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After more than nine hours in the Chamber of the Fayth, Yuna and Lenne emerged, appearing fatigued but smiling as they collapsed into Andrew's arms and revealed, "We did it. We can now summon Alexander..."

"I knew you could do it..." responded Andrew, his voice barely a whisper as he cradled and gave them a chaste but lingering peck on the lips. Yuna fell asleep mid-kiss, but Andrew didn't notice as Lenne, ostensibly failing to realize her host had passed out, reciprocated his initially tame kiss with a bit of tongue.

Interpreting Lenne's actions as Yuna seeking a reward, Andrew continued kissing her for several minutes, even slipping his hand between her thighs to rub her hot and moist pussy through the fabric of her black panties. He then began kissing her neck and clavicle, only realizing something was off when Lenne's figure began losing its transparency.

Though a loud voice in his mind told him to keep going, Andrew's desire to 'correct' his behavior compelled him to raise his face from Lenne's bosom, smiling awkwardly as he asked, "I'm guessing Yuna fell asleep...?"


Flummoxed by Andrew's question and the abrupt cessation of his actions, Lenne stared at him in confusion for several seconds before realization hit her like a brick to the head. She had gotten so used to going with the flow and letting her body move by muscle memory that she misinterpreted her natural reactions as Yuna 'compelling' her to act...

Releasing her hold on Andrew's hair, Lenne, respiring heavily, looked away and faintly excused, "Don't misunderstand...even when she's asleep, I still feel Yuna's wants and desires. Those were her reactions..."

"Then, you should get some rest as well..." said Andrew, adopting a faint smile as he leaned forward slightly before correcting himself. The thought he had wronged Lenne had begun to see itself within his mind, but before it could blossom, the thousand-year-old Diva surprised him by reacting to his lean-in, bringing her lips to meet his. This was completely reactionary on her part, but instead of pulling away, she exhaled a feverish, defeated-sounding sigh and began kissing him vigorously.

Turning his face before things could get too out of hand, Andrew tried to play it off by noting, "Yuna appears to be having some naughty dreams..." as Lenne attempted to plant a hickey on his neck. However, thanks to his excellent circulation and natural regeneration, she failed despite sucking the fleshier part of his neck for several seconds.

Giving up, Lenne surprised Andrew by continuing to pepper his neck with kisses as she revealed, "Because of a certain monkey from another world, most of Yuna's dreams are naughty..."

"He sounds like a real pervert..." muttered Andrew, returning his hand to the space between Lenne's and Yuna's thighs, noticing their panties were even wetter than before as he cradled them with his left arm. He didn't know if Lenne had truly relented, but it was apparent that she and Yuna were very aroused.

'Well, it's not like we can just stop having sex until Sin returns...' thought Andrew, even though he could do precisely that. Fortunately, he didn't have to ask to know that Yuna would be against such a prolonged period of temperance, primarily because he was the one to awaken and develop her sex drive...




With Yuna's permission, Andrew and Lenne went at it for around an hour before relaxing together in the bath. Lenne was in a dazed state after the fact, but since she was absentmindedly caressing his dick while reclining against him, Andrew didn't say anything until the water had become room temperature, specifically, "We should probably get out..."

As she was sued to Yuna being in control, Lenne didn't immediately react to Andrew's words. When she eventually realized he was speaking to her, she responded with a faint, "Oh..." before attempting to rise from the tub. The view as she did so was burned into Andrew's eyes, as, due to the fact Yuna was in a deep sleep, Lenne was presently 100% manifested in all her mature glory.

Due to feeling weak in the knees, Lenne struggled to stand until Andrew rose beneath her, his still-erect dick rubbing against her pussy and poking out from between her plump thighs as he floated from the bath with her in his arms. When they landed on the rug next to the oversized bath, he kept holding her as she stared down at where their genitals were touching, his voice faint yet deep as he asked, "Feeling regret...?"

"More like...confused..." replied Lenne, squeezing her thighs together and caressing the tip of his dick with her right hand as she looked up to meet his gaze, asking, "Just what are you...?"

"That's a weird question to ask while actively polishing me off..." remarked Andrew.

"I'm serious..." muttered Lenne, staring down at herself as she revealed, "I have been teaching Yuna my techniques so that she might be able to manifest me outside of her body. She still has a ways to go before then, but as we spend time together, I feel increasingly...whole. As it stands, I could probably manifest on my own..."

"Mmm...I imagine that would make things easier for you..." remarked Andrew, planting a kiss on Lenne's head before adding, "Just be careful if you decide to leave and explore Spira on your own. I've heard Fiends are drawn to the Pyreflies comprising Unsent..."

Shaking her head, Lenne replied, "No...while it's true I could manifest on my own, I'm still too weak to fight. I could strengthen myself with your 'essence,' but I don't wish to subtract from your time with Yuna and your other women..."

Though he was tempted to point out she was also one of his women, Andrew remained silent and observed Lenne doing her own thing, the heat and moisture from her pussy compounding by the second until she huskily explained, "The undead, be they Fiend or Unsent, hunger for the living...and you possess tremendous vitality..."

