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Black Hawk

I'm dying laughing fam. The facial expressions comedy the confusion comedy the laughing comedy. Have to love kids 😆 🤣 😂 😹

Daniel Borrego

i think ciri is kinda like naruto in that the elder blood makes it harder for her to do normal spells where kurama made chakra control harder for naruto. but both have lots of power.


How can you praise fringilla in that scene how?


Ahhhh Geralt is a good father, Yennefer only made the wrong choices, she had a chance to get a daughter (Ciri), a husband (Geralt) she could have gotten the family she longed for so long, and let's be serious, if she had told Geralt that she had lost her power, Geralt certainly knew a way to regain Yennefer's power.

Janni Nielsen

At the end of ep 6 I was not team Yen, but her change of heart (eventhough it was to late) gives me hope that she's finally realized that she can have another purpose in life than magic. Her love for Geralt, eventhough she rejected it at first because of Geralts wish, and maybe finding purpose in being a teacher or guide to Ciri. IF Geralt and Ciri can and will trust her. And that is only if Ciri isn't lost forever because of Voleth Meir taking over her body. I absolutely love the father/daughter connection between Geralt and Ciri. Geralt have completely embrased his responsibility and love for Ciri and there is no doubt in my mind that he will do anything to protect her - even reject the only woman he's ever loved. I keep thinking about what the woman in the tempel said, that Geralt had to find what is missing in Ciri, find the balance then maybe he'll be able to save her. What if that is a mother to Ciri? She has a father now, could Yen be her mother figure? Could Geralt and Ciri look past her betrayel and make her part of their little family in order to protect Ciri. Could that fill the void Yen have always felt inside?


this show has caused me to buy the third game and it's hard choices all the time, so many times i have to question my morals of if a should pursue a greater good or chase personal goods. the world of the witcher is very grey in perspective


Deathless mother = Baba Yaga folklore story


As you can see, Ciri's lineage power activates via emotions (so this means it's shit for control rly, but kinda useful for a weapon like Lara Dorren, I suppose, since you don't need control if your goal is to KILL ALL HUMANS IN THE WORLD)


It’s like how could we not? She finally stood up for herself. Rose against the men eho were plotting to kill her unjustly. Everyone in that room was a bad person in my book including her. They laid waste to Cintra. No survivors. So i just got to enjoy the carnage because nobody in that room was a victim


I don’t remember the chakra control issue by Kurama other than the 5 prong seal messing him up or not cooperating with the sage mode?

Toan Greenlow

Daaaw your kid melted my cold ass heart Lee lol. Just sitting there watching and then it was like "Awwwwww she's adorable"

Brandon Gonzales

I waited for this episode for awhile and it’s finally here even tho I we’ll always argue over those damn subtitles


Deaaad, Lee check out your reaction from 58:16-58:27, I felt like your mind was running at million of miles per second, on some Dr Strange schit LOL... "Kill a monster..... Does he mean Yen?! No, but then again she did kidnap his daughter.... No! That would be too much, he couldn't do that to her he loves her... But! Then again he is a Witcher he does what he needs to be done.." "Wait a minute he is talking about the monster in the hut" Lol


Do you guys think Yen killed those nice parents in the woods? She mentioned it was pretty close to the battle of Sodden and she lit up the whole forest, I think that is more likely than "firefucker" finding them – no one knew she was there

Teyon Alexander

I almost died of sweetness at the start lol . My nephew used to do that kind of thing all the time. Definitely a sign of advanced critical thinking. Kids are funny. Something you’ll see in this season is a lot of callbacks or subtle nods to stories from folklore, mythology and the Bible. There’s a lot of symbolism in this season.


😂😂😂😂. I ran 14 million possibilities lol. Found 1 in which Yen can live


There’s a chance but it’s probably not the case. Because the horses were alive and the house was in relatively good condition.