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obi wan ep 2 uncut

Watch "obi wan ep 2 uncut" on Streamable.



i think im more casual then you two lol i only remember watching episode 1-3 movies and maybe bits and pieces of episode 4 and 5 on tv when i was younger, i think i watched rogue one but dont remember watching episode 6,7,8, and definately not 9


This was a very polemic episode for two reasons. One is a spoiler for the Rebels TV show and the Vader comics, and the second was the Third Sister knowing the real identity of Darth Vader. That was a secret that only a couple of people beside the emperor knew about. The last time Obi-Wan saw Anakin, he left him for dead burning in a river of lava with his hands and legs chopped of. The lightsaber that Rey finds is Anakin’s, which is the same one that Obi-Wan gives Luke in Episode 4.


This show breaks so much cannon but I do not care the next episode is AWSOME

vardic d

Hate to burst your bubble but a little research shows that Vivien Lyra Blair, the actress that plays Leia here, is actually 10.


both the chase scenes were whack, you cant make me believe leia is that slick. also the kid that plays her is actually 10


its been a hot minute too so i might be slightly off, but in episode 4 obi wan gave luke, anakins lightsaber (when he first showed up to obi wans house with r2d2 and c3po). Obi wan was using his own lightsaber when he lost to Vader on the death star. Luke then lost the lightsbaber in episode 5 during the "I am your father scene" and he gets his hand chopped off by vader. After that its lost for some time then shows up in episode 7 and is given to Rey.


Thanks for confirming the Light Saber part. Thats cleared up confusion. Obi Wan knew about Vadar. Just not the identity. Got it. Of course. Thats why Luke never knew, unless somone close like Obi tells him. It was a secret

Nico English

For me, I didn't really follow the story, (due to being young and wanting quick stuff) but watched almost all the stars franchise. I assume most around 25 aren't huge on the star wars story, I do know some are. I like the reactions and your guys continuing, thank you

Nico English

I'm liking the story now, lots of connections


This episode was very good, I hope the rest of the episodes are at least as good as this episode.