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Hey guys. With the most extreme respect I’m recommending that you glance at the caption or description under the videos. I’m getting multiple comments on random videos or private messages asking about the stranger thing upload for Tuesday which was yesterday. I wrote that Tuesday shows got uploaded early  (on saturday) in place of the weekend shows while Director was away.  It's right there on the stranger things s4 ep 1 post. In other words i re arranged the uploads.


I also posted an updated over the weekend saying the same thing.


There is a lot of people, the most efficient way for me to communicate is through a mass update, please acknowledge them. I assume if the post title doesn't match what you're looking for, some people will ignore it...which is fair...but then you'll be missing information. lol. I can't keep up answering 20 people independently 

Today is Wednesday and now we have resumed normalcy.




Your writing lol🤣

Roronoa Zoro

Lol people seem to forget that this happened with that op episode that was released early. But this is a little different. They forgot you had a bunch of weekend content that needed to be recorded since director was gone for a few days. I knew stranger things wasn’t dropping yesterday. You had to play a bit of catch-up


Seriously? You guys just roll in from stupidville? Read the captions.

Saul Hernandez

Some people’s way of thinking or processing just really baffles me at times, I wasn’t expecting the first episode of stranger things until next week cause I think you mentioned something about posting it after cobra kai so, I wasn’t worried plus with everything you guys are going through. I feel like you don’t even have to explain yourself but thank you Lee, keep up the hard work much love


I mean, they do have to explain themselves, especially because people are paying money. Not saying they are in the wrong though. Just being real.

Alex sh

Okay I understand! Thank you! So where is the stranger things upload?

Saul Hernandez

For sure, but there some peoples who will ignore them I think and keep asking about certain things that he already updated on, you know.

Saul Hernandez

He said back to regular on this post so I’m guessing next episode will drop Saturday or Tuesday at latest if he still has the same schedule, go to one of his uploads he usually has a link to the schedule there. (Edit: just saw his schedule, might release tomorrow)

Saul Hernandez

It was posted on Saturday instead of yesterday, but now he’ll back to regular releasing which is Tuesday’s and Thursday’s


So when you say we have resume back to normal do you mean back to upload on Saturday and Tuesday like when you started dropping stranger things. Or do you mean Tuesday and Thursday. I’m so confuse.

Saul Hernandez

I think he means back to the schedule he has on his website, and I checked and it seems that stranger things will now be uploaded Tuesday’s and Thursday’s, and he just updated it so I pretty sure that’s the new schedule for stranger things.

Roronoa Zoro

Stranger things s4 episode 1 was dropped on Saturday. We’ll likely get episode 2 tomorrow


Normal is per website schedule. Naturally the schedule changes as we add weeklys closest to their airing date

Samke Dladla

Apologies if I'm overstepping but are there any plans to react to Interview with the Vampire? It might be a bit niche though since it's not on the major streaming services.