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i do agree that if it had the 24 episode treatment it'll be much better because the random jump cuts did somewhat hurt the anime in my opinion. and its coming from someone who absolutely enjoys this anime. i've watched it numorous times, the cgi didnt bother me in the slightest ether b/c im aware its probably easier to animate with then drawing the certain thing moving. but i still stand by this one being one of my favorite isekai animes

Rick James

dang, y'all really judge girls by height, tits, and ass only. That's why y'all be calling these people kids and all. In reality, Shea acts the most like a child and has the most baby face out of the crew but it's ok cause she's stacked. Although the teacher is short, in no way does she gives the impression that she is a kid. rly some fcked shit. Her action in this ep also completely makes sense. Hajime was so close to dying, of course she is worried. And yea, being in another world where she is literally the adult responsible for her students, of course she wants them to stay together so they could all go home. Even Hajime understood this, that's why even though he says what he says, he ain't going to hard disrespect her like that cause he knows she is one of the few people from the class who genuinely care about his well being.


I mean ya in jest. But it’s not that serious. I judge girls by their actual age as in real life physical appearance can be wildly deceiving AdorkableNerd sister is 25/26 and can pass as 16. Most people mix up which is the oldest sister. But since we commentate passionately and talk nonsense. It’s hard to not take everything we say seriously


Loli sensei is cho kawaii desune best waifu. Adorkable doesn't like her saying how nosey she is, but you gotta understand that she feels responsible for her students since she is the only adult who came to the another world with those kids in care of her.

Mark Greene

About the classmates (as of 8:41 in this reaction :) ) They were all summoned together. As a group, they entered the Orcus Labyrinth to train. ONE of them has the Hero title, although they're all better than people of this world they've been summoned to. When Hajime was lost in the dungeon, some of them did not want to continue to train to fight. The teacher, Miss Aiko (Ai-chan), protested, and the Pope promised that only those who volunteered would be asked to fight. So now the class is split; some are with Miss Aiko, and the others continue to train to fight.


I don't understand why the teacher looks like a child, but well, Yue looks like a child because she's a vampire and can't grow old because of her regenerative powers. The teacher was annoying at first, but after Hajime explained everything that happened to her, it seems that the teacher makes the right decisions to protect her students and take them back to their world, she has no idea what to do, but Hajime will help her.

Kay M (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-23 19:55:32 for the record the teacher Ai is 25 years old. They call her Ai-chan-sensei instead of just Ai-sensei since she looks and acts much younger than she is. All of the kids are 17 year olds including Hajime and she looks their age or younger despite being in her 20s
2022-01-20 21:34:46 for the record the teacher Ai is 25 years old. They call her Ai-chan-sensei instead of just Ai-sensei since she looks and acts much younger than she is. All of the kids are 17 year olds including Hajime and she looks their age or younger despite being in her 20s

for the record the teacher Ai is 25 years old. They call her Ai-chan-sensei instead of just Ai-sensei since she looks and acts much younger than she is. All of the kids are 17 year olds including Hajime and she looks their age or younger despite being in her 20s


Additional Note about the students (Hajime included). They are all referred to as "gods chosen warriors" or something of the like, but only the one student has the "Hero" Title (or as the LNs call it, 'Job Class'). They are all called "chosen warriors" b/c they were summoned by that worlds 'god'. The Title or Job Class basically determines what the individual is capable of or their specialty. All the natives of the world they were summoned to have a Job Class, and when the students were summoned, they were all given job classes as well. Hajime's job class is Synergist, which is super common, like 1/10 natives to the world have that job class, hence the shows title being "from Commonplace". Ai-Chan's job is Farmer, which is why the kingdom sent her to go farming. Also, Ai-chan is just short. she gets a bit mistreated b/c adults confuse her for another kid, as my sister would call her "Vertically Challenged". Ai-Chan is actually a fairly decent teacher, in the LNs she's the kind of teacher that tries to go the extra mile for her students, even though they kinda dismiss her b/c even her students cant take her seriously b/c she's so short.


the next episode was the whole reason I wanted you guys to react to this series I can't wait


Thanks for the reaction. Hey guys can't wait until you get to 2nd season it is really good


Actually, all of the students were in the dungeon in the beginning but some of them got to traumatized after Hajimes fall that they couldn't continue. That's why some stayed in the palace, and some decided to help the teacher in her job instead. They all have overpowered abilities and different job classes. Only Hajime had normal stats and a really common job class. Also, they all knew about the stray spell. But they didn't investigate because they were afraid that maybe it was their spell that had gone astray in the chaos and they didn't want to find out who killed him "accidentally". Even when the knight Meld (the one that guided them in the labyrinth) wanted to find out who it was, so he could help them in their possible trauma or charge the guilty. The kingdom and the church decided against it. Because it was better if it was deemed an accident and since it was the "useless one" that fell it wasn't a big deal.


Black clover went from for episodes a week to 3 episodes a week


I cannot wait for your reaction to the next episode


Next episode is just too much LOL. Can't wait.


Hajime is the only one with a common job title synergist that a lot of people from that world have his classmates all have above average abilities compared but got scared after hajime fell and some of them decided to fight and some decided to protect the teacher and the rest are living in the castle


Damn why nasty/adorkable hating on sensei like that. She's too cute. Also ngl if i got isekai'd i would live the life of a farmer or a fisherman. Something chill


I know you guys are already way past this and on season 2, and I don't know if it's ever really explained later, but Hajime was the asocial kid in school. There were a group of kids who would always bully him, especially since Kaori was always nice to him, so the boys got jealous and so on. Anyway, when Hajime "died", the class knew that a misfire hit him, but decided to not think about it since they didn't want to think about one of their classmates being an actual murderer. So it just universally became "Hajime screwed up and that's why he died. He was always useless." Again, I'm not far into this series, and I don't know if they added this in season 2, but I feel this info should have been added earlier as to provide context of Hajime being bullied constantly and having no friends.


None of the class ever thought anyone was a murderer during this. The common belief was that it WAS an accident, but no one wanted to blame anyone for his "death". No one wanted to say "so-and-so messed up and are the reason one of our classmates are dead" so instead they said that it was Hajime who messed up and that its his own fault that he "died" in order to avoid blame being passed around in the group. Also *SPOILER* No one ever thought his death was an intentional murder (except for Hajime of course) until after Daisuke's betrayal and Kaori's death when Hajime killed Daisuke and then told the entire class about what he did.


You've already forgotten what the pope said he would do.