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Yall Was Watching This With the 10 minutes gone? and nobody said anything...lol....wow...anyways..fixing it.

This show looks like it will be replaced by Flower Of Evil based on the feedback i recieved.  I'm still looking for what to start next after Flower Of Evil but i got overwhelmed last time cuz folks write like 8 suggestions rather than their number 1 choice lol...so it's a lot to read.


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It's okay not to be okay ep 14 uncut

Watch "It's okay not to be okay ep 14 uncut" on Streamable.



I think everyone (myself included) got a little bit excited and that had everyone recommending a lot of dramas. Thank you for clearing things up. And I apologize for doing that .Next I will recommend just one . To make things more simpler and easier.

Sne Msomi

Mu number is a no so guess Vagabond ( it’s like a quantico type of show) Or we tap into Spanish shows and watch money heist .


we trying to consistently serve the kdrama niche, a Spanish show is a different category from this slot

raeven b.

I’ll be seeing Flower of Evil for the first time with you guys, so this will be fun :) can’t wait to watch this later tonight 🤩🤩🤩

Makayla Rose

Sorry I also suggested more 🥲


I recommended like 10 shows last time because I thought you were doing the chat gpt thing and finding the most recommended ones. If you want just 1 show, I think you should watch "Hometown Cha Cha Cha." I know it's a dumb name, but it's a very high quality romcom and a nice change of pace after watching Flower of Evil. Also the female lead is one of the most beautiful women ever imo


Ohhhhhh ha. Wanna know something embarrassing….. I forgot to use it. Lol. That would have solved it. Maaaaaaan my fault. You’re good


Na it’s my fault after reading Danny B. I should have used chat gpt. Thatd what inwas doing before


At 38:10, there's a key moment that's hard to translate into English without an explanation. Even though Lee Sangin was translated as saying "I like you" to Juri, he actually didn't say "you" in Korean. Korean is a very context-dependent language, so someone can just say "like" or "I like" and the rest of the sentence has to be interpreted depending on the context. Because Sangin didn't specify who he was talking about, Juri was able to get away with responding as if Sangin meant that he likes Moonyoung, not Juri (though Juri's sneaky smile slipped out after he left 😉).

raeven b.

Lee, your Korean has improved immensely!! Love that you’re attempting new intro sentences. I see you! 👌🏽☺️


Oh thank you. I digressed a bit unfortunately. I think i stopped trying new sentences but you have inspired me after noticing the efforts. Thank you. 🙏🏽


The video is missing in the first 10ish minutes and the intro music is playing the whole way through. its less than 10mins of video missing so i can sync up my own copy, but can we remove the bgm, otherwise its hard to sync up with multiple sound sources

raeven b.

My sweet man Sangtae feeding munyeong is the stuff I CANNOT HANDLE. He is so precious!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭


On the fairy tale part, so many original fairy tales are very very dark and graphic. They were often to impart like a cautionary tale but over time the versions we see now are often very mild in comparison. However, when you think fantasy stories like Tim Burton movies, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline and so on, there is an appeal for the dark versions too. There definitely is an age where darker stories aren't appropriate but sometimes the darker more serious stories have a great impact too.

LightMyPath Star

Was going to watch it now I’m still catching up to all the shows including moving, op live action and this. Was away with spotty Wi-Fi so I have not caught mistakes yet. Thank u for fixing it


Apologies . You’re the only person who says anything so when i was on a string of bad editing habits. I was unware lol. People watched a video without the beginning of the episode and didn’t say anything. Either way thank you. I’m on higher alert of mistakes and went ahead and double checked the future moving episodes


I saw another video where the other person noticed the same thing for a while but waited till you said something and joined you in venting about me 🥹🥹🥹. Lol. If I’m aware of a problem i will fix it.

LightMyPath Star

0:58 seconds in Shots Fired!!! I’m dead. Guess kdrama fans are nicer and for that I thank you😉. Btw I forgot how emotional this episode was and I almost lost it at work with the sniffles 🤧 and everything 🤣🤣🤣🤣 anyways thank you for the reaction it was great as always.


Lool nahh, not venting about you. Think of it as eagerness to watch the videos. Im super sensitive to sound so it probably bugs me more than others 😅

raeven b.

yes, please keep trying! It's difficult to pronounce starting out, but with all the kdramas you're consuming, words and phrases will get more and more familiar. This was years ago, but when I first heard korean, I was obsessed with the expressions lol loved hearing "Aish!" but found it really awkward to say myself. I just wasn't familiar with the tones and where stress was placed in the words. But now? I don't think my pronunciation's too shabby at all. But that's thanks to a ton of immersion lol keep at it!! you're doing great!

strange& sleepless

Original old german fairytales like those by the brothers grimm for example are dark as fuck and definitely not kid friendly by todays standards. I remember my grandma having a children's book called ''Struwwelpeter'' from 1844 that was really popular which is why it's still around. It included stories about kids getting their thumbs cut off with humongous scissors if they were to suck on them, or starving to death bc they wouldnt wanna eat their meal and so on. They're really graphic, no sugar coating there. So munyeong's books dont really surprise me, but in reality it'd probably be too difficult to understand the message for kids.

kun st

This episode got me bawling 😰


Jae su's analysis of them being a weak couple is truly dumb as hell. They are easily one of the strongest couples that I have ever seen and Gang Tae is the strongest one among the trio.