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Coping McCoperson

Hello hope today finds you well my brother in Christ. Just thought I would let you know that this show comes out on Fridays. You should record it on Fridays. Friday is earlier than Saturday. God bless you.

Josh Wright

I’d laugh if after all this shipping they don’t end up together. And by Laugh I mean die of disappointment

Alan Uribe

Hope volume 1 gets restocked for you lol.

R'ja Norr

I think it has to do with when Adorkable is available to come over to record. From what I have come to understand, the weekends seem to be the optimal time frame.

R'ja Norr

That ship will sail, even if I have to cut the docking ropes with a big axe. XD

R'ja Norr

2:12 Another reason Stark could not be Himmel's son is because of the age gap. Stark was born around 11 or 12 years after Himmel died. I get that we are talking about HIMithy here, but I don't think his HIM power is that potent (LOL). Great Grandaddy maybe, but I get why Director would be interested in that story twist.

Kyle Kahl

so crazy theory what if Frieren is the actual hero but because she is a mage she never tried too pull the sword cause its useless to her. The reason Im thinking this is if you remember back too the episode of the village where the hero sword is the village elder said that she still believes that frieren could of been the hero. Now we have heiter saying that she defeated the demon lord. We also know Freiren is crazy Op and her original mission from her master was to defeat the demon lord. I just find it interesting that theres this background dialog about frieren. I could be looking into this a bit too far but hey, like I said just a crazy theory.


Frieren storytelling is peak


What a great Dance sequence! Poor Sein, no older ladies to dance with


Props to Lee for calling the Sein/Frieren situation immediately. Shes still a kid by her races standards.

Edrei Z.

The dance scene was done with with help of a dance school where the dancers provided the choreography and reference footage. Madhouse then used motion capture to help create a scene where you can see Stark and Fern express their feelings through the dance rather than words.

dani oz

Free education, free training, free meals, getting to dance with a girl. Hell yea. AND i get paid on top of it. No questions asked lol


That's would actually be crazy if true, it means her potential with a sword would be even better than that of a mage and we know how nasty of a mage she is


There was one right in front of him. But, she'd rather eat cake.


Wait, was the first half of this episode a Plants VS Zombies joke?


I just cooked up a far fetched theory but as it was told Himmel was the hero that defeated the demon lord. Frieren is going back to where the demon lord's castle is and they don't know much about demon magic. So what if Himmel at some point, somehow gets revived as the new Demon Lord. I know far fetched but that could be such a twist.


Heiter was just saying she kept her word. Defeating the Demon Lord was a party effort, Frieren by herself wouldn't be able to do anything


To play off the whole HIMmel thing and stark thing in the beginning discussion... Stark looked at the sword that couldn't be pulled out and looks at HIMmel's statues a lot because he constantly compares himself to HIMmel. It was never about stark somehow pulling out the sword cause a lot of reactors tend to misunderstand that entire scenario. It is about stark reflecting on HIMmel the hero and his own character. I think its really good to reflect on how HIMmel couldn't pull the sword to make him destined to be the hero but became the hero anyway. While stark sees himself as a complete coward and sometimes worthless. He sees HIMmel as something he admires. I could go on and on but I just like the reflection type of thing that stark does with HIMmel.


Lmao. Yall just gotta ignore coping. Hes a regular in discord and already knows. I thank you guys for understanding me though.

Kyle Kahl

not necessarily but true she would need a party. They also never confirmed that hamel killed the demon lord they always say it was freiren. Freiren one shotted that demon mage which they had to seal because they couldnt kill him as the hero party.

Kyle Kahl

I dont think she would have an affinity for the sword do to the fact that shes a mage. Thats why I said it would be of no use too her plus obviously they didnt need the sword to defeat the demon lord anyways

Just Chilline

Stark and Fern are both 18 btw, letting y'all know just incase there's more "romantic" scenes of them.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

Don't even need to call him Himothy he already HIMmel. He's just like that.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

Frieren says Himmel defeated the Demon King. They were all essential. Also Frieren couldn't kill that demon back them either with the party. Literally had 80 years to prepare to kill it and magic advanced.