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Donte's Amaterasu

Something seems off with that tortoise familiar chick to me. Like she knows more than what shes letting on.

Toan Greenlow

Yeah they've basically skipped the entire first book for this season. S1 had the first five books, and S2 completely skipped book 6. We're now halfway through book 7. I hope they aren't going to try to cram 10 books in season 2...


I'll be honest, I was expecting more from the Shield Hero anime. This season, compared to the previous one, is a bit boring, I hope the next episodes will be more interesting. This season is not very interesting so far, and the quality of CGI has decreased in some scenes compared to last season. The only good thing about this season is the appearance of the two new characters Ost Horai and Elrasla Grilaroc (the old woman who knows martial arts).


Has anyone read Light Novel or manga? Does anyone know if this season is going to be more interesting or if it's worth watching? I don't mind so much if they skipped the content, I'm more bothered that the anime didn't show anything interesting and the CGI quality dropped compared to last season.


I really hope IT will get better soon. Season 1 is one of goats of isekai...season 2 so far is probably THE WORST isekai I had watched...most of "trash" series are at least "so horrible its funny"...this...this is just boring. I mean fuck "a lot of people died in battle". ok, sure, why should I care? I dont even know where all countrys that send troops are at the map, I dont know a single name, nothing.


I completely agree with you, season 1 was incredible. But this season (at least so far) is incredibly boring. If the whole season was going to be so boring, it would have been better not to do a season 2. Let's hope this season gets better.


I have heard that from episode 6 ish it should get really good


Hey Lee what about the post with skeleton knight vs Shield Hero. What was the result of it? :)


What do you mean? I just asked a question and read what y’all said. It wasn’t for a decision.


The season has 13 episodes, if the anime gets interesting after episode 6, it means they've wasted half the season 🥺😢😭


ooh okay i remembered it as a pole, but when looking back it was just a question. My bad


No worries. A lot of people thought i was polling. I wont stop the season but I considered making it patreon only an adding the Skeleton show. THAT I am undecided on

vardic d

This arc of the story, even in the light novels, was a lot of boring. I had trouble making it through this arc of the novels. They've cut a lot to make it as good as it is now.

D.N. Attenoch

The Spirit Tortoise fight in the LN was only one chapter long, so in terms of pacing, this episode was perfect. TBH, the actual fight in the LN wasn't very interesting in and of itself; however, it does get better. Based on the first OP itself, I have a pretty good idea of where they plan to end this season: light novel 9. But that's just based on the first OP; they may take it further than that, depending on what OP 2 shows us. But they'll definitely be covering up to the end of LN 9 this season. And I gotta say, I really loved novels 8+9, and I wouldn't blame the animators for wanting to focus the majority of the season on that content specifically. They were really fun LNs to read, imo. So keep watching; you won't regret it. :)


I feel this 2nd season is starting to suffer from something similar to Promised Neverland. Season 1 was great as it had that overarching betrayal story (Myne) similar to the 'we need to escape the orphanage' premise. Now with both seasons we're not as invested in the side stories as they're trying to rush to the big reveals/turning points. But if you rush the journey too much, the payoff also falls short :( My concerns with this season's repeat delays (despite covid) are growing sadly :(


This fight reminded me of Re: Zero whale fight, but Re: Zero did it thousand times better

Daniel Borrego

or you get the opposite like rezero season 2, cour 2 and you just get a bloated mess of a story. its hard to balance it out.