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59 participants in the survey now. Excellent. Thank you everyone! I noticed from the free comments at the end that a few of the latest ones are non-patrons who used to pledge but dropped because of various reasons. Thank you for sharing your insights as to what might make pledging to my Patreon more appealing again!

Again, I'm going to be analyzing survey results here and it's a long read, but this stuff is likely important to a lot of people, so I urge you to read it.

Analyzing Survey Results - Part 2 - Content

Once again, first some news. In last night's shift I had a talk with my boss about quitting, and there seemed to be no issues whatsoever. I told her I'd decide during this week. There's still a period of time I must stay employed at the place after I resign, which in my case is 4 weeks, since I've been employed for over 5 years. Regulations 'n all that. Understandable though, since I'd have to help train someone to replace me. I still have summer holidays too, which I'm hoping are ok to overlap with some of the time so I don't need to stay the full 4 weeks, but anyways. More about that if we get there. Honestly, I'm pretty much decided I'm going through with this. ;)

Now then, about survey results. if I were to go in the order the questions were in the survey, next would be rewards and benefits, but I'm skipping over that for now and combine it with my plans for pledge tiers and stuff later. Instead I'm moving on to Content.

First a question about how many works you'd prefer a batch of simpler works to be if I were to publish a batch as a paid creation. Results are currently as follows:

One work - 3 votes
Two works - 6 votes
Three works - 23 votes
Four works - 10 votes
Five works - 3 votes
More than five works - 0 votes

The spread here is pretty symmetrical, showing that roughly three works would be the minimum expected, leaning ever so slightly toward four works. No one required more than five works. 14 people skipped this question.

I asked this question before and while I don't remember the results exactly I feel they were similar back then. Regardless, I don't intend to do batches often, if ever, considering that most of my time would be spent on actual paid content.

Now then, to the important question. How many works exploring fetishes and subject matter other than my usual could I publish per month without it affecting your pledge negatively?

zero - 2 votes
one - 5 votes
two - 16 votes
three - 10 votes
four - 12 votes

Again, 14 people skipped this question. These results... honestly surprised me. I've always been under the impression that most of the people supporting me here on Patreon are here only for the non-con butt stuff (trying to avoid hardcore words here since this is a public post ;P ). Apparently most people would be ok with half of my stuff being 'off-topic', with some thinking most of it could be so.

First, before the few fans who enjoy the non-con butt stuff exclusively panic and think I'm going to do a 180 on what kind of art I do, don't worry, I still plan to focus on the same stuff, but I can't ignore the fact that there are many people who would enjoy me exploring other avenues as well.

Reading further into the free comments, I noticed that people were craving for occasional consensual stuff, vaginal stuff, and in general any sort of variety. There were also wishes for more story and character development.

I'm going to try and address at least some of these wishes in the future, especially if I go pro with art. I'm likely going to survey or poll everyone about a bit more specifics so as not to explore stuff only a few might be interested in. Someone already expressed in the free comments that as long as it's not 'chicks with dicks', they'd be cool with just about anything. Worry not my friend, I don't have have any interest in doing futanari stuff, at all. Hopefully knowing that won't drive the other end of the spectrum away, but it's the honest truth. It's totally not my thing either. Maybe as a separate art commission, but definitely not as content for my Patreon.

So, what do I intend to do then? This is tricky. Like I said above, I'll need to poll you for further details before I decide specifics, but my initial plan is as follows. 

1. The first work every month would almost exclusively be non-con butt fun. This ensures that the fans of that stuff can choose to pledge only for that work (by setting their monthly max accordingly) if they so desire, without feeling like they're pledging for stuff they don't like. I also mentioned in an earlier post that when you are pledging to a 'per creation' patreon, you won't miss on posts made by the creator outside of your monthly max limit, so using monthly max won't restrict your from content. Except for possible bonus benefits, which I will definitely have for those who pledge a certain number of works every month (probably three). Hopefully it's incentive enough for some to keep their monthly max a little higher. Also, think of it this way. Right now I post maybe 1 work a month on average. Even if two of the planned four works every month would be something other than non-con butt fun, it'd still be twice as much of that stuff than before. I think it'd be pretty petty if you at least didn't keep your old pledge the same. :(

2. At least one work every month would explore something else than my usual non-con butt fun, and I'm not saying that it's non-con mouth or boob fun either, which I occasionally do anyways, but something different. Maybe stuff I used to do before switching to full butt fun mode a few years back. I do kinda miss that stuff a bit.

3. I will do consensual alternative editions of non-con stuff more often, for those who prefer con over non-con. Not of all works mind you, but definitely more often.

4. I was planning on creating a mascot/cover girl character for my pro patreon, and once I saw the wishes for character progression, I think it's even more important that I do, because that's one possible way of having character progression. She'd start off as just a decoration, but I could occasionally drop her into situations that develop her background and personality. I can't say for sure if this'll succeed, but it's worth a shot, yes? Also, I might design other recurring characters, or even bring back old ones, like the foxgirl Annie I did a bunch of pics of back in the day.

Overall, at first I'll probably do mostly non-con things like usual, but I might shift to about half the content (at most) being other stuff.

So here's a question to both ends of the spectrum. To those who are exclusively fans of my butt stuff, with these plans, would you still at least pledge like before? And to those who aren't pledged, but are considering it, would you possibly pledge with these goals in mind? Even if just $1 per work or something? Feel free to comment here, or send me a private message via Patreon's messages.

That's it for today's survey result talk. By all means, share your thoughts on content. More survey analysis tomorrow, if my schedule permits!



I've been a supporter for idk how long. I'll support where I can. I read something about a mascot girl. Make her ass huge. I think that's why most of us are here for xD

Pierre Johnson

LOL I'm okay with not huge, I suggest you make sure you have a backup communication method with your patrons. Patreon can be funny from time to time so discord has been useful for some artists to get information to people when patreon does whatever they feel like doing.


i'm here for the non-con butt stuff, but a (slightly less than) 50/50 split would not put me off i don't think, but i have to admit id be more into other non con stuff rather than more consensual stuff.


I like the butt stuff but would be happy to see a bit of variety as well!


This whole post sounds great to me! Non-con butt stuff and other smexy stuff are both fine by me. And I like the idea of a mascot.

pengin senshi

I'm probably the odd one out where while I like the butt stuff, I'm more interested in seeing the other fetishes. Well, mainly dp (so there are still butts involved!). And a mascot character would be great. I always enjoy when Sollyz Haruz make art of their Sollyz character.