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I ain’t gonna lie I thought when Ali entered the picture I thought that was gonna cause problems between Johnny and Carmen but I’m glad it didn’t turn out like that in the end

Valek zoro

He saw it wasn’t that he knew he could be replace he wanted to be top guy kreece said when hawk complain natural. Athletes he saw and kreese praising Robby he knew nothing I can do noticed in house fight never attacked his friends he knew they my people screw these bully’s


Yo hawk didn't turn cause he thought he was next, he turned cause he finally saw what had happened. He saw that he was fighting with his former bullies to beat up his former friends, and that was enough to make him realize he'd fucked up and needed to make it right and save his friends. Not just Miguel and Dimitri but the other cobra kaid kids that were kicked out too.

Bitch 1

Cobra Kai viewers are really smart. Someone clocked Johnny on this episode about once again being a terrible father to Robby. He said that Johnny ran to CK in defense of Miguel being injured and yet he didn’t lift one finger the entire season to pull Robby aside or confront Kreese about Robby. Try to protect him. But the minute poor little Miguel was threatened by Kreese, Johnny went running without any thought of Robby. You could tell that Johnny once again had no idea where Robby was. First time he didn’t know about Robby’s whereabouts when he showed up to Shannon’s apartment with a skateboard. He’s always there for Miguel but continuously failing Robby everytime. And this moron acts as if he doesn’t know why Robby is angry and resentful. This episode is a prime example of another way Johnny fails Robby. It’s so sad. Robby gets crumbs and he barely gets that. Johnny being suddenly concerned was a joke. Where was he all of those other days when his only child was basically homeless. Johnny just didn’t care. My one gripe with the show is that their always acting like Robby is the villain here. He wasn’t the one that failed Johnny, it’s the other way around. It’s not Robby’s job to fix things, he’s not the parent. He’s just a kid whose been failed time and time again. Robby is a child of his environment. He’s a survivor.

Quadreek Jackson

They Lowkey showed throughout all szn that hawks vibes were off cobra Kai. Yeah he went through the acts but he was peer pressured through out most of it that’s why In my opinion hawks turn was justified he wanted somewhere to belong and he grew into that he jus needed to a big eye opener ayeee they are kids right they make mistakes 😂😂😂

Raphael Lyons

Daniel was using Miyagi do tho


Folks are being technical with how we said it. There is Miyagi’s the family tradition. Then there is Miyagi LLC owned by Danny. That’s basically what we were saying.


The way Adorkable predicted everything in the beginning is scary. She's getting that Sheeragan guys, facts


Director is right on the I love you thing but Adorkable understands the writing team in a weird way


That's the beauty of Cobra Kai, you truly understand everyone's perspective. They are all flawed human beings who fuck up but aalso try to do right and at the end of the day that's what we all are and thats why it hits home so hard

Nicholas Castillo

I think something that was overlooked was Johnny told Kreese if you go near Miguel and his family I will kill you and he wholeheartedly meant that except his son was in the room at the time so when he saw Miguel was hurt. his intentions were to end Kreese. And literally the only reason the show did not get even darker was because the kids were there. (Obviously I understand it’s show and that’s why the kids were there)


Season 4 ! Let's Go !