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John Strickland

He’ll be depressed for a while

Gundam42 D

Love how Eris and Sylphy instantly go lethal force instantly and secure the kill. Rudy could learn from them.


Rip animation quality you will be missed


Fate/strange Fake: Whispers of Dawn, Came out and The Anime Series is Being Made So I think Y'all should Watch the Fate Series. Being: Fate Zero


Who is ready for more of our reincarnated pedophile/rapey boi season 2? can't wait too see more of the creepy stuff he will do this season

John Strickland

Apparently this episode was outsourced and thrown together last minute hence the drop in quality


Sure hope that’s the reason but also many key staff members from season 1 have been replaced as well.




Don't forget, Lord Pilemon was the one who wanted to make Eris their concubine back in Season 1!


So, there is a lot of cut/skipped content in this episode, if you are curious go check out the Light Novel! I'll post some from a Youtube comment in case anyone's curious! Also, the gore seems very toned down. --- LIGHT NOVEL CUT CONTENT, POTENTIAL SPOILERS ---- In the novels, Derricks death was shown to have more of an affect on Ariel. While we do see her grieve over his body, and her struggle with nightmares over his death, it was actually Derrick who has always been advocating for Ariel to become queen. He viewed the Asura Kingdom as getting weak and complacent. They were indulging in their wealth while other nations around were gaining in power. He predicted Asura Kingdom would eventually fall if things did not change. In his dying breaths, as Ariel held his body, he begged her to change the kingdom and become queen. This is really what kicked Ariel into shape and got her earnestly trying for the throne. She is outclassed in terms of power and influence, but she has the popularity advantage among the lower ranking nobles and commoners. This popularity even saves her life as she was on her way to Ranoa (northern snowy area) as her brothers set a trap for her. It was the people left to execute the trap that allowed her to safety, because of her popularity among the lower-class and guardsmen. Other things of note: 1. Seemingly the third chapter of this three chapter story arc involving Fitz, Luke and Ariel is going to be skipped. I am not positive, but judging by how the episode ended, they skipped the previously mentioned chapter that involved that trap and the battles that took place with assassins on the journey to Ranoa. Ariel lost most of her guards and retainers. Their deaths further bolstered Ariels resolve and determination to one day return and take the throne. Sylphie was basically the only reason Ariel, Luke and at least two other servants survived. She was performing exceptionally well against the many assassins, despite losing most of the retainers that were sent with Ariel. 2. The episode was censored (there are two versions) and in the uncensored version, Darius was abusing that girl as he was planning the assassination on Ariel with Grabbel. 3. In the beginning of the episode, with Luke and Ariel discussing their favorite "desserts", in the novels the discussion was a lot more explicit about what they were talking about. Plainly put, they were discussing their previous exploits with the maids and servants. Which is pretty ridiculous, if you think about it. Because both Ariel and Luke are around Rudeus in age (between 10-14 years old). 4. The assassin that sneaks into Ariels bedroom was left off a lot worse than in the Anime. Sylphie actually used detoxification magic to cure her poisoning before she lost consciousness and then blasted off the assassins arms and legs with wind magic as she was sent flying into the night.


Apparently, this episode 0 was a last minute addition that the studio decided to include in the Season, and thus was outsourced to another studio. Not bad right? They decided they could fit it in and went for it


Apparently, this episode 0 was a last minute addition that the studio decided to include in the Season, and thus was outsourced to another studio. Not bad right? They decided they could fit it in and went for it


I love this season and can’t wait to hear the discussion coming up.


Do you remenber Derek, the mob that was with Ariel and Luke at the start? Funny thing is that this mob is voiced by THE GREATEST MOB aka Shadow/Cid Kagenou. Once a mob always a mob.


I would suggest fate strange fate but if you have come this far without watching fate maybe its not ment to be lol. Its a rabbit hole.


Peak is back!!


I haven’t seen that one. Does it explain things well or will they be lost if they try and start with it?


Mushoku greatnessssss!!!!!


YES, I HOPE they WATCH the Fate Series. 👍🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾👍🏾👍🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾👍🏾👍🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾👍🏾


I posted because we have already seen parts and the series is mostly copyright stict tho I know some people have posted it fine


Sylphy's hair turning white was due to mana exhaustion. she was trying everything she could think of to slow her decent.


We left off with rudy being depressed cause he had the sexy time with Eris (best girl) and she left his ass. He was depressed because he thinks Eris left because she didn't care for him and he got stood up with a one night she gone before you even wake up type of event. Its important to remember because this season will continue to focus on some of that emotional damage that happened to him because she left. Eris left for her own good reasons and wanted to get stronger to help fight beside Rudy since they got bodied near the end of the season by the dragon god. Rudy does not know about that at all. He thinks she left because she doesn't care anymore for him and wanted to leave after having that night together. Basically he thinks she fulfilled the promise they made to get together when Rudy became an official adult and after that she left his ass. Also this is immediately after the group split up with Ruijerd going his own way. So he basically is all alone at this point and feels like he fucked up and the last episode last season was him trying to pull himself out of that depression. He didn't just have that depression for no reason at all. It all added up quite a bit.


