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I've always stood by my belief that a show can only be a good as its villains allow it to be. And a hero can only be great if they overcome a truly top tier villain. Villains are ALWAYS my favorite of any story, they drive everything


Why Itadori do my man Mahito like that


I don’t like mahito but I respect him as a villain he’s like the joker he was perfectly crafted to be hated.


I am in the middle. I hate this mutherfucker Mahito but love him at the same time. Fire Villan fr


I appreciate Mahito as a villain and his fighting ability but i def don't like him lmao. I like watching him but i want him to die. Seeing him be pathetic was great.


Notice how all the other Cursed Spirits went out fighting for their cause, while Mahito the "Fear of Humans" Curse, became a little crybaby when his death was near.

Roronoa Zoro

Bro when the hell did todo even get that picture of itadori 😂😂

The Law_v1001

Bruh I love watching mahito bitch out but hate seeing itadori pulling a Gohan. Gotta finish your food. Rather it's cell,Buu or mahito. Honestly mahito is a villain but not even top 5 of my villains list in JJK. I need him dead itadori.

Patrick Rukundo

lol 33:20 Lbj is most certainly a closer #goatjames


Mahito was doing what Sukuna said Jogo should’ve done and just “burn it all down”. Left unchecked, Mahito had (or has, Idk what’s gonna happen) the potential to become a curse with power on par with Sukuna or Gojo imo. He learned from every single fight and was advancing rapidly as fuck every time we saw him.


idk if I can really respect Yuji despite that cold speech. Not only did it take 3 people to take down Mahito (Nobara counts since she allowed Yuji to whittle down Mahito to 40%) but Yuji had all the advantages of not being able to be transfigured, able to hurt Mahito and the fact that Mahito isnt able to fully utilize his domain expansion due to Sukuna's existence within Yuji. Not only that, Boogie Woogie is also a great technique against Mahito and they still barely got his ass. Then Yuji decides to play with his food and now fake Geto's here in time. I dont think Geto's gonna save Mahito but theres a high chance of him collecting Mahito as one of his curses which means Mahito's ability is still going to be a problem down the line. Nah, Yuji took a big fat L in this fight for me. Mahito probably my favorite villain in the show rn after Geto (original one).


Just a little context. Itadori wasnt playing with his food the sequence is kind of anime time. But goddamn himothy first of his name Itadori wew


Backing the bad guys completely here isn't the same as most series, it comes off really psychotic tbh. I say this as someone who does appreciate them.


Same, really find it cringe when people make him out to be anything but a villain. If you want to do it for Jogo or Hanami then sure, its not that crazy.


Yep. This episode was great but it made both of them look awful. Unless this leads to Yuta being the actual main character, might not follow this show past this season. Only so long you can kill or maim the great characters and keep interest.


I feel like everyone knows that he's s villain. It's just some of us mahito fans back him up or say shit like "hes just s silly little guy", just cause it's fun

Casper Ghost

What's Director talking about with the whole "emotional black flashes" thing? They aren't dependent on mindset or anything, just timing.

Casper Ghost

Mahito is totally about to be a Geto snack.


To be honest, mahito is a special grade and they made a point that special grades are leagues above anyone else. Look at the 4v1 againts Dagon, the only reason they won is bc Toji, otherwise they were losign that even in a 4v1. The human side needs the hard counters if they want to win. But I agree that last bit was cool, but intead of kicking him away he should've went for the finish and Geto attacks him, so he gets pushed away. Also it was probably anime time and it just looked stupid, same thing happened to Nobara

dani oz

o7 to the homie Mahito. If not for Sukuna, he would have bodied everyone around. 19:00 T-posing like a chad taking the MCs hits like its nothing


Nah cap i respect Mahito as a legit Villain i am not angry at him because it is just WAR. Which is why he has to die no redemption like Batman tries to he has to go. Loved the reaction you guys are amazing You are not alone Lee most people just don't write these things. After all A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinion of sheep -Tywin Lannister


Not really aiming at you, more responding to what you said. Half the fun in this video is you trying to stop from cheering on the good guys! Besides, the best part of JJK is that you can sympathise with the bad guys even if you don't want them to win.


I thought that state of mind did matter and thats why he couldn't hit one until Todo pepped him up.


I guess Geto is technically true to his word of "saving him" by using his Spirit Manipulation on Mahito in this weakened state, which I assume is what he's gonna do next episode & what he means by asking the question, huh? Even if that would mean Mahito loses his freedom entirely due to the technique stashing his ass to the pool where all the Curses are being stashed at


The only thing that matters is that your mind is balanced, not any specific type of mindset, he failed because he went too heavily into the tardrage mode, and said overflowing of rage prevented him from using Black Flash at first against Hanami


Yea. I happen to not sympathize with Mahito. Hes just fun. I sympathized with Jugo? (Volcano guy? And Octopus because they had people they care about. Mahito is pure chaos and fun.


People call me pyschotic for liking the villain’s and with that intro I figured you say the same. Lol. I was bothered 3 weeks ago but not anymore. I end up just embracing whatever is coming my way lol. So I responded and just said I respect that ha


Director has his own way of thinking. I don’t have much to say in that regard lol. But he’s very clear about what he’s talking about


I remembered from the Mechamaru fight that Geto wanted Mahito to be on brink of losing, I think Mahito needs to be willing to become a servant curse to this fake "Geto". As the original Geto had subordinate curses it used to fight. Poor Mahito he was amazing villain character and the animation did so good on making him funny and irritating and just very scary unnatural being.