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house of dragon ep 10 uncut fixed finALLY

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So siked on season two soon!!! In the books one of Boros’ daughters who Aemond didn’t choose for marriage says something along the lines of “I don’t need a half man anyway” due to the eye injury. Then Luke shows up. With the book being narrated from bystanders pov’ they say Aemond meant to kill Luke but only because they witnessed the hall scene and then found the remains of Luke’s dragon when they both left. The show version makes it that we see the true pov, Aemond puts duty above all and wouldn’t start an act of war. Clearly an accident that he probably also regrets as he mourns his nephew as well in a sense. But he won’t admit to losing control most likely as he won’t be seen as weak, so in the end he’ll probably be open to the kin slayer idea of it happening on purpose (just a guess)


After rewatching this season before the new one starts sunday and seeing yall first watch all i can say is #TeamBlack all day 🤣


Team Green or Team Black, this comment section was wiiild last couple episodes - appreciate the good respectful discussion and this show really delivered after that weak GOT ending - until next time 😂


Allicent: …… Aemond: Now you see what happened was, and then uhm…. So what I’m trying to say is….😂SMH. RIP Luke though, most would have hightailed it the moment they saw Vhagar there – be like Ma the weather was bad for riding a dragon, let's give it a few days lol, but he toughed it out and unfortunately it became a tragedy.

Trayvon Brown

@18:50 you wish yo momma did that to you if she was looking like that 😳 Lee secret Targaryan lol... did i hear that right 🤣

jason ross

I hope this question doesn’t require spoilers but does daemon have a different type of connection with his dragon or dragons period? Aemond and luke couldn’t get their dragons to listen even while speaking to them in that special language but this isn’t the first time they showed daemon’s dragon show up for him without him even saying anything or even looking at it. And I don’t even know how to interpret that scene with him singing to that wild dragon in the dark that wasn’t his. I got a strong feeling once actual dragon battles start popping off daemon is going to be a huge problem


Yeah I think it just shows how good his connection is with his dragon – he grew up with it and has maintained a long 30+ year connection meanwhile the boys have had their dragons only for a couple years (6 for Aemond and 12-14 for Lucerys). Daemon singing to the wild dragon is just him doing what he said is right – getting the most dragons on their side so he getting war ready and recruiting a dragon a huge one it seems.


Also maybe a throwback to what King Vyseris said in episode 1, that control over dragons is an illusion.


This war is called THE DANCE OF THE DRAGONS, hope your ready for this bloody war

jason ross

Nah i think control over dragons for some Targaryens may be an illusion. Some can’t get eggs to hatch and some can’t even ride dragons. With the way daemon’s dragon just emerged from behind that rock and just chilled next to him has me thinking some ppl are built different in that Targaryen family


I hope you guys where just joking about the Targaryen flag, the three headed dragon has long represented the house of the dragon since aegon conquered the six kingdom with his two sister. Also this was a throwback to episode two when the war in the step stones was starting and Rhaenyra told her dad to send her.

Trayvon Brown

@39:11 the reason the targaryan banner has 3 heads is because it represents Aegon the conqueror and his 2 sisters who helped him conquer westeros with their 3 dragons. Aegon on Balerion Rhaenys on Meraxes Visenya on Vhagar, the same Vhagar who Aemond now has. Dragons don't stop growing until they die thats why Vhagar is the biggest alive right now, about 180 years old. Balerion and Meraxes are dead. King Viserys (Rhaenyra's dad) was Balerion's last rider before the dragon died.


We know it represents them. Didn’t know if there was a LITERAL 3 headed dragon. The answer was explained by Trayvon Brown

Jordan Olivier

"the greens took their 2nd victim" thats a high IQ comment that will go over some people's heads. There some real deal war shit going on lol


Dont forget the GOLDEN RULE: We never kill the messenger! Unless we Daemon or Aemond. Then its free game


I gotta say though I hope that Rhaenyra gets some good strategists and thinkers on her side next season. The greens are dominating because they have all the great strategists/thinkers in Otto/Larys/Lannister . If Rhaenyra had a great strategist he would have advised her not to send her kids - and could have let her know how to deal with the Baratheons.


