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Josh Wright

Hey lee someone might have already pointed this out lol. But when I was doing some random stuff around the house after watching zom I was like dam ik his voice familiar. 🤦‍♂️he’s The dam dog from miss inukai san’s dog lol


Love how Kencho got the All Might makeover to kick this episode off

Hans Wurst

But Shizuka didn't really try to calm the girl down. As I see it, she was trying to push her away because she grabbed her suddenly when they should be running. It's not her fault (but it is her fault being in a group like that in the first place).


What is adorkable talking about in this? Did she not see that girl grab onto her and pull her back from running ahead? I don't understand how you just miss that part. What else was she gonna do? Knocking her ass out for grabbing her while they were running was literally the only other option lol


Dope episode though and dope reaction. Really liked the MHA feels that was in this episode.


The reason I assume she tried calming her down was because she grabbed onto her and wouldn't let go