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After napping for around four hours, Andrew awoke to find Lightning, who insisted on being called as such, facing away from him as they shared his harem-sized bed.

Turning onto his side, Andrew nestled up to Lightning beneath the covers, his hand gravitating toward her soft, exposed, remarkably toned abdomen as he asked, "Did you manage to get any sleep...?"


Though she was awake, Lightning didn't immediately respond to Andrew's words. When she originally offered herself to him, she expected things to end relatively quickly. Instead, they went at it for nearly four hours, during which Andrew came inside her more than a dozen times...

After confirming that Lightning was awake through his system interface, Andrew kissed her shoulder, gently caressing her abdomen as he stated, "Don't worry. Think of earlier as me establishing a baseline and pandering to Etro. I won't force the matter if you don't want to have sex."

"It's not that I don't want to..." muttered Lightning, hesitating for several seconds before adding, "I just didn't expect it to last as long as it did..." 

"Mmm...you're partly at fault there," said Andrew, causing a frown to mar Lightning's face until he clarified, "I don't stop until I'm certain my women are completely satisfied. You were acting reserved and refused to let your voice out, so I kept going until you did..."


With Andrew tracing his fingers along the band of her pure white panties, a feeling of helplessness washed over Lightning. She wasn't exactly tired, but while sex was at the forefront of her mind, for obvious reasons, it was the last thing she wanted at the moment.

"I'm not in the mood..." muttered Lightning, her voice barely audible since, if Andrew wanted to have sex, she didn't have much of a choice.

"Then, what 'do' you want to do...?" asked Andrew, returning his hand to Lightning's abdomen, hugging, and nestling closer to her.

Furrowing her brows, Lightning took nearly a minute to answer, "I want to get stronger..."

"Let's move this conversation to the bath. It's way too cold in here," said Andrew, releasing his hold on Lightning and rising from the bed. The pink-haired Knight was a bit slow to react, but she ultimately followed after him in a pair of white panties and a similarly white tank top. The oversized tub had eight different jets to fill the tub rapidly, similar to a hot tub, so by the time they stripped out of their sweaty clothes, it was already half-filled.

Entering the hot water first, Andrew, with his arms spread around the rim, watched as Lightning tentatively tried to sit beside him. Before she could, he adopted a cheeky smile and mused, "You're surprisingly timid for such a fierce and powerful woman..."


Believing she understood what Andrew wanted, Lightning stared at his crotch for a few seconds before stepping over him, her feet flanking his hips as she placed her hands on his shoulders and lowered herself onto his lap. She half-expected him to insist they speak with his dick inside of her, but he just placed his hands on her hips, gently massaging her butt as he asked, "Want me to give you free rein to explore various worlds, or would you rather me 'dispatch' you to resolve major incidents?"

Though their intimate arrangement made Lightning reluctant to speak, she eventually replied, "I said I would become your sword and shield. So long as I am able to fight and become stronger, it doesn't matter where I am sent or what I'm asked to do..."

"It definitely does..." countered Andrew, leaving Lightning at a momentary loss for words. He felt she was forcing herself to act a certain way, similar to a machine, and while he could understand her reasoning, Andrew didn't need an unfeeling 'arbiter.' 

While continuing to caress Lightning's ass, Andrew stared contemplatively at her fairly modest breasts. His stare and the prolonged silence made her uncomfortable, but as she didn't know what to say, Lightning lowered her gaze and remained mum.

Breaking the silence, Andrew lowered his gaze, causing Lightning to raise hers as he proposed, "Then, how about this? The world we're in right now is in a pickle due to an event known as the Lunar Cry, a phenomenon that saw tens of millions of monsters descend from the Moon onto the Eastern Continent. I haven't made my presence or the existence of the Interworld Alliance known in this world, so you should travel to a nation called Esthar to get a better understanding of the situation and lend a hand. If anything major happens on my end, I'll be sure to call you over."

"You—want me to act as an Envoy...?" asked Lighting, briefly tensing as Andrew raised her ass and suddenly slipped his dick inside her. A frown marred her face, but instead of reprimanding him, she sighed and linked her hands around his neck, resigned to the circumstances she had forced upon herself.

"You're ultimately free to do whatever you want," responded Andrew. "I'll leave it to your discretion how you proceed. And if you need my help, just let me know, and I'll come running."

"Then...what of the power system in this world...?" asked Lightning, her brows furrowed as she began rocking her hips of her own accord, feeling uneasy with Andrew just fondling her ass.

"The people of this world use something known as Guardian Forces to enable them to use Magic," explained Andrew. "You're welcome to look into using them, but with your Eidolons and the power vested to you by Etro, it might not be worth the trouble as Junctioning a GF burdens the mind, affecting one's memories. I imagine you could offset the effects by having Etro create a 'backup' of your memories, but that's something you need to decide for yourself. I only have seven months of actual memories, so I never tried Junctioning a GF as I didn't want to risk losing what little I had."

"You suffer from amnesia...?" asked Lightning.

Shaking his head, Andrew replied, "I don't know the specifics, but that's probably the simplest way to look at things. But don't pity me. Sure, it's made me a little impressionable, but I consider myself beyond fortunate. After all, someone as cold and beautiful as you probably wouldn't give me the time of day if my situation were any different..."

Punctuating his statement, Andrew caused Lightning to close her eyes and groan as he pulled her flush against him, expanding her pussy to its limits and holding her there, forcing her insides to acclimate to his shape as her inner walls pulsed in tune with the pounding of her heart.

