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Loved every moment of this show! Such a great watch!


Jamaal Ellison

*Sigh I just want to take it nice and slow. 😭


Midnight mass next?👀


Midnight mass!!


Midnight Mass is a MUST next !


Pumped for some possible Midnight Mass

Jamaal Ellison

You know that's probably a big part of why the sister didn't have any kids. There wouldn't be a point.

Red Death

Fortunato is the name of the guy in the Cask of Amontillado who suffers the same fate as Griswold.

Jamir Blue

You can think of the deal and the terms as having changed. When he made the deal he only had two kids but time went on and he continued to have kids and his son had a kid. But the deal at the time was the next generation foots the bill, you and your bloodline will die. At the time his bloodline was his sister and his kids. But as time passed because Roderick had kids and his bloodline grew. Resulting in his granddaughter ending up becoming part of the deal. Had it been specified his kids then the granddaughter would have been spared. However, it was the next generation, his bloodline. Which covered the uncertainty of the future. The sister was smart she understood the terms and didn’t have kids.


I thought this show was pretty good, but I still think Midnight Mass felt so much more impactful with its characters. There's a few scenes from that series I just won't forget and I really do think that it's Mike Flanagan's best work so far. And it'd be funny watching it now since some of the same actors from Usher are in that too. 😂 I hope you guys check it out after this, since you had a good time with Usher! It was fun rewatching with yall lol.


The thing about the show is it was never about morality she said when the deal was made they could do whatever they want but when its time to collect the whole bloodline ends. The only reason the other kids deaths seem like it is because Verna was just a mirror showing them who they are

The thing that flows

I've been hearing this subtle buzzing in your audio lately.

Bria A.

Justice for Lenore, but I get it, Death doesn’t play favorites (but it does show mercy). 😔


So Verna is an anagram for Raven and really supports the idea of her being a spirit of fate


Midnight Mass is a must!!!!

Delinda Arts

Personally I think they should just said “bloodline” and left the word “generation” out of the deal.

Delinda Arts

Is midnight mass gas like Peak of Usher?


When she said something about shooting somebody on 5th Avenue she was talking about Donald Trump😆😆😆😆


Yes! Midnight Mass and Black Sails as a trio reaction please!


please watch the midnight mass. IMO my best to (not worse but) not as strong: Hill house, Midnight mass and House of Usher close tie, bly manor. I havent watched midnight club but thats where perry is from


Footing the bill to the next generation doesn't mean that the generations that follow after that are scot free. The deal is a metaphor for how destructive a lot of these types of companies are in real life. They don't build anything or make things that are sustainable, they just suck out the life out of the planet and population. They know they'll die before they really get to see the consequences of their actions and that it'll be everyone else who comes after who will have to clean up after them. The difference is that Verna dismantled everything and saved Rod and Mad for last so they could see the consequences of their actions.


Also, in the end the show is ultimately about consequences and actions. There are a lot of things you can't control but it's about the things you can change. All the kids had no control over the deal their elders made, so they were all going to die in the end, but they could've not been assholes. The grand daughter was the only one who died a peaceful death and had a lasting legacy that outlived her. Everyone else died violently and left behind nothing but a trail of destruction.


I wonder after midnight mass if they would watch the midnight club same dude just different direction


now midnight mass maam and sir.

Bria A.

they were able to point out that juno’s actress was in midnight club when she first showed up so i assume they’ve seen it?


Lenor broke me i actually wanted her to live happily but W ending

Hasnain Khan



Just about the wording of the contract. If you interpret her use of the words "next generation" as just the generation of all his kids, well his kids are all from different generations lol the age gap between Perry and Freddy is like ~30 years. So she had to have meant all generations after Roderick and Madeleine. But she did elaborate on what she meant by next generation by mentioning all Ushers born and yet to be born depart the stage together before they agreed. I think anyway


Really interesting move to make a horror story where terrible things happen to terrible people. You have to be really on-point with the writing to make characters who are both compelling and truly awful, which each of the Ushers were. Just the absolute worst, every one of them except Lenore.


