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Though it took around five days for Andrew to make time to meet up with them, Serah and Claire had barely finished their conversation in the dining room of the latter's peanut-shaped beach house when he appeared, hand raised and a friendly smile on his face as he offered a curt, "Yo."

Still sporting her white bikini and long-sleeved top, Claire narrowed her eyes and asked, "Were you waiting for us all this time...?"

Shaking his head, Andrew explained, "No, but thanks to my capacity to move through time, I can arrive precisely when needed. In reality, at least from my perspective, several days have passed since we last met."

"You mentioned that we would receive Etro's blessing. Will we also be able to move through time?" asked Serah, similarly wearing her swimsuit but with the addition of a predominately Letterman jacket over it.

"About that..." said Andrew, rubbing the back of his head and smiling wryly as he added, "I feel I owe the two of you an apology. A few things have happened since we last met, allowing me to realize how much of an asshole I was being. Now, I want to present you with some other options. Will you hear me out...?"

Crossing her arms, Claire exuded hostility as she replied, "Stop being so roundabout. The two of us already agreed to become your Proxies. I can't imagine a much worse outcome..."

Though he felt Claire was being a little too standoffish, Andrew gave a curt nod and explained, "There are three routes available to you. First, I can make it so that we never meet but allow you to keep the Oracle Drive so you know about the future. You will also receive other boons to aid you on your journey, ensuring no great tragedies befall you or your allies..."

"But then we will lose access to the other worlds..." concluded Serah, earning an affirming nod from Andrew, who subsequently explained, "As for the other two options, the second is to allow matters to develop as they have, meaning you will remember everything we've discussed and will discuss beyond this point. I will provide all the boons I promised, but you will not become Proxies. Then, once we conclude things here, I will reunite with the two of you at the tail end of your journey to ask if there is anything you would like to change anything retroactively. Helping you tie up loose ends will be my way of apologizing for my past conduct..."

Crossing her arms like her sister, Serah repeated, "But then you will cut ties with us, severing our connection to the other worlds..."

"That's right," replied Andrew, appending, "But, while the opportunities in other worlds are great, they aren't 'necessary' for the two of you to find happiness. One of you would invariably need to take up a ruling position to represent this world, burdening you, your children, their children, and many generations to come. Unless you are prepared to shoulder that kind of responsibility, you should focus on protecting one another and finding happiness in this singular world and timeline..."

Without giving Andrew's words time to settle, Claire asked, "And the third option...?"

"The third option is for me to whisk the two of you away to a completely different world, allowing you to live your lives in relative peace or as a Knight and Scholar of Alexandria, the Kingdom from which I originate," answered Andrew, adopting a smile as he clarified, "Explained simply, I will give you a tour of the other worlds and let you choose for yourselves which you would like to inhabit or work in. If you later decide that living in another world isn't for you, I could return you to this exact moment in time or, if you prefer, transfer you to a timeline where your parents are still alive and well..."

Hearing Andrew's final few words, Serah and Claire tensed. The two had been orphaned when their mother died roughly six years prior, following the death of their father in their youth, so the possibility of reuniting with two of the most important people in their lives was 'very' tempting.

Exuding considerably less hostility, Claire asked, "What about moving our parents with us to another world? Is that an option...?"

Nodding in affirmation, Andrew answered, "Of course. As I said before, this is my way of apologizing for my past behavior. I might have to jump through a few hoops, but with time travel and world-hopping, just about anything is possible."

Exchanging glances with one another, Serah and Claire had a telepathic conversation Andrew wasn't privy to. Previously, Serah had been all-in on becoming a Proxy, but now that the prospect of reuniting with her parents was on the table, she couldn't help putting her family first. What followed was a convoluted series of events, but the conclusion was that Serah and Claire were reunited with their parents and relocated to Alexandria. There, Serah elected to become a Scholar working in the Library, Claire became a scantily clad Knight Captain serving under Beatrix, and their parents became two of the castle's foremost Researchers, working alongside the crack team Andrew had been putting together to usher Alexandria into a new era of technology and innovation...




Though they managed to acquire the Black Materia with relative ease, all but ending Sephiroth's ambitions to summon Meteor by transferring it to a different world for analysis and observation, Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie were blowing off steam in Andrew's Penthouse after failing to make meaningful headway in their search for the errant SOLDIER. They had traveled to the Northern Crater, but instead of discovering Sephiroth's body frozen in ice, they found an empty cavity of glacified Mako. Even the Weapons, massive biomechanical colossi constructed by the planet as one of its final lines of defense, were nowhere to be found...

"Cloud has been really stressed..." remarked Tifa, wiping sweat from her brow with her forearm as she and Andrew had been exercising in the gym for nearly three hours.

"I...can imagine..." groaned Andrew, bench-pressing 3700kgs of weights made heavy by localized gravity fields. He was trying to work his way up to 5000kgs using Auto-Regen to accelerate the mending of his muscles, but it was slow progress on his own. Fortunately, he had a fairly powerful motivator as Tifa was currently seated atop him, helping weigh him down as she observed his actions with awe...

