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“Ima get my ass beat so bad it whoops your ass” Their fight in a nutshell

Hasnain Khan



Please don't turn it off🤣🤣🤣


Yea Retsu was full pussy for that😂

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

It was the willingness to possibly lose his eyes that Hanayama was referring to. Since Chiharu is a anything it takes to win type of fighter to an absurd degree and even he couldn't bring himself to do it.

timethy girkins

Guys..I personally believe big dude sent chibaru to Baki so Baki can understand you need perseverance especially for his fight with his pops!!

Charlie baker (edited)

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2024-02-27 21:39:47 For reference shibas fighting style is basically scrapping no higher thought blow for blow idgaf about my body or that im losing or anything. Basically the least skill highest effort brawling with no concern for himself or his opponent whatever he can do to win
2024-02-27 21:31:54 For reference shibas fighting style is basically scrapping no higher thought blow for blow idgaf about my body or that im losing or anything. Basically the least skill highest effort brawling with no concern for himself or his opponent whatever he can do to win especially using injured parts pf his body to relentlessly attack. Iirc he used he broke his hand during maxium and then further smash it into pieces and wrong angles before using it to attack his opponent violently, the ultimate tis but a flesh wound fighter.

For reference shibas fighting style is basically scrapping no higher thought blow for blow idgaf about my body or that im losing or anything. Basically the least skill highest effort brawling with no concern for himself or his opponent whatever he can do to win especially using injured parts pf his body to relentlessly attack. Iirc he used he broke his hand during maxium and then further smash it into pieces and wrong angles before using it to attack his opponent violently, the ultimate tis but a flesh wound fighter.

Charlie baker

And its not about baki being stronger its about him being able to pull a more shiba like self endangering move then even shiba himself could pull off, homie basically stole his flow but did it better


The point Hanayama was making wasn't about physical ability, but guts, since that's what Chiharu is know for. Like "could YOU ram your eyes into someone's fingers on purpose? No? So Baki has more guts than you". That's why Chiharu was like "to be fair, I think he knew he wouldn't blind himself".


By the way, the anime skipped it (probably because it's really dumb), but in the manga the champion Bolt is supposed to be Usain Bolt, who moved on to boxing after conquering the running world.


Kegan ashura after this

General Grevious

I hope y’all know this is the most respect we gonna get with real world boxers in Baki😂

Nick Vaughn

I’m sorry but Lupa getting pissed at the foolishness was killing me 😂😭

J Man

Lupa's right... IT'S STILL FEBRUARY!!! 🤷🏾‍♂️

J Man

This "Bolt" guy better not be Usain Bolt...

danial javady

Jumping isn't illegal, it's not written in the rules. Chavez even did it to Mayweather. It would just be stupid to do a jumping punch because you're making it harder to generate power behind the punch. Also refs don't encounter it often at all so you'll get questionable calls. Edit: Ok I wrote that comment at around like 14:55. It's now 15:05 and I am turning off the television.

Mubarez Ahmad

All this fuckery doesn't seem that weird in the manga but seeing it animated just makes it awkward af. But I still love the franchise dearly, up until the point where we learn that Yujiro r*ped a dude

Devin B

The whole point of Baki fighting Chiharu imo was to show that you can't beat someone unless you break their fighting spirit. Chiharu wouldn't give up fighting Baki no matter how much Baki beat on him but as soon as Baki showed that he was willing to do something as crazy as purposely getting his eyes poked, that showed Chiharu that he couldn't reach that level of spirit.


Naw I’d say the most respect was when we saw Yujiro showing his respect to Ali

Charlie baker

Oh for sure so many little things that make perfect sense as an og watcher just dont line up perfect if you only watched 2018 on

Devin B

Roshi: Retsu couldn't beat him by boxing rules Sir everything Retsu did was within the rules of boxing. His style is really unorthodox but still not against the rules.


Lupa bout to be extra triggered now cause we Jamaican and Retsu bout to crack his shit open 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Justin Hearst

Don't give up on the show guys!!! You've dove this far into the madness, you might as well finish. Plus this show gave some of your best reactions so far.


Chiharu’s fighting style is using his weaknesses against his opponents to destroy their confidence. He willing to fight with broken bones and fingers but losing his eye sight is something even he wouldn’t do. Baki being willing to risk his eyesight in a fight again chiharu shows that Bakis fighting spirit is even higher that Chiharu’s regardless of their gap in strength

Devin B

That made me lose all respect for that dude. Idk what the author was thinking adding that to his character.


This sh*t is part of the reason why I like Kengan Ashura than Baki. Boxing and other kinds fighting styles or martial arts are equally respected. Y'all should check it after you finish with Baki.

Stephen D

Also, "How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift?" as a duo. Same universe as kengan

Vincent S Deluca

You can jump and do all that in Boxing no rules against it, there just really isn’t much benefit to doing it since you lose all your leverage and mobility, it worked the first time as a surpise attack but even Retsu got it thrown in his face when using it again

J Man

It shouldn't be him because Bolt runs. Baki challenging runners now. We did get Che Guevara once though, so anything is possible


Lol they are not giving up Roshi been clowning on this show since day one with all the laughs cant u see they actually enjoy it

Devin B

Basically it's a what if scenario, Bolt was able to transfer his explosiveness from running into boxing


seconded they would probably like it more since its less off the walls goofy shit


They making fun bout the roach but musta forgot how it did RDC 😂

Tyler Cauthen

Lupa your hair is immaculate


14:03 hit em with the mk1 combo

Vincent S Deluca

Next 7 eps are the real season lol

CAM (edited)

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2024-02-29 06:51:37 Yes you can jump in boxing, they technically already do that and even “Superman” punch but obviously no one can jump do what Retsu did, also lupa should definitely review his rule knowledge lmao
2024-02-29 05:52:29 Yes you can jump in boxing, they technically already do that and even “Superman” punch but obviously no one can do what Retsu did, also lupa should definitely review his rule knowledge lmao

Yes you can jump in boxing, they technically already do that and even “Superman” punch but obviously no one can do what Retsu did, also lupa should definitely review his rule knowledge lmao


Lupa gotta get a few lessons in boxing lmao doing back flips and shi on the ring isn’t illegal, as long as u aren’t kicking or kneeing your opponent then it doesn’t matter, at the end of the day u are using up ur own energy for such a feat, u can also do the whole windmill punches as well (that thing retsu did vs pickle in their fight) it’s not illegal, u can even do a jump punch, again this aren’t done in a real match because it’s not conventional and it gives more downsides than upsides a jump punch loses a lot of weight and it leaves u open for a punch to your stomach which u really wouldn’t want. Retsu isn’t breaking boxing rules, he’s breaking the rules of gravity and human anatomy


Retsu isn’t breaking boxing rules he’s just breaking the rules of the universe at this point man landed like 4 punches mid air


Bro cheating buddy got a gun in his glove