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Question, looking at the schedule (I looked yesterday) there was supposed to be a Young Justice released yesterday if Im not mistaken. Is this Young Justice for Today or Yesterday's upload? Also I hope Im not bothering you or anything Im just trying to make sure I fully under everything and will fully understand if something came up yesterday which delayed the Young Justice reaction at all. Have a great day or night.

Trayvon Brown

Not to get too political but Lex saying embrace and co-op reminds me of what was done to MLK. Man was hated while he was alive but now you have private prisons, the fbi, and people who would've hated him back in the day tweeting about him and trying to use his name for their agendas, smh.


Another fantastic reaction. Can’t wait for black clover and arifueta today

Jeffrey D

Megan's not a leaguer btw. She's strict team all day


About Troia, wonder Woman’s sister, typically Amazons do call eachother sister but in this case Troia is usually actually WW’s sister. In this universe she was also on the team during the timeskip between seasons 1 and 2. They couldn’t use her in the beginning because of legal issues

Brandon Gibbs

I tell ya those parents really just need to understand that this is who they are and what they do. Also WW was right! Lying and hiding their little task force plan was one thing but THIS using deception on the Outsiders was just going way too far and if BB and the others find out it ain't gonna be pretty.


They managed to annoy Lex Luthor, I'm sure Lex won't leave things like that.


23:10 Love this scene of Batman and M'gann hugging lol


Yeah Batman’s group definitely went too far this time, it’s one thing to take a dive or boost the team, but setting up an entire event like that is such leap. These kids are trying to do right and think they are making a difference, imagine hearing all your hard work has been head pat handouts from the grown ups