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mitch anderson

Other stuff dropping later correct?

Jaheem Ali

For me, ive had girls say lets be friends, but treat me as more than friends, they would be super close and touchy feely, but when i asked to go out they would fall back on just being friends. Just mixed signals all over. Had to cut a few off because I would put my feelings aside and treat them like a friend but they would keep teasing the line. I couldnt take the mixed signals all the time

mitch anderson

I'm just trying to see if it makes sense waiting up or if i should just go to my bed lol

Black Hawk

My man directornasty he is talking the truth when it comes to female saying we friends and next thing you know we don't even talk anymore

Black Hawk

I have had experience both ways but being friends with the chick that you like those are the ones that will ghost you


This episode is probably one of my less favorite arcs in the story, but it does play a bit of a bigger role in the story in that its exploring the life of Midori a little bit, just like how the previous episode explored the life of sweater girl a bit

Black Hawk

Yaboyrock every time he goes to his daughter School he's playing Hide and Go seek and never being found by these moms LOL


I feel you, I’m from the UK so I always wonder the same, cuz it’s either out at like 5pm or like 4am the next day, drastic differences at times


Damn Lee. You exposed yourself in that intro 🤣🤣🤣


I was at a maid cafe once in Tokyo, it was the most embarrassing and fun thing i done! That moe moe kyun is so fun. This makes me wanna go one more. Hehehe

John Ng

There’s one thing from this anime that has been bugging me so far. A student not going to school for a long time, and the school doesn’t care at all to contact his parents? And his parents don’t care whether he studies or not? He has to sneak out of the house every night, so this means he needs to avoid getting caught by his parents. And if his parents cares enough about where he’ll go at night, they will be at concerns about his studies. And the anime is ending in another 2 episodes, so it should not be ending with the one year up thing. It’s unlikely they will do a time skip. That means something else will happen by next episode, which I think will make him split up with Nazuna. Or they’ll have a big fight. This will make them think about their relationship and feelings.


I haven’t read the manga but I know it’s still going. It might just end inconclusively and they make a 2nd season.

John Ng

I believe they need to at least have an ending that can both act as an “ending” in case the anime doesn’t get renewed for another season, and can also be considered a cliffhanger sort of ending to connect and makes viewers want to watch the next season.