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That glowing red light on Luffy's eyes I'm sure is advance observation haki (future sight) which he unlock during the Katakuri fight.

Juan Umana

If you're curious about the One Piece timeline, Ace's visit to Wano happened before he joined Whitebeard. A small plot detail to pay attention to.


They used that red eye light for everybody in this arc so i don't think it's specifically that


Pretty sure it’s just observation haki. Of course when it’s Luffy it’s often the advanced future sight.

Kay M

yes they use the red eyes for any observation haki regardless of how strong it is


Not even kidding get used to the luffy/zoro commercial break scenes.

Thicc Thunder

I’m so excited for this arc. The animation has finally caught up with the rest of modern anime and the fights look amazing.


Facts they go on for like more than half of the arc so far


You guys gotta remember Thriller Bark when Nightmare Luffy where he wielded a sword in his small and big form

Kwame James

Not for nothing zoro said we don't have time to stop and eat but if luffy had alcohol I think it would be different also the sword luffy has is the better version of zoro sword that he threw in the air and closed his eyes and it missed his hand


Being hawking subordinate is probably better than most other pirate bosses. Would you rather die for sure as cannon fodder or give your strong boss your life and have him fight for you


Zoro didn’t got weakened by that food

Luis Salas

Luffy was 16 when he left, not 13!