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they popped off!


Devin B

Top is off rip my favorite character because he's the young prodigy type like Killua or Hitsugaya


Bro got the avengers called on him


You got two doomsday scenarios because of the main characters being attracted to one another... 1. Andy & Fuko make love, the world is done. 2. If Fuko has Andy's child... That is a Qusai-Multiversal GGWPs, gang. This show is sick as a beetch, bruh!


I can't believe how well they did with this episode, not only did they extend the fight with Union and Victor for the whole group to show off, they made the kiss so perfect, LOVING this adaptation!

Avani Marks

As someone who’s read the manga you guys quick to finding out stuff that will be explained later. Y’all are the best

Hasnain Khan



They’ll explain the victor and Andy thing wayyyy down the line don’t worry

Musical Esscence

Now this is an Avenger's level threat!

Louis Kalman

Sheeragan was on point this episode.


I cannot reveal too much info as a Manga Reader... Let's just say... Vild.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

Wtf is Top’s ability ? And is the guy with the sunglasses blind cuz every time something happened he was looking the opposite direction and questioning shit 😭


That's a good question, what would happen to fuko's kid after birth. Does reality just shatter. That's almost a year touching your child that you will have an unquantifiable love for. Unless postpartum depression kicks in lmao, that might save the kid.


Bro I really wanted the episode to fit in the quest results part, rip


Obviously it's speed. I mean, I'm not gonna say the exact "un" word, but he's clearly moving fast. That's really all you need to know.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

I mean I know it’s speed but I was wondering what the name and stipulations are. If he’s with the negators he has to negate something so that’s what I was wondering


Gotchya. Well, I mean, you COULD potentially figure it out just fro mthis episode if you're good at reaching into your mental thesaurus. When it gets revealed, you're gonna have a "duh why didn't I think of that" kinda moment. Lol.

Devin B

Lol wow I'm surprised I didn't realize it since Bakugo's one of my favorite characters


Not the "backstory" 🤣🤣


I guess Rules are "not always" rules. This is very interesting power system I must say.

Gustavo Rincon

Bro, they will lose their shit if they know how old is Victor


I'm assuming this is something similar to that guy in gintama, Gintoki's teacher I mean. Interesting


They made sure you remember she’s 18


Also, Shin HAD to be the one deciding factor to stop Victor.


no they dont they never adress it. also fuuko dies next episode and the series gets renamed to undead unfuck


Bruh if they smash it's over!


I've already got my theory, since he's Undead; the antithesis to Death lol

Delinda Arts

Not gonna hold you. I read that first sentence in Lupa’s comment section voice 💀

Delinda Arts

I’m glad lupa noticed the avengers theme bc that’s all I was thinking of last episode when they pulled up like endgame.


Where’s the schedule??


seems like victor must have been part of the roundtable at one point since he seems aware of how it worked. I agree with you guys for once tho victor must be mad old since he's literally undeath and the date on andy's chest that only shows up when he in control must be when this personality was created. I think its implied they did catch "victor" thanks to Gena trapping him which makes sense there would be nothing he could do if she got the drop on him.

Orlandez Malone

Shen really does have the craziest arch..........And he doesn't wear underwear👀


Victor is giving SSJ4 Goku X Madara Vibes @8:38 : I just thought about this but back in the first episode how "Andy" doesn't know his name is because of the piece that goes in his head that cuts off that part of his memory so maybe his birth name is Victor but we know him as Andy which makes it seem like he has split personality but really he's not his complete self with piece inside his head just a theory idk anything about this anime besides what i've watched up to this point.


Home girl really just switched to the Sage job and casted meteor on him 😭


If she mash it’s over 🤣🤣🤣 had me done 🤣


Yeah Andy shojo manga are pretty good when you're a whole Shonen but he was right tho no lies there are some amazing Shojo manga out there. All I could think of was sonic or dash watching top run but after this episode I'm most curious about Phil and Tatiana. Is Phil a real boy because Victor mentioned it being amazing he was still conscious with all the artifacts in him jeez he probably has the most terrible backstory. Tatiana has a terrible one too probably because I assume a person is in that ball Billy was feeding someone also it was hilarious to me seeing Billy riding on top during the fight 🤣. I wonder if they're father and daughter the way they act with each other but the way Billy kept asking what the whole episode was weird I thought it was for comedy but I'm starting to think otherwise now.


It took Lupa 9 episodes to agree that they should both be locked up when that was what they tried to in ep 1 lmao


I think hes blind. When tatiana was pointing her gun at him earlier in the season he was like "did it get hot in here" like he couldn't see it. Also a blind sharpshooter with the power to never miss would fit this show.


yes hes in jh, they have it go till 9th grade which is why its makes it confusing for things like tokyo revengers if youve never heard of that