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33:56 lmao...i tried to be a good person...but I think I'm also crazy lol...

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strangers from hell ep 1 uncut_1.mp4 v2

Watch "strangers from hell ep 1 uncut_1.mp4 v2" on Streamable.


LightMyPath Star

What? Work be damn. Let’s do this! Wooohoooo


This whole show had me shookith!


Let's gooooo!!!


This show just makes you uncomfortable. i an rewatching with you and i still feel that way.


Weird. 😱😨😰


The woman said 302 before but I think she meant it was the wrong room. She wanted to go to 303 but who knows, I havent seen this show before.

Sne Msomi

I thought y’all recorded it’s okay not to be okay first .

LightMyPath Star

39:19 The Psycho laugh 😂 I’m dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Poor Adorkable horrified and mourning the poor cat 🐈


49:58 director wants no parts 🤣🤣 The actual title of this show is "타인은 지옥이다" which translates to "Hell is other people" so every time in this show when they say the title just know this is what they're actually saying lol. I'm so happy y'all are starting this up. Watching y'all react was so funny lol 23:01 adorable knew what time it was when she heard that laugh 🤣💀


Omg I seen this show already but I cracked up cause Lee was crazy laughing & snorting 🤣🤣 rewatching this show is gonna be a fun ride!



UltrA_ Ojisan

I had to pause and laugh at Lee at 40:13 lol he was dying and couldn't breath for like 10 secs haha.


Lmao. Her being horrified and i tried defending crazies to be politically correct 😂😂😂


Lee laughing so hard he's snorting is the highlight ✨️ I KNEW YOU'D LOVE THIS ❤️


yooooo I cannot wait for all the chaos haha


LOLOLOL when Lee started laughing when they revealed the cat in the bag and u see the other disturbed af. I couldnt help but laugh too xD


Lol my sense of humor is strange lmao. I’ll have a straight face when things are actually supposed to he funny.


I like this show. It’s eerie and I can’t wait to see what happens. The lady at 18:37 is the same actress from Parasite, who worked for the rich family and was allergic to peaches. Also, I agree with Adorkable at 45:53 with how that “friend” (who seems like a hater) is interested in the MC’s girlfriend, cause he keeps bringing her up. The girlfriend may be even cheating on him with the “friend”, maybe? The most normal person in the house is the guy that looks like a thug, lol. Literally, He’s the most normal and human-like, cause everyone else is super weird or they seem to have an ulterior motive or something. And maybe the MC sleepwalked at night and that's why he woke up in the bed? Hmm...


Lee saying Lee Dongwook got better with age. Yes 🥰🥰🥰


I'm glad you're enjoying it~ and you caught that right away! I love her acting, ever since I watched her in When the Camellia Blooms~


like fine wine, better with time 😤📈❤️


Indeed. Loved him since Scent of a Woman ❤️


Aww, I loved that drama! Yes, that actress has been in other dramas I've seen as well. She's a fantastic actress.

raeven b.

I'm intrigued, but lord. . . I really can't watch thrillers with horror by myself. I'm watching with you guys technically, but it's not enough. I might give it a chance if I psych myself up enough lol I'm a scaredy cat.

LightMyPath Star

Girl I watched this when they first posted and I swear I’m at work surrounded by people n I was so creeped out and scared. It’s my second time watching and I’m still not over the unsettled feeling. I am with you 😂😂😂 this shit it’s terrifying. Glad Lee was laughing because it distracted me from the suspense


As I said on youtube, I was fully willing to pay in order to see yall react to this 😆. I'm glad you guys think this first episode was interesting! Since you are still getting to know the characters it might seem a little confusing but by episode 2 or 3 you'll have a general understanding of what's going on. I think that the "you never know what is going to happen next" characteristic of this drama is what gives it so much depth, it really puts you on edge as the viewer. Can't wait to see the rest of your reactions!

Olive Abum

I loved this drama, I am SO ready to see yall react to it!!!!!


Enjoyed this, I took what the friend said in a more positive light, being "dude you're a 27 struggling writer who just left home to live in a cupboard, take advantage of this job I got you to build a future with your girlfriend, my rep is also on the line for doing this." it is also the scene that made me think the main character maybe is as strange as the rest of the gosiwon.

Makayla Rose


Makayla Rose

this type of show I call psychological thriller.


mhm! she really does great in these unique characters!


My first time on Patreon and it’s all to watch you guys react to this show… 🔥🔥🔥

Syeshia Flag

Ooou y’all Korean improved so much ngl 😭


Oh I forget always shows that are crazy makes Lee goes crazy too...

Joseph C Gdaniec

I feel like Adorkable really gotta check those biases there during that episode. Basically taking someone who is obviously depicted as mentally ill or on the spectrum and just assuming the are the bad guys from the jump because they make you uncomfortable. I'm not saying they can't be the killer or the bad guys but she basically only suspected that guy and not the creep with the pictures or the obvious gangster


reply 2 days later, you been busy with your new fame :D


Super late, but Lee had the k-drama fans eating good last couple months, fire show I always wanted y'all to react to!