Vhagar rly took it personally. I can imagine her voice over be like: this punk ass youngster dragon a century younger than me just spat in my face. Uh nuh, Ima cook his ass

Trayvon Brown

@1:13:30 I guess it's not really clear in the show but in the book it said the only reason Vhagar could keep up with Arrax is because of the storm. Without it Luke would've been able to outfly him.


yeah i think it makes sense because the storm for a small dragon is very rough and difficult but Vhagar's body mass and tremendous strenght allows her to easily glide through the storm


I am dead 😂😂 I can see it now Lee vs Larys, the battle of the foot strategists lol


Hey Luke what did the Baratheons say? I don't know. What do you mean you don't know? Yeah Vhahar was there, I left.


1:07:45-1:07:49, Lee squeezing in feet talk even when it doesn't make sense like Attorney Woo and whales lol


The dragon Daemon was singing to was Vermithor, who was once ridden by King Jaehaerys (the king from the prologue in episode 1 who held the great council that picked Viserys as heir). Daemon wasn't bonding with the dragon, you guys were correct that you can only bond to one dragon at a time. The thing people should consider is that Vermithor is around 100 years old and hasnt been ridden for around 50, so he's getting cranky in his later years and is not used to being around people anymore. It seems to me daemon has been doing this to get Vermithor used to being around people again so if/when they find someone to try and claim him, he won't just burn them on sight. Never forget that its hard to know the mind of a dragon, and vhagar is proof the older they get the more difficult they are to control. Also worthy to note that in episode 6 when Daemon was in pentos, Laena mentioned that he had been spending a lot of time reading ancient valyrian texts about dragons and dragonlords, so I would imagine that song he was singing may be something he learned during that time.


Andre is correct, the longer you bond with a dragon the more in sync they are with the rider. Its heavily implied in the books and in HOTD that there is a psychic link between dragon and rider, and it would make sense that to build that link stronger it takes a long period of time. Aemond also may have some difficulty because vhagar is so old and its mentioned in the books that the older a dragon gets the more cranky and willful they become. In Luke's case I honestly read it as Arrax protecting his rider even against his riders wishes, I imagine he sensed Luke's fear and desperation and it pushed him to act. The same could be said for vhagar, she probably sensed some of Aemond's anger and malice which got her just worked up enough that once arrax attacked her she was pushed into a blood frenzy. Dragon's aren't tools they are extremely intelligent animals and it's definitely worth considering the words of Viserys from early in the season. Dragons allow Targaryens to ride them, that doesnt make them their masters, it's a partnership and when these kids start thinking of the dragons as their pets that they can just order around it leads to situations like we got at the end of this episode.

Kwame James

A few things as much as it sounds good to ask to stay for the night first he just told you he not backing you in the war and now if you tell him you scared to go home because of your enemy so why would he want to join your team if you scared of the other team too and most importantly staying till the storm passed is impossible it's called storms end for that reason it's always stormy

Joseph LeRoy

The dragons also act on the feelings of their riders. In episode 3 Daemon got hit with an arrow and his Caraxes screamed and flew away without Daemon saying anything. Syrax was screaming when Rhaenyra was giving birth. Arrax was acting on Luke's fear and Vhagar on Aemond's anger. So, the boys emotions towards each other didn't help. Viserys said in episode 1 "the idea that we control the dragons is an illusion".

Joseph LeRoy

Something interesting is Rhaenyra's crown was worn by Jaeherys and Viserys and symbolizes peace and unity, but Aegon's was worn by Aegon the Conqueror and symbolizes war and conquest. There is a quote from the book that completely sums up the final scene of the episode. "And with his death, the war of ravens and envoys and marriage pacts came to an end, and the war of fire and blood began in earnest".


To touch on your point about the crown, maegor also wore aegon’s crown

Nyeisha Melvina Clark

I think you are correct in saying Daemon is different when it comes to the dragons, even early in the season, we also saw Caraxes yell out when Daemon got hit with an arrow. IDK I think Daemon is the human embodiment of a dragon, like I know tons of Targaryens calls themselves dragons, but I think Daemon ACTUALLY is a human embodiment of a dragon and that's why he might have more of an understanding of them. I mean just like a dragon, he is wild and while he may seem like you can control him, every now and then he will fly off the handle and do what he wants. He's called the Rogue Prince for a reason, and just like a dragon he is much loved by some and much hated by others. But yea, as it stands right now, Daemon by far has a better handle on these dragons than anyone else.

LightMyPath Star

awesome!all im gonna say!!! ty ty ty