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Touch late on this reaction but I'll still put this here. Ishigami wanted Inno to lose horribly to discourage her from trying again. Put the final nail in the coffin so to say, because he disliked how she was treated. If she thought there was a chance she would continue and prolong her suffering. The pres doing the debate with her allowed her to avoid the bullying from losing. If Inno is Lawful good then Ishigami is chaotic good.

B Mowglli

14:20 - YES Adorkable! This is a huge problem with the 'do-gooder' self-righteous mentality - basically you expect everyone to have the same motivations as you and thus don't put effort into building relationships with others. Ya gotta be friendly, not in a shallow way either. IME, I'd invite students to an event for a cause & when they no-show, assume it's bc they didn't care enough. There's real importance in choosing the time/location/language of protests & events through accessible meetings with democratic decision-making, but do-gooders often act unilaterally. The only way to fix this is stronger relationships within the organization - typically through formalizing & making regular one-on-one meetings that give space for understanding other's story, motivation & efforts. Also externally - with leading members from other organizations, unions, churches, etc.


Oh Director is going to love a certain episode this season