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Haha, almost anyone I have seen reacting to this is "ROYYY LOCK HIM UP, Disgusting" and YBRL here is just laughing every single time Roy is on the screen :D


lmao..he is disgusting but at the same time...there is no point in being upset now that I understand the trope and I'm gonna enjoy myself lol. I adapt fairly quickly to what the author is doing and go with it ha...just wait till ep 8 and you'll see my sincerity


This show is a feast.. a feast of everything you could want! lol Director gets it ;)


Megumi Ogata truly an S-tier VA. She fr fr needs more roles in more anime


This is the correct way to go at it. Roy is just joke trope and this shows comedy rely in lot of ecchi content. You will see in later episodes more what I mean =)

dani oz

This show took "OP contains spoilers" to the next level. Actually nevermind, they take a lot of tropes to the next level lol


This is late but its hard to answer the specific "man on an island" question in Christian religion. I personally want to learn more in my Christian beliefs myself and need more time and years to understand and better interpret my understandings of Gods teachings. Inclusivism and Exclusivism seem to be the dominant positions. Inclusivism being basically that God is all loving and forgiving so those who never knew God will be saved upon death. Exclusivism being that the only path to God and heaven is through Christ and those who do not know will not be saved and allowed to enter heaven. Personally the inclusivism sounds much more fair in a way. I tend to think as of right now that those who do not know God are put in the same category of those that are uncapable of exercising their faith. Like the question of if a baby passes what happens? It never had the ability to dictate its faith and have that time to process those things. That is entirely up to God. As humans we can't understand what God surely judges for those outcomes. Its just up to our faith that God takes care of those situations as he sees fit. In a way it sounds like a cop out kind of answer but our bases of faith in our God through Jesus Christ comes down to faith no matter how much we rationalize everything. We could all read a scripture and come up with a number of different ways to interpret it. Its the ones who God approaches and we have the chance and capability to follow that light who are the ones truly tested. Its all super complicated so I could go on forever and I will continue to learn and adjust my thoughts but I think spreading the scripture to everyone possible is to make sure that those who have a chance of hearing scripture can have that chance to follow and praise God accordingly. Not just simply about not going to heaven but also about having the chance to truly know God before the afterlife. What good does not knowing God do in the life that is given to you if you can't praise God and act on the will he has for us. Its a copout and not right to think "if a person never knows God then maybe God will let them into heaven". Its kind of like saying its best to ignore God altogether because if we don't know we can be ignorant and get away with it. God acts accordingly on every life he creates is what I think it boils down to. Sorry for babbling on I just get lost into thought with this type of stuff lol


Religions allow too much ignorance and reliance in my opinion. It gets proven constantly by, in my case with my religion, Christian worship where the preachers are worshipped instead of God. The people who go to worship spout things about worshipping God but at the end of the day whatever the preacher says goes. You go to church to worship God. You shouldn't go to church to live a lifestyle God doesn't want you living and listening to the preacher and rolling with whatever the preacher says. You get closer to God by learning of it yourself and questioning what the bible says and what God is telling you. I need to stop or I am gonna go on and on lol


I like having a loli God, her smug face and pose during the fighting scene was fun and silly. "Foolish human." 😄