"Are you asking me to 'feed' you...?" asked Andrew, reaching his hand down the front of Lenne's body and proceeding to caress her clit as he brought his lips to her left shoulder. It hadn't even been a half hour since they finished having sex, but unless he was occupied with something, he was 'always' ready for another round...


Rather than responding with words, Lenne leaned forward as if she were trying to escape Andrew's kisses. In reality, she was repositioning herself so that her ass and pussy were nestled against him, allowing Andrew to grab her hips and return his cock to her steamy depths in a single plunge, causing a throaty moan to escape thousand-year-old Diva's throat as her body trembled. Then, until Yuna woke up and readily took over for her, he provided Lenne his 'essence' seventeen times over four hours...




With Andrew informing her in advance of his arrival, Garnet cleared a few hours in her schedule to await him in their room, occupying herself with a book on the history of Hydaelyn and the nations adorning its Three Great Continents. One of the most important parts of diplomacy and negotiation was knowing the circumstances and needs of foreign nations, so she was doing her best to learn the culture, history, and conventions of the worlds Andrew had linked.

Though her materialized soundlessly behind her, Garnet adopted a faint smile and asked, "So, what did you do...?" before half-turning to find her husband smiling awkwardly, his typically handsome expression marred by guilt as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Do you think I might have gone a bit...overboard in the other worlds?" asked Andrew.

"All the time," replied Garnet, causing Andrew to wince as she closed her book with a crisp, abrupt pa. Then, with her usual narrow-eyed smile, she assured, "But you are not singularly responsible for your actions. I pushed you to become an Envoy and further the interests of our Kingdom instead of permitting you to explore the other worlds at your leisure. You certainly crossed a few lines I didn't anticipate, but your endeavors have earned us powerful allies and, me personally, several friends."

Sitting on the side of their bed, Garnet gestured for Andrew to approach before gently guiding him to place his ear on her pregnant belly, running her fingers through his hair as she said, "It's okay to feel guilty...but if you came here to apologize, don't. Guilt insinuates that you are aware of your actions and wish to improve. Apologies are a pathway to making amends, but as we are similarly culpable in this particular instance, it's a zero-sum scenario. Rather than saying we're sorry, let's learn from our mistakes and be better for having made them..."

Resisting the urge to point out that he should have never left her side, Andrew remained silent as he listened to the sounds of movement and the faint heartbeat emanating from Garnet's belly. He should have been there for her at every moment of her pregnancy, but she had been even more excited than him when discussing the possibilities and benefits of interworld trade and alliances. That had got him thinking about how best he could take advantage of his powers and situation, thus resulting in the current set of circumstances.

'We definitely jumped the gun...' concluded Andrew, feeling that if they had waited five, maybe even ten years, they would have been in much better states of mind. He had been too eager to please, and because of his freshly awakened appetite, keen to have sex with other women. His veritable 'conquest' of Y'shtola and other women had stoked his desires further, so much so that he stopped feeling grateful for the opportunity to interact with the Heroines of various worlds and started feeling they were the fortunate ones for being targeted by him...

Preempting any suggestions Andrew might make, Garnet remarked, "With the recent inclusion of Gran Pulse, there are nine worlds you've yet to link. If you've grown weary of designating Proxies directly, you could do what you plan with Zidane. Send an existing Proxy as your representative to get a feel for the situation and potentially lend a hand to resolve things..."

Though he didn't think it was a bad idea, Andrew asked, "So, rather than increasing the number of Proxies, we assign those we've already recruited to serve as the representatives of the other worlds...?"

"Unless you intend to take a wife in each world to ensure things remain fair," quipped Garnet, personally preferring to avoid such a scenario. Still, as that seemed to be the direction things were headed, she and some of Andrew's other prospective wives had already steeled themselves for that exact outcome.

"I'd rather not..." replied Andrew, raising his face from Garnet's belly and smiling wryly. He would be lying if he said there weren't a handful of girls he was still interested in, but he wouldn't repeat what he had done in Final Fantasies X, VII, and XIII. He would still reference Proxies when revealing details related to the Interworld Alliance and its structure, but if someone wanted to become one, they would have to nominate themselves.

"Then we will come up with a solution together. Not just you and I, but Nanamo, Aerith, Yuna, and anyone else you feel particularly close to..." stated Garnet, grasping Andrew's hand and leaning her head against his shoulder. She and Y'shtola had 'made up,' but she was still a little miffed with the platinum-haired cat girl for behaving arrogantly near the start of her relationship with Andrew. Most other girls knew their place from the start, but Y'shtola acted like she was in a position to steal Andrew away whenever she pleased...

Nodding affirmingly, Andrew positioned his cheek atop Garnet's head and replied, "I'm fine with any solution so long as it prioritizes your happiness and the well-being of our child. I definitely strayed off course and allowed myself to be distracted, but the two of you have always been my highest priority..."

"It's good that you remember~" teased Garnet, exhaling a faint chuckle as she closed her eyes. She knew the pregnancies of Nanamo, Y'shtola, and potentially even more women would complicate things, but at least for the present moment, she had Andrew's affection entirely to herself. And, once their chat was over, she intended to relish every second of their remaining time together...





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