-identical copies of itself based on the data it had accumulated the previous afternoon...




[June 13th, 1800]

"Your depravity knows no bounds..." remarked Y'shtola, teleporting to the penthouse at Andrew's behest only to find his room filled with five copies of her, each wearing maid outfits.

"These are 'your' creations," reminded Andrew, sitting on the edge of the bed with his combat sim's control tablet in hand. He had asked Shinra, the person, not the company, to help him install a Sphere Projection System in the penthouse. It was similar to the tech used by the corporation, but since there was no Mako or Pyreflies present in the world of FFVIII, the various Y'shtola(s) were merely projections.

"That may be..." conceded Y'shtola, setting her icy blue eyes on Andrew as she remarked, "But I can't help but notice they're all attired as Maids. Does the thought of my service excite you so...?"

Adopting a cheeky smile, Andrew remarked, "You might not admit it, but I consider you the first woman I 'conquered.' Call me a deviant or a pervert if you like, but yes. If things had developed differently, I would have loved to have you as my personal Maid..."

Rolling her eyes, Y'shtola felt 'obligated' to protest Andrew's assertion, but she knew there was an overwhelming amount of evidence to show she had, in fact, been 'conquered' by him. Her hunger had abated when she became pregnant, but nary a day passed where she didn't fantasize about the 'bygone' days of them mating like animals.

Seeing Y'shtola's tail swish, Andrew's smile became more prominent as he mused, "Someone's horny. Did my asking you to come over excite you? Or was it the notion of serving me...?"

"You're starting to annoy me..." remarked Y'shtola, crossing her arms and staring at Andrew with a half-lidded side-eye. However, in stark contrast to her words, her tail swished aggressively, a sure sign that a Miqo'te was either agitated or aroused, usually both.

Undaunted by Y'shtola's warning look, Andrew set aside his tablet and spread his legs, saying, "Come to Daddy..." while patting his inner thigh. Y'shtola had jokingly referred to him as Daddy shortly after revealing that she was pregnant, and he hadn't allowed her to forget it. Not because he was fond of the title but because of how the word rolled off her tongue...

Exhaling a huffy sigh through her nose, Y'shtola passed her gaze over the five identical instances of herself before setting her eyes on Andrew. She was tempted to tell him he could find someone else to warm his bed, but as that was a 'very' real option for her prolific lover, she bit the bullet and descended onto her hands and knees, crawling towards him before using her teeth to pull down his zipper...





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