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Lee fighting for his life trying to pause the video 😂

Randy Cooper

Haven't seen the show but had to watch the reaction to see what the comments were talking about. HILARIOUS 😂😂😂


Alright time to put the headphones in 😂

David Palacios

LOL I love these two's reactions

FCPepeCuh 21

😂😂😂 struggling to pause


Every so often there's that one anime where you go, "Why am I watching this...and when's the next episode." Last year it was One-Hit Kill Sister, now it's definitely this.

Daniel Turner

Lee was lucky there was no voices at the time

Crowne Pri

Yerp, this is the response i think most pple expected when they said for y'all not to watch this...


Haha. This was a lil dark and serious for my taste. And unlike redo of heal. There wasn’t anything “hot” about it


This is a full on guilty pleasure anime. This is the anime of the season that you watch out of guilty pleasure but its also the one that you don't and can't let anyone know about.


22:45 director, you just look dissapointed, dissaproving, perturbed with the degredation of humanity.

Tazell Pouncey

9:30 why the woman holding the rope look like that busty army magician from magi 👀


You know what's crazy? It just came out that Japan is going crazy over this series! All three Blu-ray editions are in the Top 5 on Amazon, just from Pre-Orders. The Eps are getting massive views over there, the manga sales got a huge boost, now the Number #1 manga sold right now on Amazon Japan, and every Episode Preview on Youtube gets 200k+ views!


This just makes Chainsaw Man's sales even more tragic XD Poor Makima, Power, and Himeno, losing to Magical Girls and Baiser :D


If that is true, just shows the average guys in Japan are in to some wild stuff.