Though she possessed superhuman strength, Tifa had never bathed in Mako to become a genuine supersoldier. She could blow away a railroad car with her Limit Break, but in her base state, she could only lift around 300kgs a single time. Even then, she required a reliable spotter, less she risks killing herself with a mishap.

"How are you so much stronger than me when our Strength parameters are only 39 points apart...?" asked Tifa.

Deactivating the localized gravity field, Andrew racked the weights and exhaled loudly before responding, "It's because the parameters shown in our Statuses are modifiers to our existing capabilities. That's why certain equipment and accessories can increase your Strength, Speed, and other stats. They don't truly make you stronger or faster..."

"Then...is there a way I can close the gap?" questioned Tifa, the past few weeks allowing her to understand just how far behind she was Cloud and 'monsters' like Vincent, who they had picked up from Nibelheim.

"I'm not really an expert on things like that," replied Andrew, massaging Tifa's ass as he added, "The most I can do is advise you to talk with Lyse or someone like Beatrix. I'm still learning how the power systems of each world overlap, so that's the best I can do besides introducing you to Etro and providing you with Materia and specialized equipment..."

"Like panties that make me immune to most ailments...?" asked Tifa, a wry smile adorning her face. She was grateful for what Andrew had given and done for her, but presenting her with a black lace thong when she wore a skirt that barely covered a third of her thighs was a bit much.

"Speaking of which...I noticed that you weren't wearing them..." remarked Andrew, caressing Tifa's ass through her black, bloomer-like short-shorts. She also had on a black sports bra, and that was it. As far as he could tell, and it wasn't difficult, she was going commando.

"Well...I didn't think you were serious when you asked if I wanted to work out..." muttered Tifa, turning her face to avoid Andrew's grinning gaze. He had given them some space while she, Aerith, and ultimately Yuffie were flying around in search of the Black Materia, but she still 'vividly' recalled how relentless Andrew had been at the start of their relationship. She had noticed the changes in his behavior, but with how fervently he fucked her a few hours prior, she presumed he just wanted to change things up a bit by having sex outside the bedroom...

"Have you ever known me to be roundabout about having sex...?" asked Andrew, smiling in amusement. Making amends with Serah and Claire had removed a heavy weight from his chest, so while he still had a few things to work through, he was largely back to his past self, albeit with the boon of wisdom and hindsight.

Shaking her head, Tifa met Andrew's gaze and responded, "No...in fact, you're a bit of a brute..."

"Maybe, but you've come to love it," contended Andrew, punctuating his statement by giving Tifa a firm smack on her bottom. Her eyes narrowed as he did, but while her expression remained largely unchanged, her body was honest. She had already left a sizeable damp spot on his crotch while sitting atop him, but when he spanked her, Tifa's pussy released a deluge as the heat exuding from her pussy became more prominent.

"Are we done exercising...?" asked Tifa, combing aside the bangs framing the right side of her face with a faint but hungry glimmer in her ruby eyes. In response, Andrew grinned and motioned to tear Tifa's shorts to pieces but stopped when a text window appeared in front of his face, the sender none other than Merlwyb.

Noticing the abrupt change in Andrew's focus, Tifa asked, "Did something happen...?"

Furrowing his brows, Andrew answered, "Someone has grown tired of living..." before disappearing abruptly, causing the riled-up Tifa to plop rather unceremoniously onto the bench he had been lying atop. He felt guilty about leaving her hanging, but when duty called, Andrew couldn't afford to dally...




Standing with her hands raised, Minfilia, opposite a group of Imperial Soldiers garbed in black, red-trimmed uniforms and a woman wearing predominately white armor that covered her entire body, declared, "I surrender myself on the condition that you spare the innocents..."

"Conditions? There speaks the Supreme Scion," said the woman in white, raising her right arm to level her custom gun-tonfa at Minfilia's chest, her expression concealed beneath her helmet but her voice exuding sadistic malice as she added, "I'll grant you have courage, but you be-"

Before the woman could finish speaking, Andrew appeared next to her, slicing down with an ebon-black saber that cut through her armor like a hot knife through butter. Then, before she had the chance to scream out in pain, he performed a spin kick that sent her crashing through the stone walls of the underground hideout, causing the ceiling above to collapse and bury her before turning his predatory gaze to the polearm, axe, and sword-wielding Imperials.

"Nobody fucks with my women..." growled Andrew, balling his gauntleted hands into fists before proceeding to make short work of the slack-jawed Imperials, sparing them from death but shattering their spines or breaking their limbs beyond the means of conventional treatment methods to heal. Minfilia thought to stop him, but since the intruders had just killed dozens of her men, she focused on treating the survivors while Andrew cleared a path to the outside and proceeded to break the encirclement intended to thwart their escape, blowing up six troop-carrying airships before Ul'dah's First Aerial Squadron could arrive to provide support...





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