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They said we’re doing the final final final season 🙃


BTW, I'm pretty sure that last season it was established that Floch took Eren to meet with Yelena. (And is Eren the dad? The editing mildly implied that, right?)

Osiris Cage

She's the baddest girl as in she's bad/evil. The reason he said that is because she saved Eren, when she could've let him die.


The moment Mikasa fkked up and should’ve told him the truth instead lol

Adam Vialpando

I think Eren jumped the gun at that forum. Did any of them think that if any Subject of Ymir really did support Paradis that they would declare it publicly like that. Especially seeing how they treat a refugee they simply suspect being a Subject of Ymir. The dude was a politician. He could have just been saying what the Marleyans wanted to hear to get their support. I think they all gave up way too easy. It is hard to build relationships and takes real effort. I think Eren is too tied down in his future visions. He refuses to deviate from what he sees. In a way he is a slave to his idea of freedom. I think when Sasha died is when he felt he couldn't change anything. I think he was hoping Sasha wouldn't die like he saw but when she did he broke.


The problem isn't if what Eren is doing is right or wrong. The point is does he have the power to fulfil his goal. As with all history the victor writes it. Eren already said he was going to erase their memories of there ever being any other people. So, those that are left don't know what really happen. Cause at the end of the day they wouldn't know any of this happen. So, those left behind by Eren won't feel the pain of what he had to do. For them to continue living a happy life. Remember before the wall broke Eren was happy an maybe he would have had a life with Mikasa. That all wasn't his fault an the fact his father shorten his life. All this was out of his control. But now he has the power to save his friends and people. THIS is something he can do that no one pushed onto him.


Genocide is never the answer, shame on y’all for even thinking what EREN is doing is even a little acceptable.


The end discussion was Interesting. I think people that understand both sides perspective rarely comment cause there isn't an argument to be made and to discuss. Mostly aot comments are about eren sides or Genocide NO sides.


Don't even worry about the shame, fam. I don't agree with Eren's choice either, but ain't no way I can't see the appeal, the kid has seen some SHIT. I'm a fan of his conviction for those he cares about, that's a real one (just like Floch).


Appreciate you Dantene, especially when it’s already laid out that we understand why folks don’t rock with him lol. But hey 🤷🏽‍♂️

Adam Vialpando

Is it any different than what the first Reiss king did? Sure it can be argued that without an outside enemy like Marley then life may be more peaceful. But even a century of peace within the walls didn't change humanity. There was still just as much hatred and inequality as the outside world. And Eren doesn't even plan on actually wiping the memories of everyone in Paradis. If he was it would have happened already. Plus it would go against his beliefs of not letting the freedom of those he loves getting taken away.


Honestly? I can see both sides of the argument. However, my boy Eren said he will wipe the memories of this atrocity from everyone's mind when he is done. Essentially he is reverting everything to how they THOUGHT the world was in season 1 hahaha, I can rock with that


The entire "Eren good vs Eren bad" discussion is the stiupidiest thing that ever came out from AoT community. There is ONLY one answer and it is REALLY simple. Is Eren (objectivly) the bad guy? YES HE IS. Wanting to slother 99% of the human population puts him among the worst. Anyone who thinks other way is just dumb. Is Eren doing the right thing? (from HIS perspective) YES HE IS! There is no other way, it's kill or be killed. Yea, sure a lot of innocent people will die, but fuck them. At the end of a day, when it's "us or them" situation it's his DUTY to wipe out the world to protect HIS people.


Did he actually say he would remove the memories of everyone?


He only said it to historia, given the show. It’s reasonable to expect That hed do to everyone

Prof. Walker

I can't wait for... Attack on Titan Final: Final Season: Final Part


Great discussion. At the end of the day, everyone ain't shit. But the thing is, just from perspective alone, Eren is right. From Marley's perspective, they still ain't shit. Pulled up on Paradis just based on history even though the King fled to the island. Used kids as soldiers and they still discriminate the Eldians in their own land. They ain't shit even from their perspective. That's the objective truth. Paradis had nothing to do with them, at least since it was formed and they just got massacred. So yes, Eren ain't shit objectively but he's right from his perspective. Marley is no way objectively right at all. So in the end what is it? Everyone's shit. So whether you ride on the Marley train or the Eren train, you're shit. The only way to not be shit is to acknowledge everyone ain't shit


True, I ride with Eren though, so I'll accept being shit if it means my people live