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Being X literally said it's gonna make tanya a blasphemer and turn the whole world against her. Being X actively instgating war is the only explanation plausible for extremely weak and underdeveloped country like dakia would even invade the empire.


37:49 it's the guy that was screaming my stomach back in medic tent when that long haired dumb girl was being bandaged. I guess he wasn't injured in battle and got food posioning from rotten potato

Sven Hegenbart

During the scene where Vicha is getting her bandage you can see people around a soldier. The scene makes it out has he was hurt during c combat but rotten food got him. In the Novel its clearer. He is also the first real soldier Tanyas loses as all the other "loses" were just drop outs of injuries but joins back later


"Fist fight me! I've lost fights! I ain't afraid to lose a fight. I'm not above that shit!" is probably the most real thing Director Nasty has ever said... and I feel that.


I don't think the war is instigated by being X, I think he's just using it as a convenient meat grinder to toss tanya into. He does seem to be feeding blessings to some others, and ideas to the mad scientist though. Technology wise, this world is having its first world war at a point in time that would be between our two world wars, 1925, plus the slow burn conflict that's been going on explains the technology level.