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Tough Episode to digest...lol...I can hander Murder, Armed Robbery, blowing up a city.....lol...Taking kids to the forest to go play..... was my limit lol.

People asking about the new show slots/more peaky blinders.  I’m gauging our capacity.  We have more holidays coming up and i gotta record enough to atill be able to drip shows while we take time off so you still get a steady pace of content overall rather than front a bunch of content and become ghost during the holidays.  To be blunt as a subscription model, this is better for us too.   Lots of Anxiety going to holiday mode unsure of who’s sticking around after fronting too many episodes and having little to release as we reach the years close.

Finally, Bleach is 2 episodes! Lol.  Sometimes it looks scarce on the schedule

Also. Got Uncle from another world coming back. So we’ll add that without hesitation. Phenomenal show.

Reincarnated as a sword seems like a good show to watch on our own since folks say it’s a good quality show. As a reaction channel, we can't fit that into our schedule



Peaky Blinders

Bleach uses a lot of the allotted record time.

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Oh, I hope they react to SKY Castle. The commentary would be wonderful.

Stephen Brewster

But that is the point . It was not ok and he accepted that. But it was the only way of making a change, it was a revolution. Asian society is completely insane over getting Kids in the best schools and going to hard at an early age which burn out is also high. He took that action knowing what would happen in order to his message across to a society that wasn't listening either wise.


You guys are 100% right that he should go to jail. I do want to add though, he isn’t necessarily wrong. The world is just messed up so our minds are twisted. It used to be said it takes a village to raise a child but you can’t trust people these days. Reality is do the crime do the time.

Sammie L

With how messed up the world is, he definitely should go to jail, despite having good intentions. I guess without being told what happened to him, we just have to interpret if he got a sentencing or probation. Excited for you guys to see the next episode, it’s a lot more crazy that this episode, did not know how to feel or think about the case. Did love the ending though lol. Have a great weekend!

strange& sleepless

I think the goal of this episode was to bring light to and criticise the insane korean educational system which is definitely something that's absolutely needed. But tbh Idk if they did the best job with that one. I was also uncomfortable throughout the whole thing. I don't believe that guy should even be given any parents permission, because even though I generally agree with his ideas, the fact that he cannot see the issue within his actions makes me believe that he's not enough of a rational adult to be capable to be responsible and properly care for children. Perhaps that has to do with the fact that he didn't have a proper childhood himself, just like these children. If this would have been just a one time thing he did to make a statement or whatever and did realise that this generally isn't something that should be done then maybe I could've felt a bit better about him. But showing no remorse or understanding at all? idk. But maybe i missed the message the episode was really trying to send.


i think that's the normal way a person should feel as a rational adult, though i did my best to try and focus on the message of the episode. I'm with you

strange& sleepless

So about the last names, back in the day only very powerful families ( like royals) would have last names, the Kim's, the Lee's, the park's etc. But when Japanese colonizers came to Korea they forced ordinary people to take surnames so most of them chose those of the powerful families. This is an overly simplified explanation but at least you get a gist of it.

Jessica (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-01 00:44:08 Everytime he was near those kids I just felt so uncomfortable! I know the intentions werent evil, but it was a tough one to get through. I'm not even a parent, but I feel like I wouldn't want my kid in the court room after that. Those attorneys also pushing it when trying to talk to the kids without their parents. Its so tough because I get the whole message, especially since the Korean educational system is very flawed, but my mind was too busy focusing on a grown man kidnapping kids. So while I agree with him that these kids should be able to be healthy & have fun, his approach was TERRIBLE. It undermines his message in my opinion. lol im so with you guys on this one
2022-11-18 00:17:45 Everytime he was near those kids I just felt so uncomfortable! I know the intentions werent evil, but it was a tough one to get through. I'm not even a parent, but I feel like I wouldn't want my kid in the court room after that. Those attorneys also pushing it when trying to talk to the kids without their parents. Its so tough because I get the whole message, especially since the Korean educational system is very flawed, but my mind was too busy focusing on a grown man kidnapping kids. So while I agree with him that these kids should be able to be healthy & have fun, his approach was TERRIBLE. It undermines his message in my opinion. lol im so with you guys on this one

