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Ara Araragi

I always wanna chime in when reactors watch mystery shows, but I'd hate to spoil anything. I'll just say you've got some good theories, and your questions will be answered eventually. Enjoy the ride!


best thing to say honestly, because most of the time we over explain or imply something when we say not quite for their theories.


It gets so hard not to spoil in mystery shows but this being my first watch too makes it so much more easier to be natural with it

Peacefinder Simply

Why am i still able to see the content when i am not a member for over a month? Patreon has been wonky for me.

Anthony Nguyen

Hi Lee, I recommend that you cut the first 2:15 seconds and post it as a seperate Patreon post with the title "Podcast" so everyone can see that short discussion on it. I think that some Patrons who ARE NOT WATCHING SummerTime Rendering might be interested to hear that short bit.


Are you certain you didn't pay for this last month, usually the subscription takes your money before the month changes. Sometimes missed cancelation on other patreons because of it.

Peacefinder Simply

Nope, not even a member in settings. It was a yearly subscription I canceled a few months back

Peacefinder Simply

For specifically that show yes, but I am enjoying plenty still. I just didn’t want another yearly subscription right now, Patreon is being really weird right now for me. Won’t let me resubscribe either because it says on yearly subscription even though it never charged me. It’s doing this with ruffsenpai too for me.


Cool. Just making sure we cool lol. I read your comments. So i was like daaaang we beefin now??? 😭😭😭

Peacefinder Simply

Sorry, I run into the trap of speaking up when I only have something negative to say. I am still enjoying a lot, no worries.

Peacefinder Simply

Some clarification. She didn’t know shinpei was going to call, she was expecting a shadow and that is also why nexus shot the shadow of shinpei. She explained how she put it together that he was a time traveler is because he knows information that he shouldn’t about her and all of a sudden he knows who she is when he was clueless before. The only thing that made sense is he had to of experience this day repeatedly. Truth is stranger then fiction is what she said and that implies she is willing to believe something crazy.


Is this week's summer time rendering updated once? I'm Japanese so I don't know what I'm saying in the video. So please let me know if you say anything in the video.