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Luffy has the same dream that Roger told Oden and Whitebeard. We have no idea what the dream is but the most popular theory is that it's a global party.


It was stated I think that Rayleigh helped Boa when she was younger. It went by really fast but Shakky, Rayleigh's wife, was a former empress two generations before Boa.


It's nice knowing luffy kinda has a plan after finding the one piece. It would be depressing if he reached his goal and then felt empty because there is nothing left to pursue.

Neo Don

It’s crazy how Oda kept this hidden so well. Ppl didn’t think about Luffy’s secret dream until he brought this up. He hid it all the times he said it.


by the way for sum reason they sped past it but shaki, rayleighs wife, is a former empress of amazon lily.


Personally i never look away from the title and this episode it was special 11:48 Yes Lee you are right he were resisting her he said NO MAN can resist you (which gives me doubt about Luffy) lmao

God Enel

I mean probably not officially but they have been a couple for like 2 decades

Trayvon Brown

Random but the one piece anime is getting a remake. https://youtu.be/OxXx-iApUi0?si=g_4hNMOdNgz_9KX4

Trayvon Brown

@8:07 Idk why the anime adapted it this way. In the manga right as blackbeard is grabbing Boa Rayleigh pulls up. You don't have to wonder why he's there. This episode starts with the end for some reason and treats it as a flashback.

Trayvon Brown

You agree with me lol. There was a lot of arguments about whether Zoro or Luffy was right and i said the same thing lol. Ace died bruh so how did that work out for you Luffy? Also "Ace had his own adventures." Duh he was a pirate who took those risks, Vivi isn't.

Daniel Turner

lee before the youtube comments get you check back 7:55


I think the old lady mentioned a daughter who ran away with someone she loved….. back when Boa was first love sick? Right?


I don’t think people thought about it because it’s assumed his dream is finding the one piece and he’s been saying it out loud. It’s borderline of subtle misdirection


You know, I've got the idea that Boa is Rayleigh & Shakky's Daughter. She's far stronger than everyone else on the island, has a close bond with both of them, and they came to the rescue immediately once the Warlord Status was revoked. Plus, the Kuja is known to head out to sea and then come back to the Island and give birth. She could have been raised on the Island. Even if it's not a Blood relation, they are definitely Parent figures to her.

Daniel Turner

They mentioned the previous emperor died from lovesick and that granny left the island because she was in love not sure if they mentioned what happened to shakky until now


FYI Lee, next week is recap, not sure if Dec 31 will have episode or not, need to check later


I think Yamato & Uta also know the dream. Ace told Yamato by accident, and that's what made her believe in Luffy. "Someone in Oden's Log said the same words!" And Luffy in the Uta Flashback Episodes discussed their dreams with one another.


Yearh that i expected just now sure if it was official

I Am Groot

also it was so long ago but rayleigh also pulled up to amazon lily after marineford war he swam there and started training luffy, and they mentioned that he saved the girls in the past


11:45 Blackbeards black hole ability negates all devil fruits, so she won't be able to turn him while he's holding her

Mr Evol

Yeah, there was also a flashback at some point where Shanks told Rayleigh that Luffy said the same thing Roger did.

Mr Evol

The crazy thing is that the crew is all-in on believing that Luffy can find the One Piece and become Pirate King, but whatever Luffy's dream is is something they consider impossibe even in spite of that.


I was wondering why the PX weren't attacking, but then I remembered last episode Coby told them to stop due to possibly damaging the statues with collateral damage.

Prof. Walker

Finally, the anime reached this, Luffy's TRUE dream! (Us manga readers don't know either)


The big mom comment is correct. Different devil fruits sometime have prerequisites like that

Alan Uribe

Luffy's dream! One of the biggest debates in the community right now lol.

Kwame James

Don't know if anyone mentioned Blackbeard was going to capture luffy when he find out his bounty was 100 million but ace was already looking for him and had more reasons to stop Blackbeard once he beat ace he didn't need luffy ace bounty was 500 million and he needed a big fish to replace crocodile as warlord which in a way makes luffy responsible for both buggy and Blackbeard becoming emperors Blackbeard never becomes warlord without the opening so no powerful crew for Blackbeard nor buggy also no spotlight to let them showcase themselves