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John Ng

Anime here only. I suspect the target is not Jinshi, but whoever important enough to do the ritual at the temple. The scheme was always to take out the important person doing the ritual. It happens to be Jinshi this time. The target may as well be the Emperor because he can also do this ritual. Remember that the scheme was concocted one year ago. So there's no way they'll know Jinshi is going to do the ritual one year from then. Unless it was specified. But if it was, only those high ranking enough will know of the upcoming rituals.


Subs seem fine to me. It didn't seem like there was anything blatantly wrong with them.

paladar blade

So just hear me out, but because of this show thus far i have a wild theory. What if the concubine has not yet actually slept with the Emperor, cause she's been switching with her ladies in waiting every time he comes to visit. Which is why she was not interested in Maomao's special class, changes her fashion on a regular basis, and why the emperor feels like it's not the same person every time he comes to visit. Also Jinshi probably doesn't know he himself was the kid which is why he thinks that the Ah Dou's kid is dead.


I very much think Jinshi's train of thought is still about him, since he is basically living a false life. Not only as the eunuch, but as the emperor's brother. Essentially, even if he is technically heir by blood that isn't something that's recognized, as he is "the emperor's brother." So had both children lived, his life may have looked very different, cause the emperor still [technically] needs an heir on the surface. I think.


I agree (not that it means anything 😅). I still think Jinshi is Ah Duo and the current emperor's baby son who got swapped at birth. Regardless of whether or not Jinshi knows he is the current emperor's son and not the current emperor's brother, if the other baby had lived, Jinshi would not have to worry (as much) about people seeing him as a viable candidate to be emperor since, as the only brother to the current son-less emperor, he would be the only choice to take over the throne if anything should happen to the emperor.

Holly Mai9

Also an anime only. I think Jinshi is believed to be the emperor's "little brother" & was raised as such. He keeps his identity a secret for some reason yet to be known. Perhaps the emperor wants his "little brother" to be heir, but Jinshi doesn't want it. From his pov it would never occur to him that he could be the emperor's son from a "swap" and a rightful heir. I believe he is "that baby", but only Mao Mao's adopted dad & his mother know the truth. The 5 yr lie is just about how long he's been pretending to be a eunuch.


Maybe I need to rewatch it, but I took Jinshi's monologue as him saying he can't simply shed the illusion and be the Emperor's son for some unknown reason. Not that he isn't that person in reality, just that he can't publicly be that person. Why not? No idea. I didn't get vibes that there's another brother or any of that. I think he's the baby that lived just like you all thought before this episode. He just can't let himself think like that. That's what he was monologuing about. Total anime only here, no inside knowledge.


That gels with what I was thinking too cause why would the Emperor be so casual drinking with him like that. He would not fo that with a eunuch just cause the guys in charge, plus Jinchi is there to test the concubines like the middle and lower ones loyalty to the Emperor he said in one of the episodes. No way the Emperor would just trust a rando to do that kind of job. 🤔


Maomao specifically was put back in the Jade Palace cause Gyokoku might be pregnant to make sure she isn't poisoned like last time. I do wonder though how that will play out with her rival one. 🤔 I also love that it has been specifically mentioned that the emperor did not appreciate his dad's taste in young girls and has no interest in the 14 yr old till she at least comes of real age. 😖


See I do think he was the target cause someone knows who he really is. Monocle weirdos face when Jinchi emerged with Maomao in his arms makes me think he didn't think she'd make it on time and both would be killed.🤔

John Ng

The thing is, Maomao is his daughter. So I wouldn't think he'd want to see her getting injured. Him being surprised to me is more likely he not expecting Jinshi to princess carry her out in front of everyone like someone very important to him. And that he didn't expect her to get injured so badly on a case that he tries to hint her towards.


9:52 Basen needs to sit down and shut up when Maomao be cooking. Especially since he was THERE when she solved the Metalworker's puzzle. 26:06 I guess Maomao hadn't heard of the "peeing on wheat and barley test." Everybody from the ancient Romans to the ancient Egyptians used it, with a 75%+ accuracy rate. Which is pretty damn good, considering the technology level.


Honestly, I am HERE for the Mao Mao vs. Suirei plotline. It's like Light vs. L all over again 😆


He did say he is the emperor's son but the emperor needs to make a new prince so it won't have to be him. that is what he meant

Pontiac Fredersen

@YBR, this post has no episode number (20)


Yeah I'm quite sure that Lakan knows who dunnit, but he just doesn't give a fuck about anyone else to tell em, since it's not rly his job, he's just figuring it out for fun rly (I bet he figured it out the moment he was inspecting that pipe immediately after the warehouse explosion)


Ngl the ladies in waiting did seem to have same hair color as her, which I don't think has been the case w/ any other concubine's ladies in waiting so far, even if some match but not all of em quite clearly, at least not the same exact hue or w/e


What did i learn this episode? Jinshi is 19 not 24 Jinshi started working in the rear palace at 14 Lakan is most likely not the father to Suirei Basam is Gaoshun son and JINSHI IS NOT THE BROTHER OF THE EMPEROR BUT THE SON. The only prince of the empire

Daniel Borrego

im pretty sure it was shown earlier on that jinshi is the son of the queen consort who was kicked out of the palace. the one who has a drink with maomao on the wall. they look almost identical. plus thats the one that maomao's dad helped deliver i believe bringing the whole story back around.


I agree but i thought the father was the former emperor not the current.