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lol got the moshi moshi reference right away from the bunny girl senpai episode you're posting this week :D

Random Guy

If I recall right moshi moshi is something you only say when you are on the phone. If you want to greet goodmorning, you say ohayo, or ohayo gozaimasu (if you want to be more polite).

Jaheem Ali

idk if you peeped it but whenever yor came home covered in blood her brother thinks she was really out there working herself to the bone doing legal jobs lol.


Y’all think Yor ever got stuck in the dryer or sink or something?


Not sure if it's just me or not, but your video keeps freezing at 28:03.


ohayo = good morning moshi moshi = when answering the phone, like asking hello? watashi wa = to be, but not really used, except by girls


33:29 Damn, Lee looked outta frame like he was looking for the missing part of the episode, cliffhanger hit hard lmao


Those faces at the end killed me, we all have the same face

Black Hawk

Great discussion at the end


yea most courses teach that early to help with sentence structure, since alot of japanese is implied and theres formal and informal speech. you will learn later to stop using certain words during convos or change depending on who you are talking to. also for guys you will probably use ore wa(men) or even boku wa(younger males) more than watashi wa( since the language changes depending on who is speaking, watashi wa ends up being used more by females. Good luck tho japanese is tough to learn but keep sticking with it and make it a routine


Yuri doesn't know (or want to know) Yor's real job. The manga for this ep has him disillusioned that "she was working herself bloody just for me." True (sis) love is blind :)

Random Guy

@Patrick watashi is not for girls, its the polite form. The more feminine form of watashi is atashi. for younger girls it's Uchi. Jibun is also a more uncommon masculine form.


btw yuri don't know that yor is killing he is just thinking she literally working hard enough to bleed for her own injury. Narrator said when its come to his sister he is blind

Ranginald Vagel

Bro I can't believe they ended the episode there


ah yea i should have clarified i mean in informal context. yea watashi is commonly used as a formal word by both sexes, but there are so many different pronouns used in japanese that its kind of silly to focus on them all as a beginner anyways, sticking to whatever the lessons teach is enough to get the point across

Daniel Borrego

ha ha ha. they got you lee :D Not as bad as 86, but still pretty bad as far as bs cliff hangers go . Im going to assume that anya's gonna walk in and 'rescue' them at the start of the next episode. so no kiss. they might save that for the season finali


Ok, screw it, if we gonna have some random Japanesee I guess I need to learn it in the free time . . . hahahahahahaha OMG my jokes are better and better I DON'T HAVE FREE TIME :C (I mean I'm here 3days after release on fking midnight do I need to say more?) Aaaanyway Lee, what course are you using? If it's free where can I find it? :3


I'm not going to lie... That "I forgot that I forgot" line totally resonates with me. I can't be the only one who felt that. lmao. Thanks for the reaction fellas!