Everytime he was near those kids I just felt so uncomfortable! I know the intentions werent evil, but it was a tough one to get through. I'm not even a parent, but I feel like I wouldn't want my kid in the court room after that. Those attorneys also pushing it when trying to talk to the kids without their parents. Its so tough because I get the whole message, especially since the Korean educational system is very flawed, but my mind was too busy focusing on a grown man kidnapping kids. So while I agree with him that these kids should be able to be healthy & have fun, his approach was TERRIBLE. It undermines his message in my opinion. lol im so with you guys on this one


I understand his ideology but how he presents it is way off, haha. His mom's the director of the academy, why not just ask to be a volunteer youth leader?

Royal Yaya

Because that goes against the system of academies in Korea. Hagwons (academies)are basically about studying, doing work, taking tests and making sure you ace them. If you're sending your kid to an academy you're spending REALLLY big money and depending on the hagwon it's even more and the kid needs to produce results. It's up to the teachers to make the materials fun and enjoyable but most times a lot of classes are taught like a lecture and the kids have to take notes and do practice tests all the time.

Royal Yaya

!!Essay long comment but I hope it's helpful to the conversation!! I haven't watched the video yet but I have already watched the series. This episode basically is to remind the citizens of children's rights. since also at the time the episode had aired the current minister of education was trying to lower the age for children entering school to 4yo. This episode paid a pivotal role in demonstrations in the country like direct quotes being used. The minister has since then backed off from the proposal. I've seen 5-year-olds in an English hagwon/academy class and let me tell you it is not it. My kindergarten 6yo students went to other lessons after school ended and wouldn't go to bed until late. My afternoon students sometimes came in and fell asleep because of all the stuff they did before class and then still had more lessons afterward. Here is a message left by a Korean to give some more context on what the episode was trying to relay: Ep.9 is related to 어린이날(Children's Day) in Korea, May 5th. Bang Gu-ppong's last name is the same as Bang Jeong-hwan, who insisted on the liberation of children and announced Declaration on the Rights of the Child during the Japanese Occupation Period. Mr. Bang's birthday is same as Children's Day. Mr. Bang's job, Commander-in-Chief for the Liberation of Children is also related to Bang Jeong-hwan. And declaration on the liberation of children in this Drama is similar to Declaration on the Rights of the Child, 1923. It was ahead of Geneva Declaration on the Rights of Children, 1924. +"어린이(Eo-rin-i)" is a unique Korean word which means similar to child, but it sounds different. 어린(Eo-rin) means young, and 이(i)(sounds like alphabet E) means person or human. Bang Jeong-hwan was sad that child was not recognized as a person like adult in those time. So he made a word 어린이, and he wanted children to be respected as a person.

Royal Yaya

To add I also think that in a way he had a bit of like peter pan syndrome? Because he also never got to be a kid and thus his behavior is what it is? Like He's not wrong, but it also seems like the plan a kid would come up with. Like he def should go to jail for the kidnapping and potential child endangerment, but I also think his mind isn't all there lol.


this was a weirddddddd case. unsure how to feel about it

LightMyPath Star

Forgot to comment yesterday. I'm not a mother, however that been said those kids in the mountains gave me anxiety to no end when I watch this episode. Watching along with you I was in agreement with Director "permission slip" LOL. Reading the comment above from Patreon Royal Yaya cleared up lots of the confusion I felt watching the episode tbh I wish I would have known all that before watching it. I probably would have understand the importance of it. So Thank you Yaya


I know everyone's mind goes to sexual assault when thinking of the worst thing that could happen to a kid, but there's plenty of other bad things that could've happened even with the best of intentions. A kid could've fell down the mountain or fell off a tree or ran away and got lost or had an allergic reaction to one of the plants out there. All the more reason why a parent should be informed where their child is going to be. Part of looking out for the wellbeing of children requires anticipating dangers and protecting them from them, and Mr. Bang did the opposite. I'm with everyone here. I get the message, but straight to jail!


The moms in this episode reminded of Sky castle, if you guys can react to that next.


안녕하세요 저는 자녈입니다 !


You are correct. I thought if Michael Jackson but I figure folk’s wouldn’t like that ha