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If you haven't yet filled the survey I posted two days ago, please do so if you have the time. I haven't yet reached the number of participants I'm hoping for:

The following is me analyzing some of the survey data so far. I'll be posting stuff like this daily for the next few days, so sorry in advance for the notification spam.

Analyzing Survey Results - Part 1 - Excited?!

Firstly, if I get the chance, I plan to talk to my boss in tonight's shift about arrangements in case I decide to quit the job. One step closer to being able to make a decision.

Now, let's begin breaking apart some of the survey results, starting from the less important bits. So far 41 people have participated. I'm hoping to reach 50 people minimum before posting results of the more important parts of the survey.

The first page of the survey, titled 'Excited?', simply asks how excited you are about the possibility of me going full-time on art, as well as how confident you are in my artistic skills to succeed. First, let's see how excited you are. Here's the current spread:

Not Excited - 2
Mildly Excited - 4
Somewhat Excited - 10
Really Excited - 17
Super Excited! - 8

So, most of you are really excited about the prospects, with the average excitement being between Somewhat and Really, slightly closer to Really Excited. No one skipped answering this part.

Why did I ask this question, and why is it important to me? 

I need to know my patrons are excited about this, because if they aren't, I can't be excited either. The feeling has to be mutual. I'm not sure why some people aren't excited, because I couldn't include a free comment field due to limitations on the free version of the survey. Perhaps these people might be supporting me in hopes of getting other kinds of art from me than my usual, and simply increasing the volume of what I normally do doesn't excite them. If you're one of the people voting Not Excited or Mildly Excited, I'd love to hear specifics. You can leave a comment here or send me a private message. Thanks if you do! Regardless, I'm happy with the results.

The second question asks for your honest opinion, whether you think my skills as an artist are sufficient to make living with. Results so far are as follows:

No - 0
Unlikely - 0
Possibly - 12
Very Likely - 21
Absolutely! - 7

I asked for your honest opinion, and trusting that you all did answer honestly, this was unexpected. I was expecting votes in every category. The fact that all of you think my art is good enough to at least have a chance to bring the food to the table with is surprising. I've always felt my art isn't super good, but that I provide content exploring fetishes that a lot of people desire. Thanks for believing in me and my art! The most voted option was 'Very Likely', with the votes averaging at just below the same option. One person skipped answering this part.

Now, outside the topic of survey results, I have lots of feelings going on inside me, from excitement to anxiety to fear. I'm excited about the idea of doing art on a daily basis, but also afraid about how it'd change my life, and how I'd cope with the change in the long run, and any possible issues that might arise, like Patreon suddenly deciding to change their policies and my content no longer being acceptable. The good thing is that my workplace is always in need of staff, employing over 3000 people, so even if I'd quit the job and after a while find it impossible to do art for a living, I can just make a call and be back in the same workplace quite quickly, doing similar work as now, until I decide what to try next. So, there's a financial safety net present, which makes taking the risk a little easier. I have enough savings that even if I'd do super badly with full-time art, I could survive for half a year at least. Even with half the required earnings, I'd be solid for the rest of the year. To be honest, just the thought of being able to step away from doing crappy night shifts and monotonous work for half a year feels reason enough to go through with my plans. Everything just seems to click.

That's it for today's update on things. Expect more soon!



Glad to hear that it's going well! And that last paragraph is especially exciting. :)