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Preparing to fix and i need fast access..sorry.


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You can suggest shows her to be permanently logged.


Side note, we taking a beating at the moment..my kidney stones acted up during filming, I'm much better now.  Erza is sick since recording, fortunately we found out today she doesn't have covid.  We recorded 114-115 and she wasn't herself, so bare with us guys in the next portion of growing pains.

For those that don't know, she's in the nursing field and it's been taking a toll on her more and more.......but Just like the Pirate Crew, we all taking a beating together! lol


One Piece 110-111 uncut

Watch "One Piece 110-111 uncut" on Streamable.



Hey I think you skiped 110-111, I pray that everything is going to be fine for you🙏

Peacefinder Simply

you were like uhhh, what happening, is luffy really going to lose? Yes, yes he is.


It's pretty clear at this point that Miss All Sunday (or Nico Robin, as Crocodile called her) does have her own agenda, different from Crocodile's, but at this point we don't really know much. Since we first met her, she's been sending mixed signals. Aside from following directives from Crocodile, we know she's done the following, which run counter to the interests of Baroque Works: - After Whiskey Peak, she showed up on the Going Merry, and offered them an eternal pose to Alabasta, to spare them having to wait a year for their log pose to set to the new coordinates. (Luffy broke it and refused, though) - Capturing Vivi and bringing her to the Rainbase Casino where the rest of her crew was and so she could hear details of Crocodiles plan. (She wasn't able to free them, but Sanji saved the day) - And now, saving Luffy's life.


Warning, episode 116 = new opening = big spoiler (until ep 131)


Hahaha. It was sooooooo one sided man. Lol. He pulled all the classic tricks. Big pay off coming up. I know


Ahhhh. Yeah. I didn’t even consider she wanted to hear the plan. We know she hid that she knew about Sanji!