If you think about it, them doing bad and taking that deal ended up creating even greater good after the fact to saving even more lives over the world than they killed 🤔

Cameron Robinson

I think the linchpin moment that changed their fate was whether they betrayed Auggie. If Rodrick didn’t I think he would have lost his job, been black listed from any company, and probably lived a life as poet as a career but took odd jobs to make money. In this timeline, Auggie would have probably been his family friend and they would have helped each other but never really got to far out of poverty.


42:00 Implying Trump made a deal with the devil lmao


Wait Verna is an anagram for Raven….im mad it just clicked this episode


I think so as well....but it was probably easier to say generations so Roderick didn't even attempt to adopt or leave that up for debate as a loop hole if that makes sense


No, just the things they did created good as an after effect, kinda like how villains make heroes in a sense.


The key contractual term is "your bloodline ends with you." No ambiguity there.


Not sure that was a net positive. All the lives saved by the Phoenix Foundation multiply exponentially because they help others in turn over time. Conversely, all the deaths and suffering due to ligodone are legion, and all those people and deaths hurt others in turn. I suspect the deal was a net negative for humanity.


She did use the word bloodline. Not sure how people are getting confused.

J Man

You guys doing Sweet Home Season 2? It's already looking way better than Season 1


they said they were but roshi saw the comments about us not wanting it so he's gonna do a poll for it


yea roshi would have lost that court case in a good 30 seconds

Nate D.

Naah they said "let the next-generation pay the bill" , even if they called it the bloodline after its b.s.


so just because people want stuff that gives you an excuse to sell shit to them that lady was evil and just wanted money and nothing to blame on consumers it was funny how she died

Danger Tomato

Midnight mass is better

Samuel XK

yeah, midnight mass was way different too. Fall of the house of usher it was more of the same, in my opinion. To this date, i think the first series and midnight mass were the more creative of the bunch


Great show. The last show that I watched it all in one sitting like this was Squid game, and it is totally worth it. There is one thing that I dont understand though: if the price is their bloodline and their deaths are predetermined, why did the lady have to warn them (Perry, Camilla and Leo)?


Yeah her whole "We're not the villains, we're just playing along in an already fucked up world" is trash.


The only usher I felt bad for was Lenore. She really got the short end of the stick.

Reckless Company

This is wild even if the ushers were good it didnt matter since the deal was the whole bloodline gets clapped once the dad time was up thats crazy


I believe that Verna is the embodiment of "Karma". She approaches when individuals make a wrong choice, Mad and Rod killing their boss, give them an ultimatum and they decide. Their deaths are contingent on what they do in their life.


To follow up with the "Karma" thing, karma works like give and take. You receive something and in return you give something. The same deal that Verna offers.


Btw Verna made it clear in the terms. She said "next generation" thinking that they wouldn't have any grandchildren because of this deal. That's why she seemed disappointed when she said, "I didn't think I'd have to spell out the world 'bloodline'".


What I think it was was that they couldve had nicer deaths if they listened to her and did the right thing in the end


I can't wait to watch Midnight Mass with you all. I think you'll dig it!

Corey Leach

Now that I think about it, I wonder did Rod and Maddy's parents make a similar deal with Verna to be successful. That would explain how their mom came back from the dead, killed the father, and then died again.

Vivian Woods

so it just clicked with this last convo between verna and pym. he told the ushers that in his travels he found that the earth was hollow and that there are mystical entities with powers there........she said she had to "go topside" to see the expedition and that thats when he saw her.....which means shes just confirmed that in this story there are ancient powers that live inside the hollow earth.......shes either some kind of interdimentional demon/devil/angel of death....or is quite literally some primordial power manifest due to interest in human beings.

Bobby Robinson

This story was absolutely crazy


I dont get how Madeline understood that consumers are just fed slop and then blames them for it. She says the system is used against them and then uses it for her own self gain. I cant respect her personally.

My Big Little Brother (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-09 00:31:09 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.
2024-02-07 19:22:45 Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.

Absolutely love Midnight Mass. That show really hits all the marks when it comes to poignancy. Provoking thought. Good stuff.


Verna also said during negotiations that they could've done good with the company. They always had a choice if they would do good or bad after that deal. Lenore did good and it had a positive effect that will save millions vs. her grampa who caused millions of deaths.