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another unhinged episode of this show



Off topic will y’all be watching the Shogun??

Hasnain Khan


Rashaad Taylor

This episode truly made my day, holy moly this episode is hilarious

Metweet .c

Welp. Not like barry doesn't deserve to die


Fuches really said “cheeks & another 2nd chance at a new life?…nah ima do my own thing 😎”


Mitch the Beignet Guru might be my favorite one-off side character in the show.


All of season 3 is so unhinged! Can't wait for these final 2 eps!

Oni Legend

Bro yet another episode thats just too fucking good from beginning to end. Like comedy this episode was just absolute clownshoes and that entire chase sequence is a masterpiece of cinematographic while still keeping that same absurd ass style Barry has The way they keep doing this nigga Fuches is so fucking funny because this is the 2nd time this man got everything he wanted and just threw that shit out the window like an Arby’s order. Btw, i think the way things happened with the wife at the end was just Fuches left, called Janice’s dad, went over to Chris’s wife’s house and told her(AFTER she had the conversation with Albert), and then whenever Barry showed up she had already changed from hosting an event to wanting to kill him Also Roshi thinking buddy in the truck was Pedro Pascal KILLED me bro this man lost his shit and everything

Culdesac Jadoni

Fuches went to her when he was gathering everybody. He probably went to her and Janice’s dad first since they were the 2 most important kills imo


This nigga fuches plot armour has to be studied lol


All the problems that happens in the show room is not cause of Barry, it’s fucking Fuches which is why one thing in the finale of the show. I’m not gon say what it is cause of spoilers but it pissed me off so bad.


I hope they do those first two eps were fantastic

Franklin wasn't getting away with 35mil scott free (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-29 04:07:18 These dummies ong said pedro pascal LMAOOO that gotta be racist the man looks nothing like him i'm dyiiiiingggg
2024-02-27 22:33:14 These dummies ong said pedro pascal LMAOOO that gotta be racist the man looks nothing like him i'm dyiiiiingggg

These dummies ong said pedro pascal LMAOOO that gotta be racist the man looks nothing like him i'm dyiiiiingggg


Lupa responded to me on a different post they are🙏🏾

Sincerely, the Best.

as much as Fuches sucks ass, its hard to root for Barry when he get's attacked by the families of the victims lol. other than the bikers they suck ass


This show is literal bat shit crazy and I love it 😂🤣❤️. When y'all finish Barry. You gotta check out and react to Sons of Anarchy, y'all would love it ❤️. The main character Jax Teller is a menace. 🤣😂😳. It's easily one of the best TV shows in cinema history. Right up there with Sopranos and Breaking Bad.


This show is bat shit crazy and I love it 🤣❤️. When y'all finish Barry, you gotta check out and react to Sons of Anarchy, you guys would love it ❤️. The main dude Jax Teller is a menace 😂🤣😳. Easily one of the best TV shows in cinema history, right up there with Sopranos and Breaking Bad.


looks like fuches is the main character now


The dirt bike Barry stole was jacked up because he hit it with his car, that's why it was slow af and sounded like it was about to die the whole time 😂


It's crazy how this falling out between Barry and Fuches is ruining so many people's lives! It is insane how many people are getting caught in all of this.


I think fuches talked to her before he got shot and she's just been acting normal while cooking up the plan to kill Barry. That's why she didn't say anything to the FBI agent. she doesn't want justice. she wants revenge


I think it fuches talked to her way before. They just didn't show it onscreen to make it a big plot twist. It takes longer to plan to poison somebody instead of shooting them. That shit was premeditated. She was just waiting for the right time to catch him offguard.

sotonye ogan

This Shogun series just drop, gonna check what tf is about !

rickie woodson

i dont know this man but thank you. but for future reference: 1. double tap 2. head shots only. FUCHS HAS TO GO!

rickie woodson

hank is all the peeps presented with a good man who's ready to go all in on them and they go: ewww creepy and gross, let me go chase the gangbanger drug dealing thug who's married. #fakevictims this show is too real sometimes lol

rickie woodson

yes that random HWYTHE man looks like pedro pascal...............

John Cedar

The FRIENDSHIP between Barry and Fuches was already ruining so many lives 😂

rickie woodson

im just going with "fuchs approached her off screen" dont need to focus on the timeline of it. most likely since the cop came over she was like "great time for me to spring my trap. i will have some back up"

rickie woodson

the article isnt about her husband, its about the new cop. he's the one in the story that got shot in the face and barry snapped and shot a civilian but then twisted the story around to tell a heroic version of the events. you can still see the scar on his face.

Colby Hicks

ADHD episode lmaoooo

John Cedar

That interview scene is the still the funniest shit in the show to me, holy shit 🤣

John Cedar

Yeah the red business card confirms it, that's the card Fuches gives people when he comes to them as Kenneth Goulet. Although idk if he went to her that early, because her acting (as someone hiding something) would've been really, really good in the scene with Albert. She showed absolutely no sign that something was wrong or that she suspected Barry at all.

Louis Kalman

I never even understood at what point in the show Fuches became an antagonist. He just started periodically messing with Barry out of jealousy and it somehow escalated back and forth.

sotonye ogan

See, I think Fuchs told her way before he got shot which is very interesting cuz that laugh she gave when she said " he seems to like it "(at 3:50) felt Hella fake and forced. 😂

Jamaal Ellison

Bill Hader continues to spaz the fuck out on these episodes. The editing,sound design, Direction, and camerawork have been exceptional.

Jamaal Ellison

The universe continues to throw Fuches life rafts and he refuses to take them. He's had two baddies trying to take care of him and he's fumbled both times.


Hope at some point you all can squeeze in some room on the schedule for Shogun.


What's crazy is for a second I believed you when you said it was him 😭



Just GJ

This is my favorite episode in the whole series, the beignet by Mitch, the banshe scene, the bike chase... all comedy gold 😂

Gmac paddiewac

the rest of this show will just ramp up

Elle E.

the amount of randomness in this episode lol


NGL I thought that was Pedro Pascal too for a minute 😂

Corey Leach

Man, this nigga Fuches had two great chances to let Barry go and live a peaceful life on a farm with a baddie and said nah lmao. Fk Gene btw cuz he ain't shit.

Anna Anthony

When Fucks got his shoulder pierced I said, 🔫 *Kim Kardashian Voice*: "Its what she deserves" 😊


lupa looks good!


He did kinda look like Pedro with a few extra decades and a bit of homeless mixed in


Needs to know who be hooking up lupas hair. Look good fr


Im so done with fuches


On my first watch of this, it was that Fuches went to her to tell, it just happened off screen so it could shock us like a plot twist, hence why the Ghoulet card was on the table. She must of been the first person Fuches went to when he got back in town

Mun Pi

Fred Melamed, the guy with the epic voice who plays Gene's agent, was in a movie called "In a World..." where he played a guy who does movie trailer voice-overs.

Jaelyn Mcgee

I don't what it is about Fuches that had two separate women throwing themselves at him and wanting to build a life together but his rizz is insane. Like Idk how long it was since Anita met him, but she's gotta be desperate to wanna be his gf after a week or two at most and as usually he throws it in the trash because he can't stand not having 100% control of barry's life and being all he cares about


Port mafia is a part of the Barry universe