Its nice they gave an episode 0 to catch up on Sylphiette's side of the story. She is the only 1 of the 3 main girls that hasn't been kept up with so far. So this is all just for her to get caught up some where we know what is going on for the episode 1 to start up next weekend


Hopefully you guys remember some things as the season progresses since it seems like you forgot some stuff in season 1.

joshua torres

if i remember correctly this season everyone will late teen early adult idk if im100 % correct


Judging the entire season off of an episode 0 being lower quality compared to the past season as if this was an episode that needed a big moment of animation. It wasn't necessary to do any more than what it did here. Don't act like the season is automatically down the drain just because a literal extra added episode didn't have top tier animation scenes.


When did I ever say the season was down the drain? I am allowed to be disappointed but I’m going to watch happily nevertheless because it’s Mushoku. A lot of key staff members were replaced so being worried is a valid response anyway.


The animation wasn't the same type of top animation in this episode but its almost exactly how mushoku season 1 art looked. Basically the exact same. The atmosphere was just different and the action scenes weren't specifically important and top notch like they were in season 1. Although this is an episode 0 and its to help catch up on sylphie. This is not at all a change up when you think of other seasons that changed to a totally different artstyle and animation. Its legit always looked like this with the exception of not as much animation budget for this episode.

The Law_v1001

I'm this episode is cool and all but was it necessary I feel like they could have done a half episode of this and squeezed it in the regular season. Then when we see her it'd be a bigger reaction.


at the start of the episode Ariel had no intention of going for the throne but Dericks death and last words are what inspire her to pursue it after all, she starts making moves in the shadows, big bro figures her out, creepy minister sends assassin, resolve strengthened even more

Ethan Carson

i like the version of this scene better in the novel because princess ariel actually did try assault sylphy but sylphy said screw noble status and attacked her and she was wounded very badly but slphy healed her afterwards. i think it was more comedy based because the princess is extremely horny in the novels they just made her less horny in the anime.

Jake Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-03 15:17:06 fun fact: I just watched s1 ep 7 and at the end he wishes to the orb that causes the teleportation incident "may girls fall from the sky"........
2023-07-03 15:17:06 fun fact: I just watched s1 ep 7 and at the end he wishes to the orb that causes the teleportation incident "may girls fall from the sky"........
2023-07-03 11:33:25 fun fact: I just watched s1 ep 7 and at the end he wishes to the orb that causes the teleportation incident "may girls fall from the sky"........

fun fact: I just watched s1 ep 7 and at the end he wishes to the orb that causes the teleportation incident "may girls fall from the sky"........

albert rodriguez

According to the novel, the hair change is due to two things: 1, she spent all her mana trying to stop her fall, and 2, due to the stress of the moment, this combined made her hair remain that color.


I mean technically the assassin was there for that too, since her cover (to not arouse suspicion) currently is Sex Slave, so...


Makes sense to get his hands on the Fittoa Region, to bolster his political power & all that

rune kongstad larsen

it's....... BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Did no one pick up on the convo that Ariel and Luke was having in the beginning that was about nipples? I'm really surprised at that! 😅


Heads up - There are 2 Different versions of this episode floating around. This episode is censored internationally, with only the one aired on Japanese TV being uncensored. The censored version added more panning frames/zoom ins to patch things. Be on the lookout for the rest of the season


The uncensored one isn't even worth the time to watch it. seriously. source: I wasted my time watching it. The only real difference was the scene with Darias and the slave/assassin, the censorship was seriously just his hand placement on her.


Cool, but it does make me wonder about the rest of the season, how the censorship might play out. Also, heard the anime massively toned down the gore in the ep compared to the novels. The assassin had all their limbs blown off by Sylphy before she killed them.


24:51 what happened to the knife?


it's a little more complicated than that. In the web novel what you say is true. In the LN, which was the refined published version it plays out like it did in the anime. The anime is adapting the Light Novel, not the web novel.


From what I understand, this episode might just be a one off. the studio didn't originally plan for this episode to air first, it was originally planned to be a few episodes into the season. Studio made a decision to air this one first, and thus might have made a few rush actions to get it out and available in time. The censorship was also the studios decision, they basically anticipated that most international markets would want it censored, so the provided the censored one to all the major streaming outlets. A few services apparently told the studio that the reason for censorship wasn't an issue and requested the uncensored one, which is why its available outside of japan after the fact. this is all 3rd party info, so take it as a rumor for now.

Anthony Nguyen

Mushoku fans are a cut above your average fan because the 26 volume novel is completely finished (2012-2015 web novel) (2014-2022 light novel) and the type of content has more filters for casuals, so the kind of fans you get for this show are among the most dedicated fans in anime. Even the Studio Bind working on animating the show are true fans of the work being that the studio exists solely to make the show happen.


The name didn't register with me at the end of S1, but I do remember during Rudeus's birthday party, didn't Eris's grandfather say he was going to kill Pilemon and put Rudy in charge (half jokingly)


Possible spoiler warning for season 1 episode 2 regarding changes between light novel (anime source material), web novel (sort of like original draft the LN adapted from), and anime. Even if it's not a spoiler, it still may permanently ruin your perception of certain characters ______________________________________ Changes like that remind me of what I hear about the WN vs LN regarding what Rudy's brother saw on his computer screen that led to him getting kicked out, whether it was lolicon hentai or hidden camera video of his daughter in the bathroom. Rewatching it, it looks like the anime shows more like a video than an eroge game, but with anime artstyle, it's difficult to tell if something is meant to be "real" or "anime" in the context of the show's world