As Lightning focused on steadying her breathing, Andrew's expression and tone softened as he expressed, "I doubt you could ever love a man who involves himself with dozens of women, but as you press forward in search of strength and purpose, I want you to remember these words. I will support you to the best of my ability, and if you let me, I will do what I can to ensure your happiness..."

Raising her gaze to meet Andrew's, Lightning's eyes made it seem like she had something to say, but she ultimately remained silent. Then, as she wanted to continue their conversation before making preparations for her departure, she closed her eyes and parted her lips, permitting Andrew to kiss and make love to her until he was satisfied...




[June 6th, 1800]

Though he still went out to fight fiends and monsters for AP, Andrew developed the habit of using the personalized Combat Simulator that Chadley had developed to polish his skills without needing to leave his penthouse, the confines of Alexandria Castle, or Valhalla. He didn't want to live a sedentary lifestyle, but it was simply the most convenient method to train without 'indisposing' himself to respond to an emergency.

After the attack on the Waking Sands, the Garlean Empire became a lot more active, demanding the return of Livia and condemning the Eorzean Alliance for 'illegally' detaining their people. At the same time, Ardbert and his allies had managed to defeat Garuda and were currently active in and around Coerthas, bargaining with Ishgard as they prepared for an assault on Castrum Meridanum to destroy the Ultima Weapon that had been used to absorb the essence of various Primals.

While Andrew had little involvement in said events, as it was determined his life was too important to imperil, he made sure he was available to call upon if the need arose. In the meantime, he focused on polishing his skills and keeping tabs on Lightning's progress, the hunt for Sephiroth, and the movements of Bevelle. The latter hadn't intervened when Yuna arrived to attune with Bahamut, but with rumors of what happened during Operation Mi'ihen having disseminated throughout Spira, they found themselves in a precious position as they had no idea what had transpired and didn't want to say anything to antagonize the power that had ostensibly defeated Sin. Simply put, by having Yuna avoid clarifying things or appearing publically, Bevelle was under growing pressure to provide an explanation they didn't possess.


After failing to defeat even the simulated version of Beatrix, who had become much stronger as of late, Andrew removed his futuristic-looking VR headset to find a familiar head of brown hair bobbing up and down on his cock while a heterochromatic beauty observed her from the side.

"I was wondering why the synchronization rate suddenly began tanking. Having fun?" asked Andrew.

Raising her face from Andrew's crotch, the mischievous brunette, Aerith, adopted a playful smile, responding, "Of course. Why, do you want me to stop~?" while proceeding to stroke his dick.

Shaking his head, Andrew replied, "My body is as much yours as yours is mine." Then, turning his attention to the heterochromatic beauty, Yuna, he gestured for her to come closer, resulting in her lying next to and making out with him while Aerith redoubled her efforts. At this point, only she and Y'shtola actively sucked him off, not that Andrew left the latter much of a choice as he loved seeing her 'glare' at him while taking his dick deep into her throat...




After blowing his initial load and making love to both women, Andrew, lying with his hand on the duo's asses as they snuggled up to him from both sides, asked, "So, what brought you over? Not that I'm complaining about the company."

"Mmm...I was bored and horny, so I asked if Yuna wanted to come over and play," answered Aerith, completely without shame. "We tried sending you a message, but since we sent it along the standard channels, you didn't respond. After that, we came here and found you lying defenseless in bed. Can you blame us for attacking...?"

"You're welcome to do so whenever you like..." replied Andrew, rewarding both girls with kisses before hugging them close. It was pretty late in the evening, so he probably would have invited them or someone else over if they hadn't seized the initiative.

"By the way, who were you fighting...?" asked Aerith, curious as Andrew had appeared to be struggling.

"Beatrix..." revealed Andrew, exhaling a sigh. What he didn't expect was for Aerith to adopt a mischievous grin, narrowing her eyes as she asked, "And the two of you were 'just' fighting~?"

Rolling his eyes, Andrew answered, "Beatrix is an extraordinary woman, but I have more than my fair share. Besides, she's in a relationship with Raubahn, the Flame General of Ul'dah. I wouldn't have sex with someone else's woman, simulation or otherwise..."

"How reassuring~" mused Aerith, punctuating her words by planting a series of kisses on Andrew's lips. Her actions prompted Yuna to do the same, but before their passions could reignite, a chat window appeared before Andrew's face.

"Hold up," said Andrew, breaking free from the duo's assault to read the high-priority message. It wasn't anything that required his immediate attention, but his expression hardened when he read it.

"What's wrong...?" asked Yuna, adopting a serious expression of her own.

Shaking his head, Andrew lazily droned, "It's nothing serious. My younger brother just ran out of money..."

Though he was partially to blame, as it had been 37 days since he loosed Zidane on the Manderville Gold Saucer, Andrew couldn't fathom how the former had burned through a million Gil. When he and Tifa visited him less than two weeks prior, he still had more than 880,000. 

"Oh, that explains it..." muttered Andrew, a wry smile adorning his face, causing Aerith's and Yuna's brows to perk until he explained how Zidane had paid off the debts of the girls that had been serving/attending him for the past month. Most immediately disappeared once their debts had been settled, but the Hyur twins and the raven-haired Miqo'te that stuck to him like glue had elected to stick around. 

Though Andrew suspected the trio was leeching off Zidane for his Gil and connections, he wasn't in a position to lecture others about relationships. Thus, after some back and forth with Zidane about his plans to explore other worlds, Andrew provided the younger Genome 'investment capital' of 3,000,000 Gil to start a business in Costa del Sol, affording him a year to turn a profit or else he would need to get a job...





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