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Chun Li Vs Yor From Spy Family. Who Wins?


Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

Chun Li. I think street fighter universe scales higher than spyxfamily universe. If Yor was in the street fighter universe she would be strong. But she wouldn't be anything special. It doesn't really matter though I don't like scaling between different universes.

Coping McCoperson

Yor and it’s not particularly close.


Thicc Thighs Saves Lives


I just want to say everyone is untitled to their opinion but respectfully everyone is say yor is just plain wrong and don’t know anything about chun Li and the street fighter universe.

R'ja Norr

Chun Li is a good fighter, but Yor has skill sets that go beyond fighting.


Chun li wins this one for me I have seen her do some stuff I am not sure Yor can do. But Yor seems to never be trying in the Anime so who knows what Yor is like when she is serious. Also some movies do chun li dirty making her look weaker than she is.


Chun-Li is a skilled fighter, but Yor is an assassin. While I have no doubt that it would be a job tougher than anything she has faced in her career, and that she would not emerge unscathed, I have no doubt that Yor would ultimately win. The only reason why she wouldn't would be because she was distracted by something happening to Anya, and that would only end in a draw as Chun-li would obviously stop the fight to help her.


!!!ANIME ONLY!!! Chun-Li is not only a better fighter but physically stronger than anything Yor has shown, Chun-li is small building level with supersonic reaction speed (you can find all these Calcs online I won’t go through the trouble of showing all the pixel measurements etc) Yor, has no exceptional feats aside from beating fodder and a unwilling to fight Loid. She did manage to kick a car off course but that scales to wall level in attack potency and Chun-li has done the same thing before but she was actually able to just completely bring the car to a stop and not just knock it to one side. Yor’s feat of throwing a ball so hard it mimicked a meteor in re-entry is just a gag scene, she undoubtedly kicked loid and Yuri with all her force and those two have been shown to be harmed by bullets so yeah, the ball is a gag scene and outlier (also just because SXF is a comedy doesn’t mean we can include gag scenes, we have to find some level of coherence or there’s no point. That’s like saying kid Goku is infinitely 4D because he broke a manga panel when db was still a gag manga) she also has the same supersonic reaction speed, typically able to dodge bullets Unfortunately this is where the fight gets heavily one sided, Chun-li has been able to take casual attacks from Characters like Ryu which would be stronger than her own attacks and therefore Yor’s as well. She fell from a helicopter with 0 injuries. Yor on the other hand has shown injury from being grazed by bullets so it’s not much of a leap to say if she was hit squarely it would act as a normal bullet and pierce her (i know Chun-li has been damaged by bullets before too, the difference is that chun-li powers her body with Chi increasing strength durability and speed, when shes been shot shes either off guard or exhausted meaning no chi, Yor on the other hand has no Energy that powers her up, its just her body, meaning when shes cutting herself accidentally while cooking, she can also be cut by a knife in battle, theres just no one in the SXF verse so far whos been able to get that far in a fight with her) Ultimately until we see more from Yor she has not shown enough technical skill to justify putting her above Chun-li and similarly She hasn’t shown enough strength outside of gag scenes to touch Chun-lis defence. Yor is at the peak of a weak verse whereas Chun-li is in the middle of a strong one where Yor would not be uncommon


Chin-li belongs to the most bloodthirsty group in conception. The police


Damn, I thought Lee actually play Street Fighter. I don’t think there is any question that Chun-li wins. Next you will say Luffy could body Naruto.


Naruto characters got better attack potency, the high tiers are all planetary+ but OP characters massively outspeeds them, some have future sight and characters like Luffy, Kaido, Zoro and assumedly shanks, big mom, Garp and more have COC coating which ignores durability meaning that they could kill characters who they physically shouldn’t be able to like Naruto


If you are also include Boruto, it would be a bit of a stretch to say Luffy would win.


Lee, I respect you playing blanka. He isn’t my favorite to fight against but I respect it.


Don’t really want to talk about it here since I don’t know if lee is up to date but boruto characters are too high of a step up from Naruto characters (at least not enough to matter in this speed difference)


Blanka for defense ha, when i was younger i picked characters i can defend well with ha, Chun Li is actually my favorite character, I feel like Playing Marvel Vs Capcom ha ha, good times


Ok cool I’ll just say it outright then, G4 roof top Luffy absolutely demolishes baryon Naruo, isshiki, Borushiki, sasuke etc The speed difference is that of hundreds of times because one piece put light speed at such a low level when Naruto introduced it as solid scaling in the war. On top of that Luffy has CoC coating which attacks from the inside meaning you can’t defend without haki so even tho Naruto high tiers are dozens of times stronger then can’t defend


I don’t know if that’s how power scaling works but I’ll trust you. I haven’t done any actual number calculations


You can look up the scaling but if you want here’s a very basic breakdown Pacifistas laser is kizaru’s light, therefore light speed, Luffy in base, dodges them when they are within a foot of him, easy calc at 3-5X FTL, and then being moderate the current base luffy is 70-80 X stronger than that Luffy because at the beginning of the roof too fight he was stronger in base than the G4 that got one shot by Kaido, then after he gets back up he’s again stronger in base than the G4 that kaido knocked off the roof, and then add G4s minimum multiplier of 10X Naruto characters hit lightspeed in the war arc, a character like KCM2 Naruto being around 2X FTL from scaling in the junior fight and then dodging SOSP madara’s light fang (in databook said to be light speed) baryon mode Naruto is calced at about 40X SOSP teen Naruto Long story short, baryon mode Naruto is coming in at less than the speed of base Luffy (and I was being very conservative with luffys estimate while wanking Naruto a bit)

The Law_v1001

Yor She cut a tennis ball into pieces with a racket and was still holding back. Bet on potential. Yor was pass out drunk and bodied the best spy in the world. This woman literally thinks about ways to kill people while talking to children.

Dimple leader

yor would win easy answer


Yor. Never, ever bet against a comedy character in an anime fight. They will clean house (unless its funnier for them to lose)