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It’s time😁

John Strickland

Y’all gonna like this one a lot lol

Mikal Adkins

I knew immediately Lee would use that shot as the background pic when I first watched the episode. 😂


Good stuff. Like a lot of people, I read this manga after Gigguk did his video on it. The manga is fire and great premise for degeneracy like you all said. Honestly though, was kinda disappointed in the animation and direction here. Hope it picks up and does the manga justice.


I knew that foot panel would be used lol

Zee Wrld

Twin star exorcist has a similar theme

Randy Cooper

3:57 Hey, I'm actually wearing my Diane shirt right now. Well, don't have to ever ask if you've seen Seven Deadly Sins.


Nah. I’m makin her work for me. This system seems like it’s designed for the master but not at all


This is one of those anime that is reserved only for the most cultured of men. Those plebs that only watch that basic shit like JJK and demon slayer could never be able to handle this kind of ultimate cultured entertainment. This is the real good shit right here. I call dibs on main girl. I gladly choose to be her slave. I don't have any problems. Im white.




Same author as akame ga kill

Daniel Turner

Lee’s 17 % is gonna love this shown

Tazell Pouncey

24:20 I see ichika got upgrades since Quin


The second anime I am watching this season with step on me energy! 😂

Neo Don

Honestly best erotic/action story you will ever see in anime rn


Yeah the FBI gonna be on your ass for that one


no its the percentage of how much white he has in him. PAUSE

Ed Hwang

Simp-ly Leveling


You know it's peak when my pants are peaking right now too :-) 8==>


MC: Nah, I'd Simp.


Oh...so that one girl from Mushoku Tensei but as a main character. I can dig it.


A little late here but you are half right about the Akame Ga Kill connection. The Author of Chained Soldier is the same Auther as Akame ga Kill’s. Man loved Esdeath so much he wanted to make an Echi series with her character design lol


Lee will go wild during chapter 7 and 8


Subbed to the Patreon just cause Of this show. This is a GREAT manga and I just had to get yalls uncut reaction to it


26:00+ Wait...are these niggas just saying slavery is acceptable when it's for proper compensation? I mean...as long as we don't go so far to say most were better off on plantations I think we can let it slide, and joke around abaut true nature coming on top, but DEAM! xD


We are essentially saying the compensation is whatever the slave wants , also the master is also a slave. Extreme example, I’ll be your slave for 5 minutes and afterwards i get everything you own….


We are essentially saying the compensation is whatever the slave wants , also the master is also a slave. Extreme example, I’ll be your slave for 5 minutes and afterwards i get everything you own….


Every simp's dream lmao sign me up