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Rick James

This was a recap episode, so idk why you watched it XD It's meant for people to watch to give themselves a refresher before starting s2. While it's not always true, a lot of episodes labeled x.5 are summaries/recaps that you should skip unless you are specifically looking for that.


Mmmm.... Key Slime Pie.

Jonathan Kernick

Yeah this is a strange epsiode, it basiclly a reffrence to a joke thing from the manga version... I have no idea why the made it, other then it being quite cheap to animate. But seeing as recaps should come before a new season not at the end of one... I dunno what who the hell this was green lit for, feels like a pump something out quick to keep a contract going because we didn't realize this was going to be a hit type thing. Oh well thanks for giving it a shot.