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Introducing my new character Miata! She's a fox and a milf. If you're wondering why she's suddenly here you can find out here!

Once I have all her assets swapped into After Effects I'll render and post the updated animation~



Raichu Sama

Nvm that sums up my previous question


ayy. like her already!


good save *wink* wink*


Smart move and she looks divine. Can't wait!


I get the reason. Good thing I saved all your works before the first time you had to step away. It will live on forever in my collection. But just a wonder, what is the Male going to be now? If its gonna be a surprise that's ok too.


I knew it coming. Thanks for keeping the train rolling zonk.


I liked her design ! But it really sucks we will not see any pokemon related characters anymore from you ! 😢


I wonder what spurred this on by nintendo?


Damn it Nintendo :< So I take it patreon will also make non-Nintendo characters off-limits to avoid similar issues with other companies in the future?


I doubt Patreon would do that without being prompted by DMCAs from other companies~


Given nintendo's track record, it's not surprising this would eventually happen. You're content has quality, you don't need to do copyright stuff any way. Keep up the good work.


I hope you are right about that :) Original characters are great too of course, but existing characters have a lot of charm to them


Im down with ittttt... I love the name btw.


So dose this mean you won't post pokemon stuff here...or are you dine with pokemon in general?


Nintendo needs to back the fuck off and stop being such stuck up big corp assholes.


I'm wondering, do you plan to go the route that other creators have gone and make "close-ish" characters? Like making them look similar to a pokemon but -not- a pokemon? I could see you making an animation for example with an avian that looks -similar- to a blaziken without it actually being one. After all, they have IP only on the one thing, not everything that looks vaguely similar to the one thing xD If IP worked that way we'd be screwed.


Well heck, there goes my Lucario fantasies. Any chance there will be an anal version of the finished animation here? Looks great so far in any case, always been a fan and always will be!


Not gonna lie, while I understand you had to do this it, i'm not quite sold on this character change. I personally would have at least you tried to keep it a chicken or something, cause foxes to me are played out. And even that aside, it would be nice if you could just do the pokemon version maybe a few months after this version was on patreon so at least fans of the original version can see what it could have looked like. Iunno. I just feel kinda dissapointed with this turn of events ;-;. I won't ask for a refund though, cause it was not your fault and I want to continue to support but still... damn...

Veronica Summerfield

i second this, an anal and vaginal one, heck maybe a little inflation cause that seems like a very productive big boy~

Mikk Zhenik

I feel a little disappointed and sad about all this is happening, i will not ask for the refund because i love your work is the best i've seen but i agree with the fact that instead of the fox you had chosen a bird to replace Blaziken. And maybe you could make a folder with your previously deleted files and share them for free to save those diamonds from oblivion. It's a silly idea i know. (And excuse my English, i'm still learning).


Disappointed to see one of my favorite characters being replaced. But I will still support your great work.


Probably the new Pokemon game. I mean, just look at Wooloo. Not even 24 hours had passed before porn started popping up.


Sucks no more chicken butt. Dammit Nintendo...But I'm more glad you didn't have to loose all the progress on the original and could re-work it without looking weird. THAT woulda sucked. As for the new character; I'd say it ain't bad. Foxes ARE kinda played out but there aren't alot of animated furry milf works so as long as she sounds sexy; I can dig it. However, does that mean that bowser eating ass is gonna go byebye too? Maybe the lawyers can see it's worth and let it stay at the very least!


shes a hot milf hope we see her daughter/son someday