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Attorney Woo came through in the 4th quarter. I’m pretty relieved. Thank you for supporting it, sharing, tweeting.

(I’m aware not everyone is a kdrama fan, this post is for them, there’s no need to chime in and tell me that you don’t like k dramas 😂. I don’t know why people do that)



Ash Kaulitz

we love to see it!

LightMyPath Star

Who don’t like kdramas? Fight me in the comments I am prepare to die on this hill 😂😂😂😂😂


That's what's up! We gotta keep introducing people to this fire content, next if you do Narco Saints (only show that pushed Woo off the non-english Netflix throne, "Narco Saints ended the seven-week-long reign by the smash-hit Korean legal drama Extraordinary Attorney Woo".) Then something like Little Women that is buzzing right now, and we're cooking fr fr.

Brian Carotenuto

Well I guess I'm gonna have to defend myself since in the last time he brought up kdroma I said I wasn't a big fan I guess I'm also gonna have to correct that because I'm just not really a fan of live action TV whether it's Korean Japanese American British I can count on one hand how many live action shows I watch as far as movies I don't watch movies I am strictly anime whether it's American anime Japanese anime or Chinese anime which has really been kicking up over the last couple of years they are getting really good and the reason I do bring this up even though I'm not a fan of kdrama because I'm a fan of Lee and Director, Erza and Adorkable so I just like being part of the conversation because I feel like I'm talking to my family just like when I talk to you guys it's all family here and just because we don't like things that other people like doesn't mean that we're still not family

LightMyPath Star

Narco Saints worth the watch and not wholesome but really really really awesome besides who doesn’t love violence every now n then I second this choice. Andre and I same page here.

LightMyPath Star

I’m passionate about my shows 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m nice but some topics get me heated besides I like everyone here I do feel it’s a family and I love the different opinions and input but the kdramas fans they are my TRIBE fr


Thanks Brian it’s not really intended to call you out. Usually when I post something towards Kdrama fans others Chime In about how they dont dont like it. I often had a disclaimer as a result. The last post I didn’t


see this link here, i had to put a disclaimer cuz people that don't like Kdrama pop up normally to tell me they don't like it.... https://www.patreon.com/posts/vincenzo-madd-64492975?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator


another link...because this is a common thing https://www.patreon.com/posts/k-drama-revised-62393009?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator


So Brian it's not a personal thing, i just didn't include my habit of stating "if you don't like Kdrama, this post isn't for you" people have always chimed in, it starts arguments and it's one of those things...where i am not looking for that feedback...we have a population of Kdrama fans and I'm trying to interact with them in a positive environment, so if people don't like it cool, there is plenty of other shows and posts for them


Say it one more time for those in the back Star 🙌🏽😂 I definitely agree, Narco Saints is a great show and will offer a nice change of pace from the also great Woo.

Brian Carotenuto

Lee I'm very sorry that you have to put the disclaimers up because of people like that.. that was not my intention and star passion is very good especially about things that you love maybe......maybe I'll give one of these shows a try see if I'll like it you never know I might but I can let you know as a right now that shows that I watch are ghost brothers ghostnations expedition unknown... In your opinion as a person watching K drama for the 1st time what should I start with


Brian I would suggest Extracurricular or My Name I am sure you’ll enjoy them. Like Lee mentioned it’s more about out of pocket comments not how you post respectfully.

Brian Carotenuto

Much love back. Andre thank you for the suggestions I will definitely give them a try

LightMyPath Star

Ooooh u caught me off guard Brian I will research what you like and recommend accordingly I might need Andre’s input as well so we got u… 😉


So Lee i am curious what are the consequences of having a show that is unpopular that no one or few watches. Does patreon do something?

Brian Carotenuto

Thank you Star much appreciated...... Edit 23 min later just watched the trailer for my name I'm down I will be starting to watch that when I'm done work today the other one not really my thing from watching the trailer but I might give the 1st episode a go but that will be after watching my name


Glad the video is doing okay. Kdrama is such a niche, it feels like when I first started watching anime back in the day. However, it’s growing and it’s definitely going to get up there. Thanks, for giving it a shot.


Let’s go! Thanks for introducing a part of your audience to KDramas and hopefully it’ll bring in a new variety of viewers to your channel!


You will not be disappointed with “My Name” Brian! It’s dark, but the fight sequences and storyline is fire 🔥 Also note that the cast trained for months to do the fight scenes - no stunt doubles here 💪🏼


I love Kdramas. They are weirdly addicting 💉 . They are funny and cheesy. You binge watch your first one then you look up these beautiful and handsome Kdrama actors and actresses 🤩😍🥰 and watch their other work. Then you go down a rabbit hole.


“My Name” is safe and universal. Since your an anime fan, I’d recommend Alice In Borderland…But that is not korean, it’s Japanese. But thats a good gateway show. My personal favorite is Extracurricular but i think that’s niche. Most people dont pick that show.


Lee got impeccable taste too! Extracurricular is my favorite too of the Netflix shows, it has so many layers, but true one should enjoy it after watching some gateway shows like you mentioned. Best part about watching it after My Name? Same director babyyyy - so it's a seamless continuation although about different subject matters. If you enjoyed My Name let us know, between Lee, Star and myself we should be able to find something for your taste. Best part about K-dramas is its variety, there’s something for everybody.

Brian Carotenuto

Watch the 1st 2 episodes of my name I am in love with this it is an awesome show I will definitely give Alice borderlands a try after this one thank you all for your suggestions I really appreciate it putting me on to new things I'm loving it

LightMyPath Star

Welcome to our world 😂😂😂I agreed with Andre and definitely Lee’s choices. Alice in borderland has a second season coming soon so u might also want to catch up after my name. Im sure they will react to it. Happy u joined the tribe 🙏

LightMyPath Star

We forgot to stress the best part just like Narcos and Narcos Mexico, Narcos Saints is also base on real life people and a true story. So for the people in the back 🙌NARCOS SAINTS🙌 😉


Y'all should watch Mouse. A very exciting drama to react to as well.

Jessica Sanabria

Joined Patreon because of the woo reactions so 👍


I’m going through all the K-drama reactions you guys been doing, and enjoying every one of them. Thank you for showing interest and respect for my culture!


I try. Thank you. Annyeong Rock D Lee ya Bangawo. Ha. I watched a few videos about Korean Culture since the Woo videos for better understanding. This show did the best at highlighting there is a lot I should know. You have an interesting culture and history. Much love


If you have any good youtube videos. You can share. It was hard to find something good. I like moder history people should know and historical facts. Especially things that are unique to Korea or break down the key differences between South Korea and other Asian Countries 🙏🏽