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Edel an Isekai person confirmed? She literally speaks like an old man (using "washi" & other verbal tics of old men)


8:38 Swiper no swiping!


Freiren already said that fern can defeat her because of how fast fern can attack and the sheer volume of attacks fern can churn out. It was in an early episode in the first cour.

Alan Uribe

Series is goated.


Damn. I'm a mob too :0

John Ng

I see Edel as an important person and not mob. She has proven in this episode that she's a Strategist. You don't need to be able to fight to be a dope ass person. Kong Ming from The Romance of Three Kingdom would like to have a word if Strategist is considered a weakling. She's just unlucky that she didn't chanced upon people who can enact her strategies. If she comes across Denken's group, and even reached Fake Frieren with able people to fight, I think she can give a very good strategies for how to win the fight without overpowering Fake Frieren.

Vensen Granville

Denken is going to his wife's grave he told us

kearis taylor

The way Ubel uses her slicing technique in hand to hand combat reminds me of Sukuna.

spam protection

Adorkable with some spicy takes today


Fern can defeat who? Fern cannot defeat Frieren if that is what you are saying.


I need to watch the reaction cause I feel like everyone is confused about things. As a manga reader I feel the urge to put everyone in their place.


U just gonna come off as annoying tbh. Does a manga reader come with a prerequisite to be annoying? U didnt even watch yet & u yappin


23:18 had me shook asf, the way my heart just sank in defeat. Frieren is 10/10


denken: alright, we'll sneak by once we throw the mimic chest in there! *throw* clone frieren: >*o*> real frieren: < *o*< fern: -_-;;


Ignore everything L.C. Says and you’ll be ok. He just says stuff. I only noticed the comment cuz yall responded to him ha

Patrick Rukundo

lol we’re all mobs 38:38 😂


Alright yeah adorkable hasn't been watching Frieren so far she has been watching something else lol. Frieren is not a show where it only matters if you can fight using magic. You are not a "mob" if you can't use magic to specifically fight. Its been displayed time and time again that a mage has multiple different aspects of expertise. The Edel girl is FARRRR from a mob. Honestly she is very good in her general knowledge in magic itself and her specific specialized magic is overpowered in its own way. As an example with the group of heroes. Himmel, Frieren, Heiter, and Eisen are all top of the line in their own respective categories. Saying Edel is a mob is basically like saying Heiter is a mob because he specializes in magic that is focused on Holy magic and since Frieren specializes in magic that more so revolves around power and is so amazing at combat magic it somehow makes Heiter a mob because of those differences. Heiter specializes in his priest category which is something Frieren cannot do even though both are "technically" magic. Heiter can do a ton of important things that aren't just simply focused on combat and none of this is spoilers it's general fantasy knowledge that a mage and a priest have different roles and powers. More than anything Heiter as a priest is THE support role of the group. Multiple components are involved in a fantasy revolving around powers like these. I mean we even had Frieren say herself that a priest magic can do many things that she cannot do herself and combat abilities are not everything when it comes to magic. Frieren saying she has been defeated before doesn't mean they were stronger and more powerful than her. It means they had a specific way of beating her. This is a long comment but I think adorkable just wanted to be a little stubborn with this one lol.


Also lee I know you understand and I know how adorkable can be sometimes so its just me clarifying why this series literally just does things intentionally to where almost no one is a "mob" character if they have any amount of screen time.


Yeah this turned out to be a big comment so it makes it seem like I am upset about it or something but I couldn't clarify on things while keeping the comment short.....

dani oz

o7 to all healers, medics, supports and everyone else doing similar roles. You are goated even if you are just mobs lmao


It’s just an uncommon way of speaking. Same way honorifics are ‘kind of’ gendered, but used anyway depending on the situation.


That one hidden room gives Frieren enough reason to risk it for a 100 more mimic's.


That's not what she said. She said Fern can cast spells faster than her but will never be as powerful due to her longer life span.

Daniel Borrego

you know what i just noticed. that goddess or whatever in the mural looks like an elf. i wonder if thats serie :D


I was going to type almost the same comment. I'll add on to it by giving some context for how I feel: Both Frieren and Apothecary are shows I can talk about in public, thats how incredible they are. Obviously this is a cultural thing for me, anime is pretty taboo where I live and you will lose ALL respect if you were suspected of watching 'cartoons'. Its changing slowly and shows like this are essential to break the 'degenerate' association. Disclaimer: I loved Nagataro, I'm not trying to bash degen shows! Like, if I talk about tired power fantasy tropes I'm still a huge Bleach fan and I loved Black Clover, its just the oversaturation of these shows (looking at you isekais).


Isekai brain is going to be a real medical condition isn't it!


Its a King, unless you mean another mural I missed.


Personally, this and Apothecary Diaries are the #1 and #2 animes (any order) and definitely in my top 10 overall.


I'm very content with how the show handled this clone Frieren situation so far. I had a nagging fear that they would go full 'lol frieren overpowers her own clone and those mobs suck' despite how the show has been so far. Edit: I'm 6'2 260 pounds, mostly muscle but I'm proud say I'm a mob by Adorkables definition!


Except she never said that, she only said she lets Fern fight monsters because she casts faster. Frieren has so much more mana that no matter how much Fern even tries to attack, she'll just run out of mana first

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

I would say it's less that Edel and her team can't fight and more that it's not their focus. Their specialties most likely focus on other things so they're not as good at fighting. They may be above average at fighting but the situation required being more than above average at fighting. Along with it possibly just being a bad matchup.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

Frieren said Ferm was faster she didn't say Fern could beat her. I'm not saying Fern can or can't just pointing out that second part you said isn't true.

Daniel Borrego

to the kings left(or i guess HIS right) is an elf goddess. sirie is kinda worshiped like an elf goddess. unless the goddess of this world that everyone follows is and elf.

Daniel Borrego

really fern and frieren should be able to overpower frierens clone through just sheer horsepower. i would imagine fern has a similar mana amount to flamme when she first meet frieren, so no real problem there. clone frieren can only absorb so much damage with her shield so if both frieren and fern go full gatling gun on her, i cant imagine she'd survive that. plus denken and friends can help too.


the girl said she is not a fighter, but she threw those giant rocks like its nothing


Nah bruh, you’re remembering shit different. Fern can’t beat Frieren.. Not in the slightest

Black Hawk

Time stamp 14:02 "I seen this before" somebody supposed to say jinx after that LOL saying it at the same time lol

R'ja Norr

There is also the fact that, as Frieren has pointed out before, Fern is a faster caster than Frieren.


Do you think the mob girl has the ability to tell the golem to take her to the inner part of the dungeon instead? Would lowkey be sick. I remember Sense saying the golems are only a prototype, meaning it probably has some flaws. What if one of those flaws is their mind lmao. I'm genuinely curious.

Daniel Borrego

shes faster but frieren has WAAAY more power. this is complete conjecture but im assuming fern has about the same mana capacity as flamme did when she met frieren for the first time, which incidently is around teh same as aura did. now thats an incredible amount for a human, but i would estimate that frieren has about 4X that amount of mana. i think thats how the formula goes, twice the size, 4X the volume. so even if she can outcast her, theres no way she'd be able to beat her. frierens a straight up monster.