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Director Nasty Will Be Gone From September 13th-17th, All weekend shows delayed till Tuesday at the latest. In other words, shows without the ability to be pre-recorded in advance are the only things affected. 

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Sne Msomi

Now we getting into my fav episodes 😁😁😁



Benaiah Massey

Finally, we have arrived at where I think the series really takes off!

Sne Msomi

It’s too late now however frank had no idea what power these people had . That’s why he was initially hiding behind walls with naju ( who has X-ray vision) When electric man asked him if he knew about his powers he said not everything is in the files .

Sne Msomi

Frank is second string not second generation. He could be 1st or 10th generation 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️we don’t know how long America has been running the project . The whole second string thing is just them saying “ you are just a dupe of hisoo’s dad he will kill you” Those were Naju’s last words .

Ann Mae

The moment Mihyun burst into crying, I felt that. 🙁


Yea i read you guys explain the second string part. We just still have our take on what that could mean that has to been revealed to us rather than just take it for a simple insult. But I’m aware folks say it’s just a simple insult. We record ahead so you might be frustrated hearing it but we also record a ahead so we aren’t impacted by folks who have seen more context in the show. We pretty much drop the second string thoughts after seeing “the monster” the world building completely changes what we thought we knew or what we could have expected

Ann Mae

Somehow, Moving is about superhero abilities, but you look deeper into it. They are just parents who want to protect their children and give them a different life. Far from their lives, they had. Both parents and children are reasonable.

Sne Msomi

I guess however I’m not talking with future knowledge the mom gave the definition in episode 6 I just thought y’all missed it because what I’m saying is not an analysis however what the character said . Well I’m excited for the other episodes


I appreciate it. Oh na we didnt miss it. At least I don’t think so. I remember it and folks keeps explaining it hahaha. So I’m unaware of what we said that sparks that. I saw a few on ep 4 or 5 when she first said it I believe

Sne Msomi

It’s probably because y’all keep calling second string second generation 😂😂.


Spoilers for anyone who hasnt seen “the monster" which is in like 4 more episodes 😂😂😂😂😂 Ahhhhhhhhh yea. I promise We just yell stuff and forget yeah. We’ll talk on “the monster” because we used to think that the Americans copied the korean projects. Spoilers for anyone who hasnt seen “the monster" which is in like 4 more episodes We spent like 8 episodes thinking people are made in labs or something so the entire banter keeps coming back to the same theories that we don't constantly repeat but remain in place Spoilers for anyone who hasnt seen “the monster" which is in like 4 more episodes So we thought the Korean government made super powered people in labs or with a serum. We interchange change second string and second generation and we shouldn’t. We thought the kids are second generation and the American/Korean was a second generation knock off….cuz clearly the government is giving people powers……..BUT NO NO lol. After seeing the monster we saw people already had powers prior to joining the agency. So nooooow. Second string was just a basic insult as you guys have been saying lol…… unless they explain the Americans turned the Korean/American into a super-powered person from the other guys blood or something haha. Spoilers for anyone who hasnt seen “the monster" which is in like 4 more episodes


His name is not Iowa, he's suffering from brain damage.


That was North Korea at the end there, and the officer was not Bongseok's dad. That's all I'll say, cuz you guys are about to experience the best arc in the show so far next episode!


I think the I am Iowa was implying he was originally I, then killed F in the field and disguised himself as F, since it's easy to change an I to an F.


The guy at the end is the mob boss from My Name!

Ed Hwang

Random thought on Frank's flashback. I think the first scene in the cornfields, it's a fight club of "F"s, and once he was the last, that's when the guards started shooting as he ran towards the center. Seeing as Frank left multiple bodies, and at the end they've got only A-H, that's a lot of children's bodies. That entire program is a war atrocity. Kidnap, torture, slavery, murder and assassination of children. Hyper disturbing shit.


Great reaction! Regarding Frank's situation, I interpreted him saying his name was Iowa as him having his own free will. Since his entire life was against his will (being taken from his parents, forced into adoption, and turned into a super assassin), this one thing (his name) was what he chose (not the given name Frank). At the end of the fight with Juwon, he looks like he's smiling as if he's already accepted the fact that he is going to die. Given the fact that he had a terrible upbringing, I think he was happy to go.


There's a movie on Netflix called "Psychokinesis" where the actor who plays the dad plays a very similar role of a father who develops superpowers. It's more of a comedy than Moving, but worth a watch. Also, if you like the actor, "Extreme Jobs" is a hilarious movie that's very much worth your time, and would do well for reactions as well.

Alma U

I’m caught on the latest episodes and rewatching this one was so heartbreaking after you see the rest of their stories 😭🥲


Director sees north korea. "Is this empire?" Lmfao had me dying


Bongseok's actor put on 30 kg for this role. He a handsome boy


1:15:20 yeah she can heal but still you dont someone you care about to get hurt. And that could possibly dicapitate you.


Let’s be honest, a single dad would have him controlling his powers. She had the whole big warehouse before he could have been trained safely.