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2 more episodes and things get wild


I liked it better when the show went by Black Clober. Mandela effect strikes again.


Brack Clober is my favorite show


Is my king talking about NFTs? Hell yeah thats good money to be made with that


Dope reaction yall as always yall! and Asta's probably one of my top 3 mcs in the last few years cause he's just funny af. Black Clover really do be having some comedic gold moments 😂😂😂


Ye I’m on the core team for a big upcoming NFT. The worlds crazy; but it’s pretty much like fine art digitized.

Phonic Reassignment

the fire salamander has the highest attack out of the four great elemental spirits, i think the sylph (yuno's) was agility, Earth (we think is defense) {also think it might be a gnome}.... and water spirit nymph, has the highest healing. however fana isnt all the way there notice something off about her character so her bond with spirit is kinda not existent, no bond and yet still powerful fire. yuno and the sylph have a closer bond so shes used to a better potential basically the spirits need to choose someone whom can gain sort of an attachment too.


I wonder if they’re gonna fw 63 or no. It’s one of my favorites but it’s kinda polarizing


Dragon is still there


Yooo yall are getting so close! Warning tho. Episode 63 does have some bad animation. Probably the worst in the series. But it's still pretty epic


This is one of the most false comments I have seen in. A minute, it has some unfinished background art for about a minute of the episode while the animation is still some of the highest peaks the series has ever had, the thing that differentiates it from other big episodes is that, each scenes art style is different because of the different animators art styles, which in all fairness can be a bit jarring to some people, but bottom line the animation still holds up as some of the best in the entire series


Water spirit is all rounded in defence and attack and speed