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~differences between manga and anime~ I can't help but wonder if they changed it to Raphtalia being with Naofumi and Rishia from the beginning because they were worried about people still not liking Rishia enough for her to be alone with Naofumi for a few episodes.

R'ja Norr

Either way, how are they going to justify some events if Raphtalia is there.


Plenty of people simp for raphtalia tho. No need for the mental gymnastics. I simp for her. She cute in her small form and she sexy in her adult form. Just don't mix the two up and u be alright lmao.


There is still hope for OST. Before she died she prayed if she was reincarnated to be with naofumi so..... Even tho her character was underwhelming due to circumstances she still may not have ended her storyline yet and may have another chance.

D.N. Attenoch

I haven't finished reading the LN's yet, but I'm about halfway through LN #17 (out of 22) and Ost has not reincarnated, so I wouldn't hold out on that happening - not anytime soon, at least. (For all I know she might reincarnate somewhere in volumes 18-22.)


You didn't have to make that comment. I didn't say she would. You basically just straight up spoiled -__- I wasn't in any rush to have her back I was just saying there was potentially hope and you ruin that for me.

D.N. Attenoch

So, I'd like to start by saying that, in the LN's, Raphtalia was NOT transported with Naofumi and Rishia. She ended up going to the same place that L'Arc, Therese, and Glass had, and those three were the ones who had to deal with Raphtalia suddenly being a child again and had to protect her until she could properly level back up. I understand why the animators chose to put her into the prison with them - because just like you guys, they knew everyone would go nuts over baby Raphtalia again - but it does render another plot point completely useless (that plot point being "This is how we find Raphtalia!"), and it's a plot point that becomes important and useful in later books, so it'll be interesting to see how they go about handling it. And to clarify since you were wondering: Raphtalia is, and has always been, 10 years old. As you said, she's like a pokemon. You level her up, and she physically grows to match the level until her body has reached full maturity. Physically, she's about 17 or 18 when fully leveled up (that's when most people stop growing IRL after all); mentally, she's still only 10 years old. No amount of leveling is going to change her mental age because only time and real life experience is going to nurture that kind of growth. Nonetheless, she's still very very mature for her age, given that she's more-or-less growing up during what might equate to a "time of war" (against the waves, not against people). Also, while I do agree that Naofumi can seemingly do just about anything he sets his mind too, I'd just like to remind you that those "Bio Plant" seeds are the same seeds that the Spear hero released onto a village, not knowing the seed was dangerous. The same seeds that destroyed the whole village, mutated into monster plants, and then started eating villagers. Ring any bells? Naofumi sold MOST of the altered seeds back to the villagers, but he kept a number of them for himself. That's why, when presented with the "bug", his gamer instincts kicked in with "Oh yeah, this little guy might just do the trick, if I reset the seed back to how it was originally." So, that sequence was mostly just a nod to Naofumi's resourcefulness and intelligence, seeing as I doubt any of the three stooges would've thought to do something as "crazy and unheroic" as releasing a monster into the world just to destroy and escape said world. :)

Coping McCoperson

after hearing you two bring up Greys Anatomy i never realized I needed a series reaction more in my life. You two would be gold lmao


Lol. I’ve seen episodes. Stallone was my favorite. I stopped watching after his tragedy. Dont wanna spoil for others. I do stop watching when my favorite characters aren’t around anymore


Fellas, the upload is much appreciated as always. I will say hopefully yall can be a little more open minded to Rishia (green haired girl) in the future, or yall form a more favorable opinion(if not its cool and understandable) The anime skipped over a lot of crucial content, and kind of butchered her introduction. As for the content skipped, she tried to kill herself in the past since she was bullied pretty badly, hence why she's timid and behaves the way she does. In episode 4 of this season we learned she's an impoverished fallen/former noble that was then forced into slavery to a corrupt noble, and Itsuka saved her (despite the fact he's still trash since the group still treated her bad) which is why she feels so indebted to him. Naofumi realized how toxic Itsuki and his party were to her, hence why he accepted her into her party. And regarding her technique (ki manipulation) it's not that it's useless (because its not) think of it like mana skin from black clover with manazone benefits (hopefully that makes sense) it's extremely difficult to learn, because it's powerful if mastered correctly. Rishia is just very very very modest (due to lack of self confidence, and talking herself down)


I’m open minded. As you pointed out. There is a lot to her character that wasn’t animated. I’m basically supposed to like her by reading things on my own about her. I can’t even use LN material in my talking points. Well anyways. I don’t actively dislike her. I just don’t feel an investment for her

Daniel Borrego

The anime failed to tell her story. dont blame the audience for not wanting to research her backstory. Its the same problem with spider isekai. Shun and the other humans we boring trash but ln readers kept trying to defend them by saying ohhh they're gonna be important. just you wait, shun and friends are key characters and its gonna be good later. well if you screw up the introduction of characters and then blame your audience for not likeing them or understanding why they are inexplicable awesome, you've failed as the story teller. I HATED the green haired girl in episode one. After all these years of waiting, naofumi and the other main cast of the first season were tossed aside to give screen time to an anoying whiny 1 dementional moe character. i dont care if she's developed in the ln and has an amazing heart felt character arc, because they havent been even close to telling that so far. I dont hate her any more, shes more of just an annoying background character.


Haha, that talk YBRL did about Raphtalia having to go through mental work to accept looking at her :D


I am just now watching this season 2 finally, but agree fully with what Daniel Borrego said here. Even going further, this show is throwing too many female characters to it and it feels going more harem route at this point. Like how hard is it to make one male character to have some variety, show will still be female dominated. And they just dismissed the other 3 heroes from the story too, wished this season was their redemption arc.