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I watched the episode earlier and had 2 questions for myself Why did I watch 23 minutes of this… idk Am I going to watch it next week… yes


I was about to go to bed but you just did back to back drops of degeneracy so I guess Ill be staying up


SUBARASHII for Degen Sunday


Coming in at the eleventh hour. Degeneracy baby


Trash of the season is HERE!


Albedito: Albedo's angsty little sister who is conflicted about the bad things she has to do. Does she love or hate it?


This show, and manga, are wild! Am I gonna continue? Yes.

John Ng

I'm glad I came through to Lee with Why The Hell Are You Here Teacher first. All the sensei's nipples have at least conditioned Lee and Director enough for them not to feel funny about these cute Magical Girls 🤣

40 luck

Isn't the train supposed to be 90 degrees the other direction?


This show is so lewd that the Anime even had a Flash Game created just for degenerates as a Tie-In! :D


Lee got sucked in! "Lick that armpit!"


I'm calling the police


😂🤣hilarious. Thanks. I'll watch the YouTube edit in the morning. Gotta support the degeneracy😅

✪ [Beta]Alpha

She looks like the girl from talentless nana, and I believe the 2 girls in the background at 19:30(blue hair with red bow and blonde girl) are from an anime called Pop Team Epic.

R'ja Norr

I am going to ask the most important question here: Which one of the girls in this show do you think Marin would cosplay as?


Even the director wasn't ready for that one lol


I've got to remove my face from patreon if I'm going to be commenting on these, jeebus EDIT: alright, face and last name gone. Director, you were going back and forth between horrified and amused that whole time, and i was with you on that.

Golden nugget 817

Love the back to back degenerate uploads. You guys better be back next week LOL


I can’t work out if I laugh more at your reaction to the episode or at your after episode conversation 🤣🤣🤣🤣

dani oz

Its fine guys, she is beeing blackmailed, so we have to watch and share her suffering. Just keep an open mind like Lee does lol 24:25


daaaamn... Lee is spitting at 12:55 ! 😂

R'ja Norr

Gojo would have to use a skin tone body suit for the base, for reasons....🤣

Daniel Borrego

you're gonna summon the ultra fbi with this one :D

Big Duval

Im lowkey mad because I like the plot but dont want the fbi knocking down my door lol.

Windragon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-09 20:57:08 0.0 You have my attention..., What have u made me become Lee .-. These animes lately are making me feel a certain way... :-)
2024-01-09 01:02:07 0.0 You have my attention..., What have u made me become Lee .-. These animes lately are making me feel a certain way... :-)

0.0 You have my attention..., What have u made me become Lee .-. These animes lately are making me feel a certain way... :-)


Ok I'm out on this one

Kazuma Sato

idk bout this one yall

TAC Genesis

110 likes for this sick shit, LOL hilarious


Can we all sit down, and ask the important question. HOW THE HELL IT'S NOT A HENTAI?! And with that out of the way, My God this will be fun

Muhammad Imran

I read the manga and it way more clean than the anime


Lee's shirt was perfect for this opening episode.

Prof. Walker

Sooo... They say only the guys are Horny XD

Alan Uribe

Based background.


REALLY hope this adaptation is given the go ahead to use some budget later on, because MY GOD does it ramp up! This series gets so unironically good, like the ecchi becomes background noise. It just has no business being as good as it gets later on, but it does and I hope they can let some of the crazy battle get all the animation budget they deserve!


That rough cut "you are chosen to be in evil organization" ...boys laugh like crazy, then repeat same scene and boys are stoic as hell :D


Holy shit boys you went too deep in open mind in these video :D


btw yes the original Sailor Moon anime featured a full nude transformation for all the scouts, which is and was written by and for women just gonna put that out there 😉 was ahead of it's time for real. I'm actually not disgusted by this and find it funny and entertaining 😂