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When snake said he's a warrior of Miklagard; Miklagard is what the Norse called the Eastern Roman Empire aka The Byzantine Empire or The Empire of the Greeks.


Arnheid in this episode reminded me of that one quote from Oregairu “If the truth is a cruel mistress, then a lie is a nice girl”

Black Hawk

Question: Is this anime of the best these last 2yrs or is it in mention of one of the beat anime's ever?

matthew bremmer

I didn't think of this myself but I've seen a bunch of people online mention it. Sounds like snake was a varangian guard. Everything kinda fits. The sword, his interest in the bible etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varangian_Guard

matthew bremmer

Also glad we got a new one piece reaction


I forgot who that was on the ground at 16:12 but he crawled out of the barn to watch peak

Lotus Gramarye

Re: discussion at the beginning about sex work. An aspect of that kind of choice that y'all did not discuss, I imagine because y'all are unaware, is abilityy and disability. Let's say you're physically disabled just enough to where you can't work consistently for more than an hour or two, but not enough to where you can get any kind of accommodations. So you have to do something to work. Do you get the 60+ hours of work in basic jobs that you literally physically cannot do and thus will be fired for, or do you do the dirty job that makes a lot of money that will be hanging over your head even if you stop doing it at some point? No real choice there. I know y'all ain't looking to have a real serious conversation about this neither, just wanted to bring this up because whenever this kind of discussion comes up I feel like a lot of people are unaware of this and other aspects of why people who can do sex work may choose to do it, despite the very real drawbacks. It's an interesting social topic worthy of more discussion!

Lotus Gramarye

Miklagard = Constantinople* = capital of the Byzantine Empire at the time. Which, I think the anime added? I haven't caught up to the manga fully but iirc there was fan speculation that Snake was from there but nothing in the manga confirming it at the time. *Viking term for the city. Which doesn't mean Snake isn't a native from there, I think that term being used is more for consistency sake since this series is meant to be like an adaptation of some of the actual Viking sagas (albeit one with a broader historical scope.


Both sides was compelling. Snake lost 5 men and even though their scumbags their lives meant something. I was like dang I feel for you Snake. Then I'm like but I also want Gardar to get away with Arnheid. Peak storytelling.


Honestly little bit for myself dragged out episode of Gardar to die. Still amazing to see Thorfinn get his fighting respect from Snake.


Yeah correct I was just trying to say some jokes and then It got serious. I happen not to look down on sex workers, and I feel bad for women that have to do that industry. I don’t judge people for what I consider victimless crimes. Yet in the same breath, I wouldn’t want to be with one…tough


Don't think it was dragged out much at all. Do people not understand that its more about the meaning of the life they lived more than you being attached to gardar as a character? You are supposed to get emotional because that is how people have lived and could have easily been you and your family if we lived in another time.... (I am saying this because Roshi has a few comments of people complaining about not caring for gardar and not liking the episode)


Lee why is the tags for one piece?


Its one of the best manga thats been made according to a good amount of people. The anime adaptation is pretty good overall. So this is definitely in the tops for me. I don't care about silly animation and fighting as much as I care about the writing and characters for a story. So this series was always great for me I even read the manga a good long while back.


Yea Thamor I agree. Was never attached to the man. So felt s bit long to watch the man die and he was resilient. He almost died like 3 times this episode 😂

Lotus Gramarye

This ending sequence is so beautiful to me, being a literal example of the metaphysical cycle of violence. You *cannot* end violence with violence, as doing so *always* breeds more. Gardar is a physical version of that concept; everytime they try and end him with violence, even being stabbed through the fucking heart, just brings him back to kill more. The only thing that stops this human embodiment of violence is with peace; letting him die content, having been let go in peace.


@L.C. I do understand that, but same time just saying what I feel about this. It was done well, but we could have got all about it little bit faster too.

Skebaba (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-03 13:35:01 Gardr was the only one I'd be fine w/ being slave, cuz he did the boogaloo & lost, so that's fair that losers get yeeted to slavery (just like African warlords who won vs their enemy tribe sold the enemy captives to slavery to America for more blickies n boolets to get more land by capping more niggas like that (which also partially would have been sold to slavery too later down the line, obviously)), but I draw the line at random village getting raided by some randos not even involved in any boogaloos to begin with (practically pirates cuz boogaloo is at least semi-official combat, or official if it's between far more than mere villages i.e nation-scale wise)
2023-05-03 10:47:35 Gardr was the only one I'd be fine w/ being slave, cuz he did the boogaloo & lost, so that's fair that losers get yeeted to slavery (just like African warlords who won vs their enemy tribe sold the enemy captives to slavery to America for more blickies n boolets to get more land by capping more niggas like that (which also partially would have been sold to slavery too later down the line, obviously)), but I draw the line at random village getting raided by some randos not even involved in any boogaloos to begin with (practically pirates cuz boogaloo is at least semi-official combat, or official if it's between far more than mere villages i.e nation-scale wise)

Gardr was the only one I'd be fine w/ being slave, cuz he did the boogaloo & lost, so that's fair that losers get yeeted to slavery (just like African warlords who won vs their enemy tribe sold the enemy captives to slavery to America for more blickies n boolets to get more land by capping more niggas like that (which also partially would have been sold to slavery too later down the line, obviously)), but I draw the line at random village getting raided by some randos not even involved in any boogaloos to begin with (practically pirates cuz boogaloo is at least semi-official combat, or official if it's between far more than mere villages i.e nation-scale wise)


Since Snake would likely be ex Varangian Guard, that by definition means he CAN'T BE native to Constantinople, because Varangian Guard DON'T hire locals for Logic 101 reasons as they are the bodyguards of the Roman Emperor. Thus they hire people up north since they don't have any connection to any of the local clans, and the locals wouldn't be as trusting of them, thus they are reliant on Big E providing for them since the locals wouldn't trust outsiders. Thus can't assassinate Big E either cuz no ties to local clan politics, and nobody would trust them w/ assassination jobs on Big E either, since that's too big to be trusted on any non-clan members (or assassination groups raised from infancy w/ indoctrination & all that)


He wasnt a slave because he lost the war, he went looking for arnheid and got captured. thats how he knew where she was despite being a slave for almost as long as her. he even knew ketil by name