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I thought dub was the obvious choice and preferred for this……but i already know there isnt freedom of choice for the reactor lol.

i think whatever language the actots are speaking is the one to pick and my understanding is they act and emote with english 

Irony of watching One Piece. So I’ll listen to feedback




English Dub


In this case wouldn’t the Japanese version be considered the dubbed version? But yea English it’s actually good lol


English considering the original language of the show is English


Can someone tell me if I can watch this show if I'm only on episode like 260 of the anime? I doubt they adapted that far right?


There is one semi-big spoiler (depending on who you ask) that reveals details about a marine named Garp. If you care about that kind of spoiler a lot, then you'd want to avoid it. If not, then go for it.


Do anime watchers not understand it’s not a dub when it’s made in English? That’s just called acting….


i believe everyone knows that but thats how people talk. it basically slang at his point, the English is referred to as dub by online culture I interact with and my own social circles


I got confused because I thought by 'dub', you meant you prefer the Japanese version haha I always go with original voice actors - never like dub on anything tbh. So, English for sure :)

Aziz Razak

Original language for sure


I hope I avoid this thing entirely. Already seen people dropping reactions for it. Too cringe for me but hope you enjoy it.

Random Guy

i would usually say sub, and I still prefer sub for this too, but If you watched this in dub I wouldn't complain because that's the original voice for this live action.


idk who needs to know this...but dub doesn't mean english voiceover...it just means whatever language is voiced over the original language. so...if the original language isn't your spoken language and you want to understand the show but still hear the original language? watch subs. if you want to hear your language over the foreign language, watch the dubs. if the show is already in your language and you are hard of hearing or deaf...put on captions....this has been my Ted talk


the act of recording a voice over...is called vocal dubbing.